View Full Version : sh if or loop

April 11th, 2011, 11:37 AM
This should be easy but I've forgotten how to do it and it's driving me crazy.

All I want to do is this:


if [ $FOO != "A" || "B" || "C" ]; then
exit 1

But it's saying the syntax is wrong, so I tried

if [ $FOO != "A" ] || [ $FOO != "B" ]; then
exit 1

But that exits if FOO = A because when it hits the B check, they don't match.

I'm sure this is simple, but I can't remember how to do it.


Some Penguin
April 11th, 2011, 11:41 AM
(x != A) && (x != B) <=> !((x == A) || (x == B))

What you're doing there, '(x != A) || (x != B)' will always be true if A != B because one of the two clauses must be true.

April 11th, 2011, 11:45 AM
(x != A) && (x != B) <=> !((x == A) || (x == B))

What you're doing there, '(x != A) || (x != B)' will always be true if A != B because one of the two clauses must be true.

Ah of course, stupid me, I've done that before!

Many thanks.

April 11th, 2011, 07:48 PM
On a side note, use lowercase variable names, and quote parameter expansions; "$foo", not $foo.

I'd use case for that particular case

case "$foo" in
A|B|C) echo "Great!";;
*) echo "Not great"; exit 1;;

April 12th, 2011, 07:39 PM
As Some Penguin said case probably is best for that situation, but to correct your if syntax you didn't quote the $FOO which might lead to the syntax error in practice. You don't need quotes if you used double [[.

So rather than this.

if [ $FOO != "A" ] || [ $FOO != "B" ]; then
exit 1

You maybe could've done this.

if [[ $FOO != "A" || $FOO != "B" ]]; then
exit 1

I may be wrong but I'm just pointing that out.

April 14th, 2011, 11:19 PM
@bashologist That's good bash syntax, yes, but the OP is writing an sh script, not bash. Also, the logic is still wrong...
