View Full Version : [SOLVED] [Python] Problem with pushing two objects at a time to heapq

May 27th, 2011, 08:21 PM
The way I understand it, when you push a tuple to a list using heapq.heappush, Python assumes that the element (number) at index 0 is the priority of the item. The elements at index 1 to till-Python-can-take-it, are irrelevant.

If that is so, I can't understand what Python3 is complaining about in here,


while i < limit:
cost = neighbor_nodes[i].__manhattan_distance() + depth
candidate_tuple = (cost, neighbor_nodes[i], current_node[PUZZLE_INDEX])

if candidate_tuple in traversed:
print("heapq.heappush(", choice_space, ",", candidate_tuple, ")")
heapq.heappush(choice_space, candidate_tuple) #Mark this line!
print("Valid push!")

i += 1

(Of course, that's just a snippet. Will post more is needed.)

Sorry for the spacing. Assume it works.

For which it can produce a trace like

heapq.heappush( [] , (28, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b48c>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>) )
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>
Valid push!
heapq.heappush( [(28, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b48c>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>)] , (26, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb75d91cc>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>) )
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>
Valid push!
heapq.heappush( [(26, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb75d91cc>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>), (28, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b48c>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>)] , (27, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b4ac>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>) )
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>
Valid push!
heapq.heappush( [(26, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb75d91cc>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>), (28, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b48c>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>), (27, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b4ac>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>)] , (28, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb761b46c>, <npuzzle_oo.Npuzzle object at 0xb762546c>) )
<class 'list'>
<class 'tuple'>

And then an error message,

File "filepath/filename.py", line 416, in solve
heapq.heappush(choice_space, candidate_tuple)
TypeError: unorderable types: Npuzzle() < Npuzzle()

(Line 416 is the line commented with "Mark this line!")

Anything I'm missing? Why was it successful in pushing the first few times then suddenly throws an error?


May 28th, 2011, 06:16 AM
Found an answer to my own question. It seems that, when keys are equal, Python resorts to comparing the values by call to __lt__.
