View Full Version : Translation of an .msi app

May 9th, 2006, 06:30 PM

I have signed up as an translator for an mobile application.
When I got the file to translate, it turned out to be an *.msi file, and I was instructed to edit it using "visual studio" or an texteditor.

I have tried to open it with gedit, but gedit will not open it...
Anyone have any ideas to how I can translate it as easy as possible?

Looking forward to hear some of your inputs!


May 9th, 2006, 06:53 PM
msi? As in a MicroSoft Installer file? Those are binary, you can't edit them with a text-editor.

May 9th, 2006, 08:24 PM
Probably, yes.. :)

Well, this is quoted from the instructions given in my welcome mail:
You can edit them in:

* Visual Studio, optimal is .NET 2003 or .NET 2002
* plain text editor (like Notepad), it is doable, but the worst case, because it is not WYSIWYG, which is handy to see how long your translated sentence can be

No other solution than to do that work on a windows machine??

May 10th, 2006, 02:47 AM
If you run it on windows, what does it install? Perhaps it is source. Other than that, I'm guessing they just sent you the wrong file by accident.