View Full Version : [ubuntu] Apache2 Will Not Start Error

March 27th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Noticed that my site was down, tried to start Apache2 and got the following error

Syntax error on line 160 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
Contents of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf around line 160

<Files ~ "^\.ht">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy all
This points to authz_host.load, other posts said to make sure that it is there and here is a list of the contents of my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled

alias.conf dav_fs.conf negotiation.conf ruby.load
alias.load dav_fs.load negotiation.load setenvif.conf
auth_basic.load dav.load php5.conf setenvif.load
authn_file.load deflate.conf php5.load ssl.conf
authz_default.load deflate.load proxy.conf ssl.load
authz_groupfile.load dir.conf proxy_http.load status.conf
authz_host.load dir.load proxy.load status.load
authz_user.load env.load python.load suexec.load
autoindex.conf include.load reqtimeout.conf
autoindex.load mime.conf reqtimeout.load
cgi.load mime.load rewrite.load
and a cat of the authz_host.load

LoadModule authz_host_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_authz_host.so
Following that to the next location ls /usr/lib/apache2/modules indicates that mod_authz_host.so is there

httpd.exp mod_cgi.so mod_mime.so
libphp5.so mod_charset_lite.so mod_negotiation.so
mod_actions.so mod_dav_fs.so mod_proxy_ajp.so
mod_alias.so mod_dav_lock.so mod_proxy_balancer.so
mod_asis.so mod_dav.so mod_proxy_connect.so
mod_auth_basic.so mod_dbd.so mod_proxy_ftp.so
mod_auth_digest.so mod_deflate.so mod_proxy_http.so
mod_authn_alias.so mod_dir.so mod_proxy_scgi.so
mod_authn_anon.so mod_disk_cache.so mod_proxy.so
mod_authn_dbd.so mod_dumpio.so mod_python.so
mod_authn_dbm.so mod_env.so mod_reqtimeout.so
mod_authn_default.so mod_expires.so mod_rewrite.so
mod_authn_file.so mod_ext_filter.so mod_ruby.so
mod_authnz_ldap.so mod_file_cache.so mod_setenvif.so
mod_authz_dbm.so mod_filter.so mod_speling.so
mod_authz_default.so mod_headers.so mod_ssl.so
mod_authz_groupfile.so mod_ident.so mod_status.so
mod_authz_host.so mod_imagemap.so mod_substitute.so
mod_authz_owner.so mod_include.so mod_suexec.so
mod_authz_user.so mod_info.so mod_unique_id.so
mod_autoindex.so mod_ldap.so mod_userdir.so
mod_cache.so mod_log_forensic.so mod_usertrack.so
mod_cern_meta.so mod_mem_cache.so mod_version.so
mod_cgid.so mod_mime_magic.so mod_vhost_alias.so
Although the contests of that file does not look like much, a bunch of @ and what not.

Need some help trying to get my site back up and running. I have tried to removed and install Apache2 again and again, following a previous post by trying

sudo aptitude purge apache2-common
sudo aptitude install apache2
With no luck.