View Full Version : GTK2 Adwaita theme

May 18th, 2011, 02:13 PM
The Adwaita GTK2 and GTK3 themes look different, and I don't like this fact at all. I use Natty Narwhal and I have compiled GNOME 3 with JHBuild. So, most of my apps are still GTK2 apps. The only GTK3 apps I have are Rhythmbox and Brasero. Seriously, Nautilus and Rhythmbox side-by-side look horrible. So, could someone port the GTK3 Adwaita theme to GTK2 using the pixmap engine? For example, glossy menubars and brownish shadowy toolbars. I need them in GTK2.

Please upload them when you can. I really need them to make my JHBuild GNOME Shell desktop feel really integrated with GTK2 apps, not having Rhythmbox and Brasero look like they belong to a different widget toolkit! :mad: GNOME guys should really put more work in theming!

May 19th, 2011, 05:21 AM
Not Adwaita, but I've made a GTK3 theme that fits somewhat with the GTK2 theme that I've also made.

You can get it here: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Derpity-GTK3-208805615 or here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=141726
It's not spot-on yet. The GTK2 theme looks better, but that's because of some extreme limitations in the GTK3 CSS engine that's not easy to work around.
(Note: The GTK2 theme requires gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk2-engines-pixbuf to be installed.)

May 20th, 2011, 07:50 PM
Not Adwaita, but I've made a GTK3 theme that fits somewhat with the GTK2 theme that I've also made.

You can get it here: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Derpity-GTK3-208805615 or here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=141726
It's not spot-on yet. The GTK2 theme looks better, but that's because of some extreme limitations in the GTK3 CSS engine that's not easy to work around.
(Note: The GTK2 theme requires gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk2-engines-pixbuf to be installed.)

Looks good, but I am happier with Adwaita >.< I was actually asking for a GTK2 pixmap port of the GTK3 Adwaita theme (use a CSS rendering tool and snap them into pixmaps, easy), not a GTK3 port of the GTK2 Adwaita. I do not want GTK3 themes, just GTK2. But if someone would make a theme that integrates well with Adwaita GTK3, including some components visible at first glance, I would be happy too. Thanks anyway for the reply. By the way, I don't feel like changing my Mutter theme.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:48 AM
Edit: I got so dang fed up by this ClearBikinis (just kidding) theme that I started working on a GTK2 theme called Advaicium that is really incomplete in the state it is right now, but it should feed the ones who are banging their head on their LCDs with GNOME 3 when they realize that their beloved GTK2 apps look totally out of place on their desktops. It is still based on Clearlooks, but it includes glossy menubars, brownish toolbars and Murrine buttons that are themed to look like Adwaita (good job, Murrine!). I will share it with you when it's complete enough (what, no notebook tabs yet? :/ )