View Full Version : Python Problem: Is it "pointers" or....?

May 21st, 2011, 08:00 PM
Hi all. I'm trying to create an n-puzzle solver in Python. I've coded my A* but it doesn't work as I expected.

def solve(self):
depth = 1
current_state = deepcopy(self)
path = []

while not current_state.is_solved():

move_left = deepcopy(current_state)
move_right = deepcopy(current_state)
move_up = deepcopy(current_state)
move_down = deepcopy(current_state)


next_states = [i for i in range(len(MOVEMENTS))]
next_states[MOVEMENTS["LEFT"]] = move_left
next_states[MOVEMENTS["RIGHT"]] = move_right
next_states[MOVEMENTS["UP"]] = move_up
next_states[MOVEMENTS["DOWN"]] = move_down
mindex = Npuzzle.__get_min(current_state, next_states, depth, path)

print("Has it been there? " + str(next_states[mindex] in self.path)) # FUNNY LINE 1
print("Have we been there? " + str(current_state in path) + str(mindex)) # FUNNY LINE 2
print("Are they in the same state? " + str(Npuzzle.__is_same_state(current_state, next_states[mindex]))) # FUNNY LINE 3

depth += 1

return path

def __get_min(self, current_state, next_states, depth, path):
i = 0
limit = len(next_states)
costs = list(map(lambda puzzle_state: puzzle_state.__manhattan_distance() + depth, next_states))
#Will hold (current minimum, index of current_minimum)
minimum = (max(costs) + 1, max(costs) + 1)

while i < limit:
this_cost = next_states[i].__manhattan_distance() + depth
if this_cost < minimum[0] and \
not Npuzzle.__is_in_path(next_states[i], path): # FUNNY LINE 4
minimum = (this_cost, i)

i += 1

return minimum[1]

def __is_in_path(puzzle, path):
i = 0
limit = len(self.path)

while i < limit:
if not Npuzzle.__is_same_state(puzzle, self.path[i]):
return False

i += 1

return True

def __is_same_state(p1, p2):
i = 0
limit = len(p1.puzzle)

while i < limit:
if p1.puzzle[i] != p2.puzzle[i]:
return False

i += 1

return True

What is of interest to me are those lines I marked as funny. From FL4, the next state which will be returned is a state I never encountered yet. However, FL0 prints False, then FL1 (checking if current_state returned to a state already encountered) prints True and yet so does FL2. I'm confused >.<

Something funnier...

Code above behaves like this: Puzzle solves normally till it moves, say, cell at (row, col) upwards so it becomes (row - 1, col). Next step, (row - 1, col) will be moved to (row, col) into an endless loop, tile traveling back and forth.

Change FL4 to

next_states[i] not in path

and, when it reaches move up on (row, col) I don't see it move at all (i.e., puzzle state doesn't change in my print log).

I understand why my program behave as such---that's why I'm checking if the state has already been encountered. However, I don't understand how "not Npuzzle.__is_in_path(next_states[i], path)" is any different from "next_states[i] not in path". Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks a lot!!!

May 22nd, 2011, 10:45 AM
Hi all. I'm trying to create an n-puzzle solver in Python. I've coded my A* but it doesn't work as I expected.

def solve(self):
depth = 1
current_state = deepcopy(self)
path = []

while not current_state.is_solved():

move_left = deepcopy(current_state)
move_right = deepcopy(current_state)
move_up = deepcopy(current_state)
move_down = deepcopy(current_state)


next_states = [i for i in range(len(MOVEMENTS))]
next_states[MOVEMENTS["LEFT"]] = move_left
next_states[MOVEMENTS["RIGHT"]] = move_right
next_states[MOVEMENTS["UP"]] = move_up
next_states[MOVEMENTS["DOWN"]] = move_down
mindex = Npuzzle.__get_min(current_state, next_states, depth, path)

print("Has it been there? " + str(next_states[mindex] in self.path)) # FUNNY LINE 1
print("Have we been there? " + str(current_state in path) + str(mindex)) # FUNNY LINE 2
print("Are they in the same state? " + str(Npuzzle.__is_same_state(current_state, next_states[mindex]))) # FUNNY LINE 3

depth += 1

return path

def __get_min(self, current_state, next_states, depth, path):
i = 0
limit = len(next_states)
costs = list(map(lambda puzzle_state: puzzle_state.__manhattan_distance() + depth, next_states))
#Will hold (current minimum, index of current_minimum)
minimum = (max(costs) + 1, max(costs) + 1)

while i < limit:
this_cost = next_states[i].__manhattan_distance() + depth
if this_cost < minimum[0] and \
not Npuzzle.__is_in_path(next_states[i], path): # FUNNY LINE 4
minimum = (this_cost, i)

i += 1

return minimum[1]

def __is_in_path(puzzle, path):
i = 0
limit = len(self.path)

while i < limit:
if not Npuzzle.__is_same_state(puzzle, self.path[i]):
return False

i += 1

return True

def __is_same_state(p1, p2):
i = 0
limit = len(p1.puzzle)

while i < limit:
if p1.puzzle[i] != p2.puzzle[i]:
return False

i += 1

return True

What is of interest to me are those lines I marked as funny. From FL4, the next state which will be returned is a state I never encountered yet. However, FL0 prints False, then FL1 (checking if current_state returned to a state already encountered) prints True and yet so does FL2. I'm confused >.<

Something funnier...

Code above behaves like this: Puzzle solves normally till it moves, say, cell at (row, col) upwards so it becomes (row - 1, col). Next step, (row - 1, col) will be moved to (row, col) into an endless loop, tile traveling back and forth.

Change FL4 to

next_states[i] not in path

and, when it reaches move up on (row, col) I don't see it move at all (i.e., puzzle state doesn't change in my print log).

I haven't checked in detail but it's indeed possible to see things you haven't seen before. A variable name in Python refers to an object which means you can alter any object that refers to that variable as well. For example, you can do:

>>> p = [1,2,3]
>>> q = p
>>> q[0] = 5
>>> p
[5, 2, 3]

In this situation it may seem obvious but it can also occur in more complex situations when you're not carefully making a new list.

I understand why my program behave as such---that's why I'm checking if the state has already been encountered. However, I don't understand how "not Npuzzle.__is_in_path(next_states[i], path)" is any different from "next_states[i] not in path". Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks a lot!!!

From what I can see it has to do with equality between the objects. The function Npuzzle.__is_in_path calls Npuzzle.__is_same_state which explicitly compares p1.puzzle[i] with p2.puzzle[i]. But could p1 and p2 also have other attributes on which they can be equal or not equal? If you use
next_states[i] not in path then it uses the equality function of a next_states[i] object, which may give different results. If you want to change the behaviour then you have to define
def __eq__(self, other) for that object. For example, you can do:

>>> class A:
... def __init__(self):
... self.a = 3
... self.b = 5
>>> A() == A()

but also:
>>> class A:
... def __init__(self):
... self.a = 3
... self.b = 3
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return self.a == other.a
>>> A() == A()