View Full Version : Counter for loops or looping through files

April 8th, 2011, 08:31 PM
Looks like this.

for ((i = 0; i < 101; i++)); do echo 100 $i; sleep 0.05; done | counter.pl
18% [========= ] 18/100
41% [====================== ] 41/100
69% [===================================== ] 69/100
100% [================================================== ====] 100/100

Very simple to use just send the program standard output that looks like this.

100 0
100 10
100 20
100 100

Example 1.

for ((i = 0; i < 101; i++)); do echo 100 $i; sleep 0.05; done | perl counter.pl

Example 2.

for file in "${files[@]}"; do
echo ${#files[@]} $((counter++))
# replace sleep command with something that uses $file
sleep 0.25
done | perl counter.pl


#!/usr/bin/env perl


while (readline) {
next unless /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/;
exit if $1 eq 0;

my $cols = qx/tput cols/;
chomp $cols;

my $s3s = 1 + (length $1) * 2;
my $s2s = $cols - $s3s - 10;

my $s1 = ($2 != 0 ? int 100 / ($1 / $2) : 0);
my $s2 = ($2 != 0 ? $s2s / ($1 / $2) : 0);

printf "\r % 3s%% [%-${s2s}s] % ${s3s}s ", $s1, "=" x ($s2 > $s2s ? $s2s : $s2), "$2/$1";

print "\n";