View Full Version : ubuntu.com.au

March 11th, 2011, 04:29 AM
as the custodian of the domain ubuntu.com.au, I just wanted to say we are re-registering it as it was up for renewal. We donate the registration of the domain to the ubuntu community, and are happy to contribute in any other way we can.

Glad to see this community revived a little - happy to put my company (http://sol1.com.au) resources to whatever use people may need, be it hosting, support or whatever. Our little office in North Sydney can even been a meeting place if you like.


March 11th, 2011, 04:32 AM
Gidday from across the ditch.

March 11th, 2011, 07:24 AM
Gidday from across the ditch.

we don't host the DNS or site btw, so the DNS provider appears to have no A record for ubuntu.com.au.
You might want: http://www.ubuntu.com.au/

The DNS servers are:

Name Server: mekaneck.ubuntuwire.com
Name Server: orko.ubuntuwire.com

March 11th, 2011, 08:45 PM
as the custodian of the domain ubuntu.com.au, I just wanted to say we are re-registering it as it was up for renewal. We donate the registration of the domain to the ubuntu community, and are happy to contribute in any other way we can.

thank you :)

I never actually knew the difference and it was only the other day I was thinking about what the difference was.

April 18th, 2011, 09:19 AM
we don't host the DNS or site btw, so the DNS provider appears to have no A record for ubuntu.com.au.
You might want: http://www.ubuntu.com.au/

The DNS servers are:

Name Server: mekaneck.ubuntuwire.com
Name Server: orko.ubuntuwire.com

Ah, that's better with the www