View Full Version : [SOLVED] NCurses and Monodevelop Error?

May 4th, 2011, 06:06 AM
Hello friends,

I am using a .NET program via MonoDevelop and I am getting the following errors (see the screenshot)

Secondly, the code is also showing NCurses error. Also try to rectify that.

Please Help.

Below is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
/* using System.Xml; */
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
namespace GUI
class ConsoleUI
public NCurses cur = new NCurses();
public IntPtr stdscr = new IntPtr();

static void Main(string[] args)
ConsoleUI m = new ConsoleUI();
m.stdscr = m.cur.InitScreen();
int gTWidth = m.cur.GetMaxX();
int gTHeight = m.cur.GetMaxY();
int halfX = gTWidth >> 1;
int halfY = gTHeight >> 1;

MenuMain mnu = new MenuMain();
mnu.StartMenu(m.cur, m.stdscr);




// XMLLayOut x = new XMLLayOut();
// ArrayList menus = x.ReadSubMenuXML();


public class MenuMain
public IntPtr subMnu;
public IntPtr mnuMainHeader;

public string[] subMenuItems;
public int _width;
public int _height;
public int xPos;
public int yPos;
public MenuMain()

public void StartMenu(NCurses c, IntPtr scr)
MenuMain mnu = new MenuMain();
int menuItem = -1;
int menuHeader = 0;
int key;
mnu._width = 16;
mnu._height = 3;

string[] menu = new string[] { "Test Email", "Test Web Data", "Change Settings", "Run", "Quit" };
MenuMain[] arrayHeaders = mnu.MenuMainBldr(0, 0, mnu._height, mnu._width, menu, c, 0, 0, scr);

c.Keypad(scr, true);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayHeaders.Length; i++)
while ((key = c.GetCh()) != 265)

switch (key)
case 258: menuItem++; if (menuItem > arrayHeaders.Length - 1) menuItem = 0; break;
case 259: menuItem--; if (menuItem < 0) menuItem = arrayHeaders.Length - 1; break;
case 261: menuHeader++; if (menuHeader > arrayHeaders.Length - 1) menuHeader = 0; break;
case 260: menuHeader--; if (menuHeader < 0) menuHeader = arrayHeaders.Length - 1; break;
case 100: c.PrintW(menuHeader.ToString()); break;

arrayHeaders = mnu.MenuMainBldr(0, 0, mnu._height, mnu._width, menu, c, menuHeader, menuItem, scr);
public IntPtr SubMenuBldr(int x, int y, int height, int width, string[] text, NCurses window, int selectedMenu, int selectedSubMenu, IntPtr scr, IntPtr subMenuWin)
if (width == 0) { width = _width; }
if (height == 0) { height = _height; }
if (x == 0) { x = 1; }
if (y == 0) { y = 1; }

IntPtr subMenu = new IntPtr();
window.InitPair(2, NCColors.Green, NCColors.Black);

window.InitPair(3, NCColors.Black, NCColors.White);
// subMenu = window.NewWindow(6, 15, y+5, selectedMenu*16);
window.AttrOn(subMenu, 2);

window.Box(subMenu, 0, 0);

for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (i == selectedSubMenu ) { window.AttrOn(subMenuWin, 3); }
// window.MVPrintW(i * 2, selectedMenu * 16, text[i]);
string spacer = "";
if (text[i] != "") { spacer = " "; }
window.MVWPrintW(subMenuWin, i , selectedMenu*16, text[i] + spacer);
//window.MVWPrintW(subMenuWin, (i+1) * 15, selectedMenu * 16, "");
if (i == selectedSubMenu ) { window.AttrOff(subMenuWin, 3); }

return subMenu;
public IntPtr CreateSubMenuWindow(NCurses window, int x)
IntPtr subMenuWindow = window.NewWindow(20, x, 5, 0);
return subMenuWindow;
public MenuMain[] MenuMainBldr(int x, int y, int height, int width, string[] text, NCurses window, int selectedMenu, int selectedSubMenu, IntPtr scr)
IntPtr headerWindow = window.NewWindow(height, x * 5, 0, 0);
IntPtr subMenuWindow = CreateSubMenuWindow(window, x);
MenuMain[] menuHeaders = new MenuMain[text.Length];

if (width == 0) { width = _width; }
if (height == 0) { height = _height; }
if (x == 0) { x = 1; }
if (y == 0) { y = 1; }
IntPtr[] menuItem = new IntPtr[text.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < menuItem.Length; i++)
x = i * width;
MenuMain thisMenu = new MenuMain();
menuItem[i] = window.NewWindow(height, width, y, x);
window.InitPair(1, NCColors.White, NCColors.Black);
window.InitPair(2, NCColors.Green, NCColors.Black);
window.AttrOn(menuItem[i], 1);
if (i == selectedMenu)
window.AttrOn(menuItem[i], 2);

window.Box(menuItem[i], 0, 0);

window.MVWPrintW(menuItem[i], 1, 1, text[i]);
thisMenu.mnuMainHeader = menuItem[i];
thisMenu.xPos = x;
thisMenu.yPos = y;
menuHeaders[i] = thisMenu;
menuHeaders[i].subMenuItems = GetSubMenuStrings(menuHeaders[i], i);
if (selectedSubMenu > -1)
if (i == selectedMenu)

SubMenuBldr(i*x, y, height, width, menuHeaders[selectedMenu].subMenuItems, window, selectedMenu, selectedSubMenu, scr, subMenuWindow);



return menuHeaders;
public string[] GetSubMenuStrings(MenuMain menuM, int item )

string[] subMenu1 = new string[] { "sub1.1", "sub1.2", "sub1.3", "sub1.4", "sub1.5" };
string[] subMenu2 = new string[] { "sub2.1", "sub2.2", "sub2.3", "sub2.4", "sub2.5" };
string[] subMenu3 = new string[] { "sub3.1", "sub3.2", "sub3.3", "sub3.4", "sub3.5" };
string[] subMenu4 = new string[] { "sub4.1", "sub4.2", "sub4.3", "sub4.4", "sub4.5" };
string[] subMenu5 = new string[] { "sub5.1", "sub5.2", "sub5.3", "sub5.4", "sub5.5" };

if (item == 0)
menuM.subMenuItems = subMenu1;
if (item == 1)
menuM.subMenuItems = subMenu2;
if (item == 2)
menuM.subMenuItems = subMenu3;
if (item == 3)
menuM.subMenuItems = subMenu4;
if (item == 4)
menuM.subMenuItems = subMenu5;

return menuM.subMenuItems;

public class XMLLayOut

public XMLLayOut() { }

public ArrayList ReadSubMenuXML()

ArrayList subMenuList = new ArrayList();

string path = "...”;//make this a param or use root directory";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xmlnodes = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("SubMenus");
foreach (XmlNode n in xmlnodes)
XmlNodeList mNodes = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("MenuId");
foreach (XmlNode s in mNodes)
XmlNodeList tNodes = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("MenuItem");

foreach (XmlNode t in tNodes)
catch { }


return subMenuList;

May 4th, 2011, 08:48 AM
have you added the curses bindings as assembly reference to the project ?
(project->edit references)

May 4th, 2011, 03:41 PM
have you added the curses bindings as assembly reference to the project ?
(project->edit references)

I couldn't find anything like that in references. Will you please tell me any PPA or any package where I can find curses bindings. While browsing the net I found MonoCurses, but I don't know where to download it.

May 4th, 2011, 06:01 PM
it does not seem packaged yet (also not in the gac according to the page), you'll probably have to build it yourself