View Full Version : Sound in Java Applet

March 15th, 2011, 02:22 PM
I'm writing a game using a Java Applet and the game runs fine in every operating system except when I put sound into it. When the sound is put into it, it runs fine on every operating system (including Mac) except Ubuntu where it won't advance any further than where the sound clips are attempted to be played. I've edited the code where it now reads in the player's OS and if it's Linux it doesn't play the sound/music (still loads the files however), and it runs fine like this.

When I run the game through Eclipse the game runs, but the sound is delayed heavily if it plays at all, which it doesn't most of the time.

I'm not sure if it's related at all, but when when I try to run Windows using VirtualBox on Ubuntu the same thing happens.

If tried loading the sound files several different ways, with the most recent way being AudioClips.

I've read a number of places that it's a compatibility issue with Iced Tea because it uses OpenJDK or something, but I want the game to be compatible with Iced Tea so that it's compatible with as many computers as possible without having to have special customizations made to computers. I am not using the OpenJDK for Eclipse but the actual Sun release... Sorry, I forgot it's name.

Does anybody know what could be causing this??? Please & thank you for any information!!!!

March 15th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Have you got any code to show the sort of things that you are doing? What are you using to play sound, AudioClip?

Does this example work:


March 15th, 2011, 03:25 PM
From the main public class:
AudioClip intro, currentsound;

From the init class:
intro = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "newintro.wav");
catch (Exception e) {}

Then when I'm wanting to play the song, where the program fails:
currentSound = intro;

The example that you gave seems to be the same thing that I'm doing except they're using a URL instead of a file name and they also have a class dedicated to the sound clip. Would this make a big enough difference to justify it?

March 15th, 2011, 04:36 PM
The main differences appear to be that you are using getAudioClip instead of newAudioClip. You are also using getDocumentBase instead of getCodeBase. I am not sure if these make too much of a difference, but it may be worth experimenting with. getCodeBase would probably be the thing I looked closer at. Do you know if getCodeBase and getDocumentBase return the same thing?

Also, you could create the URL and check that the URL is definately pointing at the song clip that you are expecting.


March 18th, 2011, 03:15 AM
It seems like the biggest difference between getAudioClip and newAudioClip is that the newAudioClip is used for URLs and getAudioClip is for relative file locations. I tried switching to newAudioClip however and using a URL instead of a relative file name, and had the same results as previously.