View Full Version : g++: Cannot compile template class functions

May 7th, 2011, 11:09 PM
I am trying to compile the ESP library located here: http://nn.cs.utexas.edu/?esp. The code is old and I had to make some modifications to it in order to compile. However, I am stumped on how to get the Population class to compile:


#ifndef _POPULATION_H_
#define _POPULATION_H_

/*! \file Population.h

//! A NeuronPop class
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include "Network.h"

using namespace std;

class Neuron;
class Network;

template<class T>
class Population {

Population(int, T&);
// Population(const Population &s);
void create();
// virtual void create(int, int, int); // creates a random subpopulation of neurons
struct max_fit : public std::binary_function<T*, T*, bool> {
bool operator()(T *x, T *y) { return x->getFitness() > y->getFitness(); }
void destroyIndividuals();

void map( double (*map_fn)(T*))
typename std::vector<T*>::iterator i;
for(i = individuals.begin(); i != individuals.end(); ++i)
void mapv( void (T::*map_fn)())
typename std::vector<T*>::iterator i;
for(i = individuals.begin(); i != individuals.end(); ++i)

T* operator[](int i);
void evalReset();
T* selectRndIndividual(int i = -1);
void average();
void qsortIndividuals();
void mutate(double);
void deltify(T*);
void popIndividual();
void pushIndividual(T*);
double getAverageFitness();
inline unsigned int getNumIndividuals() { return individuals.size(); }
inline T* getIndividual( int i ) { return individuals[i]; }
inline unsigned int getNumBreed() { return numBreed; }
inline void setNumBreed( int n ) { if(n > 0) numBreed = n; }
inline int getMaxID() { return maxID; }

std::vector<T*> individuals;

T &exemplar;
bool evolvable;
T *bestIndividual;
// std::vector<T*> elite;
bool created;
unsigned int numBreed; //make this an Esp member of NE as percent breed
int maxID;


class ProbNeuron;

template< class T >
class NeuronCluster: public NeuronPop< T > {//change to public NeuronPop?
int id;
: NeuronPop<T>(0,0)
static int counter = 0;
id = counter++;
void create() {} //!< cannot create
void empty();
void pushNeuron(ProbNeuron *n);
void deltify(Neuron *) {}
//These must gooooooooo
void crossoverAvg(const std::vector<double> &parent1,
const std::vector<double> &parent2,
std::vector<double> &child1,
std::vector<double> &child2);

typedef Population<Neuron> NeuronPop;
typedef Population<Network> NetworkPop;

#include "Population.C"


// Population

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "Neuron.h"
#include "Population.h"

/*! We leave method \a create to
actually create the neurons.
\todo mentioned elsewhere: numBreed needs to be a percentage
that is set by the algorithm
template< class T >
Population<T>::Population(int size, T &ex)
: exemplar(ex),
//T* tmp;
//assert(NULL != dynamic_cast<Neuron*>(tmp) ||
// NULL != dynamic_cast<Network*>(tmp) );
// T *tmp = new T();
//assert(NULL != dynamic_cast<Neuron*>(tmp));
numBreed = (unsigned int) individuals.size()/4;

//! Create the Population.
/*! Create the random Population set the member \a created to \c true.
\todo { get rid of \c evolvable; return \c bool; output message to stderr
if called when created = \c true}
template< class T >
void Population<T>::create()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < individuals.size(); ++i) {
individuals[i] = exemplar.clone();
created = true;
maxID = individuals.back()->getID();
bestIndividual = individuals.front();

//! destructor
template< class T >

//! Destroy the Neurons in the Population.
/*! The Neurons are destroyed without deleting the
Population. If \a create is called after calling
this method new neurons will be create and placed
in the Population.
template< class T >
void Population<T>::destroyIndividuals()
cout << "destroying individuals\n";

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < individuals.size(); ++i)
delete individuals[i];
created = false;

template< class T >
T* Population<T>::operator[](int i)
if((i >= 0) && (i < individuals.size()))
return individuals[i];
cerr << "Index out of bounds\n ";

//! reset fitness and test vals of all Neurons
/*! \todo Change name to reset? Change \c Network::resetFitness() to
\c Network::reset() or change \c Neuron::reset() to \c
template< class T >
void Population<T>::evalReset()
for(unsigned int i=0; i < individuals.size(); ++i) {

//! select an individual at random
template< class T >
T* Population<T>::selectRndIndividual(int i)
if((i > 0) && (i < (int) individuals.size()))
return individuals[lrand48() % i];
return individuals[lrand48() % individuals.size()];

//! Sort the neurons by fitness in each NeuronIndividuals.
using quicksort.
template< class T >
void Population<T>::qsortIndividuals()
sort(individuals.begin(), individuals.end(), max_fit() );
bestIndividual = individuals.front();

//! Mutate half of the neurons with cauchy noise.
/*! \todo Should be a \a NeuroEvolution or \a Neuron method
template< class T >
void Population<T>::mutate(double mutrate)
for (unsigned int i = numBreed*2 ; i < individuals.size(); ++i)
if (drand48() < mutrate)

