View Full Version : [ubuntu] Pause shell script when Gnome desktop isn't showing

March 24th, 2011, 03:52 PM
Does anyone know of a way, in a shell script, to pause execution whenever the Gnome desktop isn't showing, and resume it again as soon as the desktop is displayed again?

I'm using a short script that I found online (somewhere; can't find the source again now) to periodically fetch an image from a webcam feed (see code below). Out of respect for the webcam maintainer's resources, I would like to pause downloading of the image whenever the Gnome desktop isn't actually showing. This would happen under the following circumstances:

The screen is locked
The display is put to sleep per power settings
The screensaver is activated
Another application window is entirely obscuring the desktop

Any ideas about how to test for these circumstances in a shell script?

Many thanks,

The code:



while true; do
wget -N $URL
gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename $DIR$FILE
sleep 1m