View Full Version : [SOLVED] Ruby + What should path be for HTTP get request?

January 15th, 2011, 10:43 PM
So I've been teaching myself some socket programming but I've gotten hung up on one part. If you're familiar with the wget utility you know you can do something like wget http://www.airforce.com and you don't have to enter a path or anything. I've written the following Ruby script that grabs all the servers listed on a webpage:

require 'net/http'

class Enumerate

hostname = ARGV[0].delete "\n"

if ARGV[1] != nil
path = ARGV[1].delete "\n"

lines = [], flines = []

http = Net::HTTP.new(hostname) # Create a connection
headers, body = http.get(path) # Request the file
if headers.code == "200" # Check the status code
body.each { |line|
line.chomp!; lines << line.split('/')[2] if line.include? "href="

server = ARGV[0]
server = server.slice(4..-1)

lines. each do |line|
flines << line.delete( " \" ") if (line != nil and line.include? server)

flines = flines.uniq.sort

flines.each do |line|
puts "Hostname: " + line + " ----- IP Address: " + IPSocket.getaddress(line.to_s.chomp)

puts "#{headers.code} #{headers.message}"


Problem is what do you do for a website that doesn't have a visible path (such as airforce.com)? For instance if you go to a website icq.com it automatically appends /en.html so you can tell what the path is. So for a website such as airforce.com what is the path? I've tried stuff like ///airforce.com but it just returns 302 found.

January 16th, 2011, 04:51 PM
I found the answer to my own question and it was stupid obvious. (You would think for someone who uses linux a lot this would have been even more obvious). "/" is considered a path so the path for a website such as airforce.com is simply /.