//! Used to perform "delta-coding" like burst mutation.
/*! Make each Neuron a perturbation of the neuron in
the best network that corresponds to that \a subIndividuals.
\todo { change name to burst mutation }
template< class T >
void Population<T>::deltify(T *best)
// Neuron tmp = *individuals[0];
for(unsigned int i= 0; i < individuals.size(); ++i){
individuals[i]->perturb( best );

//! Remove an individual from the \a Population.

template< class T >
void Population<T>::popIndividual()
if(individuals.size() > 0){
delete individuals.back();

//! Add an individual to the \a Population.
The individual is added to the \a Population by pushing the pointer to it
onto the back of the std::vector \c individuals.
template< class T >
void Population<T>::pushIndividual(T *n)
if(n->getID() > maxID) maxID = n->getID(); // keep track of newest indiv.

individuals.push_back( n );

template< class T >
double Population<T>::getAverageFitness()
double sum = 0;

for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < individuals.size(); ++i)
sum += individuals[i]->getFitness();
return sum/individuals.size();

template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Population<T> &p)
for(unsigned int i=0; i < p.getNumIndividuals(); ++i)
os << *p.getIndividual(i) << endl;

return os;

When I include Population.h as shown above, every single function in the .c file claims that it has been previously defined. If I remove Population.h, I get an error on the constructor claiming that Population does not define a type. Every function below also errors as follows. I did some reading on this issue and it seems to be related to typedef / typename. But I don't see anything wrong.

Description Path Resource Location Type
‘Population’ does not name a type /ESPcpp Population.C line 21 C/C++ Problem
expected unqualified-id before ‘template’ /ESPcpp Population.C line 44 C/C++ Problem
‘Population’ does not name a type /ESPcpp Population.C line 63 C/C++ Problem
expected unqualified-id before ‘template’ /ESPcpp Population.C line 76 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 89 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 105 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 120 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 135 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 147 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 162 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 177 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 191 C/C++ Problem
expected initializer before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 199 C/C++ Problem
‘Population’ has not been declared /ESPcpp Population.C line 211 C/C++ Problem
expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘<’ token /ESPcpp Population.C line 211 C/C++ Problem
‘p’ was not declared in this scope /ESPcpp Population.C line 213 C/C++ Problem

May 7th, 2011, 11:22 PM
First things first: rename population.c to population.cpp, and update all the references to population.c.

What is the command-line call you are using to compile it?


With the change I suggested, and after removing #include "Neuron.h" and "Network.h" (which you probably need to do as you likely have those files), I can get it to compile via

g++ population.h


Actually, that apparently compiles it into a pre-compiled header - no errors, though :)

May 8th, 2011, 12:09 AM
It shouldn't compile into a pre-compiled header. I renamed .C to .cpp and it didn't make a difference. I'm trying to compile this project through Eclipse CDT. It executes a makefile which produces the following output:

**** Build of configuration Debug for project ESPcpp ****

make all
Building file: ../Population.cpp
Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler
g++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"Population.d" -MT"Population.d" -o"Population.o" "../Population.cpp"
In file included from ../Population.cpp:11:0:
../Neuron.h: In member function ‘int Neuron::newID()’:
../Neuron.h:61:53: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void
../Population.cpp: At global scope:
../Population.cpp:21:1: error: ‘Population’ does not name a type
../Population.cpp:44:1: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘template’
../Population.cpp:63:1: error: ‘Population’ does not name a type
../Population.cpp:76:1: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘template’
../Population.cpp:89:14: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:105:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:120:14: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:135:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:147:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:162:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:177:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:191:16: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:199:18: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp:211:34: error: ‘Population’ has not been declared
../Population.cpp:211:44: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘<’ token
../Population.cpp: In function ‘std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, int)’:
../Population.cpp:213:29: error: ‘p’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [Population.o] Error 1

Can you compile with the g++ arguments that I used above?

First things first: rename population.c to population.cpp, and update all the references to population.c.

What is the command-line call you are using to compile it?


With the change I suggested, and after removing #include "Neuron.h" and "Network.h" (which you probably need to do as you likely have those files), I can get it to compile via

g++ population.h

Actually, that apparently compiles it into a pre-compiled header - no errors, though :)

May 8th, 2011, 01:05 PM
The implementation of the code for a template class must be included within the header file; you cannot place the code in a separate .cpp file.

For example:

#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

// Declare class here
template <typename T>
class Foo
Foo(T& item);


T getItem() const;

T myItem;

// Implement class here
template <typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo(T& item)
: myItem(item)

template <typename T>
T Foo<T>::getItem() const
return myItem;


P.S. An alternative is to place the implementation code in a .impl file which will not be compiled directly. This file is included in the header file.

#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

// Declare class here
template <typename T>
class Foo
Foo(T& item);


T getItem() const;

T myItem;

#include "Foo.impl"
