View Full Version : [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.10 + RFIDIOt + ACR122

February 11th, 2011, 10:57 PM
I am trying to got RIFIOt running with an ACR122 I get to the last point in reading the tags then I get the message below.

proempiet@ubuntu:~/RFIDIOt-1.0a$ ./readtag.py -d -r 0
Reader Subtype: 5
connecting to ACS ACR122U 00 00
readtag v0.1e (using RFIDIOt v1.0a)
Reader: PCSC ACS ACR122U 00 00
disconnecting from ACS ACR122U 00 00
connecting to ACS ACR122U 00 00
> FF CA 00 00 00
disconnecting from ACS ACR122U 00 00
connecting to ACS ACR122U 00 00
> FF CA 00 00 00
Block 00: > FF B0 00 00 00
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./readtag.py", line 41, in <module>
if card.readblock(x):
File "/home/proempiet/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 1516, in readblock
ret= self.pcsc_send_apdu(apdu)
File "/home/proempiet/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 1321, in pcsc_send_apdu
result, sw1, sw2= self.pcsc_connection.transmit(apduout,protocol= self.pcsc_protocol)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/smartcard/CardConnectionDecorator.py", line 82, in transmit
return self.component.transmit(bytes, protocol)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/smartcard/CardConnection.py", line 140, in transmit
data, sw1, sw2 = self.doTransmit(bytes, protocol)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/smartcard/pcsc/PCSCCardConnection.py", line 175, in doTransmit
raise CardConnectionException('Failed to transmit with protocol ' + dictProtocolHeader[pcscprotocolheader] + '. ' + SCardGetErrorMessage(hresult))
smartcard.Exceptions.CardConnectionException: Failed to transmit with protocol T1. Card protocol mismatch.
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'disconnect'",) in <bound method PCSCCardConnection.__del__ of <smartcard.pcsc.PCSCCardConnection.PCSCCardConnecti on instance at 0x99c9bac>> ignored

Does anybody know what is wrong?

February 17th, 2011, 09:22 PM
You're further than me, I think... But, same reader, similar problem.

$ ./readtag.py -d
Failed to load symbol for: SCardCancelTransaction, /usr/local/lib/libpcsclite.so.1: undef\
ined symbol: SCardCancelTransaction!
Reader Subtype: 7
connecting to ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 00 00
> FF 00 00 00 06 D4 32 05 00 00 00
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./readtag.py", line 24, in <module>
import RFIDIOtconfig
File "/home/max/NFC/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOtconfig.py", line 158, in <module>
card= RFIDIOt.rfidiot(readernum,readertype,line,speed,ti meout,debug,noinit)
File "/home/max/NFC/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 147, in __init__
File "/home/max/NFC/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 1174, in acs_set_retry
return self.acs_send_apdu(self.PCSC_APDU['ACS_SET_RETRY'])
File "/home/max/NFC/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 1041, in acs_send_apdu
result, sw1, sw2= self.acs_transmit_apdu(apduout)
File "/home/max/NFC/RFIDIOt-1.0a/RFIDIOt.py", line 1065, in acs_transmit_apdu
result, sw1, sw2= self.pcsc_connection.transmit(apdu,protocol= self.pcsc_protocol)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/smartcard/CardConnectionDecorator.py", line 81, in t\
return self.component.transmit( bytes, protocol )
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/smartcard/CardConnection.py", line 131, in transmit
data, sw1, sw2 = self.doTransmit( bytes, protocol )
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/smartcard/pcsc/PCSCCardConnection.py", line 168, in \
raise CardConnectionException( 'Failed to transmit with protocol ' + dictProtocolHead\
er[pcscprotocolheader] + '. ' + SCardGetErrorMessage(hresult) )
smartcard.Exceptions.CardConnectionException: 'Smartcard Exception: Failed to transmit wi\
th protocol T1. Card protocol mismatch.!'
disconnecting from ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 00 00

February 17th, 2011, 09:28 PM
The svn copy of pyscard fixes the undefined symbol in the beginning.

svn co https://pyscard.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pyscard pyscard

October 27th, 2011, 10:59 PM
if not T1 then T0 protocol
I'm new to Python, not sure if user can choose protocol...
if T0 then response is 61xx where xx is length of data
get data with a subsequent 'get data' command
- this is GOOD if you are attempting 'wrapped; FF mode
- I havnt got there yet

still stuck on Python weidness...
if you dont set
hcard = None
then Python crashes if you test hcard
.... what is less than None??
.... what is hcard anyway???

I will attempt to set it to 'TOAST' if not None <<do NOT do this

hcard is card handle

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/smartcard/scard/scard.py", line 505, in SCardControl
return _scard.SCardControl(*args)

TypeError: Expected a python long as SCARDHANDLE.
disconnecting from ACS ACR38U-CCID 01 00

.................................................. .....

ps: I was doing much better BEFORE i installed the Linux ACS driver - it seems that some default reader driver was better!!

RFIDIOt is stuffed full of low level reader-type flags and fields...
My Advice: Abandon automatic detection of readers.
First step: decide on your reader and dont go reading obscure EEPROM bytes, they may not be there...