View Full Version : Internet TV: are those CCTV working for your ?

January 2nd, 2011, 05:57 PM
I found this script to watch TV using bash and linux:

#Hawkeye34's British TV Shell Script
#Version 1.53 (first release, 53 channels)
#Written on 19 March 2010 for myp2pforum.eu
#Looking for live sport schedules? Visit myp2p.eu | myp2p.us | myp2p.nl
while true; do
echo -e "British TV for Linux! | Hawkeye34 - myp2pforum.eu | Version 1.53: 19 March 2010"
echo -e "1. BBC1\t\t\t23. History\t\t\t45. ITV1 (LQ)"
echo -e "2. BBC2\t\t\t24. Discovery\t\t\t46. ITV2 (LQ)"
echo -e "3. ITV1\t\t\t25. Movies 1\t\t\t47. ITV3 (LQ)"
echo -e "4. Channel 4\t\t26. Movies 2\t\t\t48. CBS Reality (LQ)"
echo -e "5. Five\t\t\t27. Movies 3\t\t\t49. BBC News24 (LQ)"
echo -e "6. BBC3\t\t\t28. Movies 4\t\t\t50. Bloomberg (LQ)"
echo -e "7. BBC4\t\t\t29. Eurosport\t\t\t51. Deutsche Welle"
echo -e "8. ITV2\t\t\t30. BBC News24\t\t\t52. CNN International"
echo -e "9. ITV3\t\t\t31. Sky News\t\t\t53. CNN Int'l (LQ)"
echo -e "10. ITV4\t\t32. Sky News Headlines"
echo -e "11. E4\t\t\t33. BBC Parliament"
echo -e "12. More4\t\t34. Bloomberg TV"
echo -e "13. CBS Reality\t\t35. Russia Today"
echo -e "14. 4Music\t\t36. Scuzz"
echo -e "15. Zone Horror\t\t37. Flaunt"
echo -e "16. Film4\t\t38. France 24"
echo -e "17. Classic Movies2\t39. BBC1 (LQ)"
echo -e "18. James Bond TV\t40. BBC2 (LQ)"
echo -e "19. QVC\t\t\t41. BBC3 (LQ)"
echo -e "20. S4C\t\t\t42. C4 (LQ)"
echo -e "21. Fashion TV\t\t43. E4 (LQ)"
echo -e "22. ClassicFM TV\t44. Five (LQ)"
echo -e "Enter "exit" to quit to console!"
echo -n "Please enter a channel number: "
read chnum
#Begin VLC commands.
case $chnum in

"1") echo -e "Starting BBC1...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/7/BBC1
"2") echo -e "Starting BBC2...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/7/BBC2
"3") echo -e "Starting ITV1...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/2/ITV1
"4") echo -e "Starting Channel Four...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/5/ChannelFour
"5") echo -e "Starting Five...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/0/s3byz/Five
"6") echo -e "Starting BBC3...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/9/BBC3
"7") echo -e "Starting BBC4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/7/CBeebies/BBC4
"8") echo -e "Starting ITV2...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/0/NhYpi4/ITV2
"9") echo -e "Starting ITV3...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/0/ITV3
"10") echo -e "Starting ITV4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/rrU5j/ITV4
"11") echo -e "Starting E4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/5/E4Channel
"12") echo -e "Starting More4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/More4
"13") echo -e "Starting CBS Reality...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/6/CBSReality
"14") echo -e "Starting 4Music...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/4Music
"15") echo -e "Starting Zone Horror...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/ZoneHorror
"16") echo -e "Starting Film4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/3eZ1R1/Film4
"17") echo -e "Starting Classic Movies2...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/4/classicmovies2
"18") echo -e "Starting James Bond TV...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/2/JamesBondTV
"19") echo -e "Starting QVC...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/2/qvcuk
"20") echo -e "Starting S4C...\n"
mplayer mms://cctv.ws/7/S4Cdigidol
"21") echo -e "Starting Fashion TV...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/0/FashionTV
"22") echo -e "Starting ClassicFM TV...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/6/cfmtv
"23") echo -e "Starting History...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/9/1wbeA4/History
"24") echo -e "Starting Discovery...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/9/DiscoveryChannel
"25") echo -e "Starting Movies 1...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/7/somethingmovies1
"26") echo -e "Starting Movies 2...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/9/somethingmovies2
"27") echo -e "Starting Movies 3...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/somethingmovies3
"28") echo -e "Starting Movies 4...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/2/ovies3 #Yes, this is the right channel. cctv.ws was having issues.
"29") echo -e "Starting Eurosport...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/BritishEurosport
"30") echo -e "Starting BBC News24...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/8/BBCNews
"31") echo -e "Starting Sky News...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/2/SkyNews
"32") echo -e "Starting Sky News Headlines...\n"
mplayer mms://live1.wm.skynews.servecast.net/skynews_wmlz_live300k
"33") echo -e "Starting BBC Parliament...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/5/bbcpar
"34") echo -e "Starting Bloomberg TV...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/6/BloombergUK
"35") echo -e "Starting Russia Today...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/9/RussiaToday
"36") echo -e "Starting Scuzz...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/Scuzz
"37") echo -e "Starting Flaunt...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/Flaunt
"38") echo -e "Starting France 24...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/6/France24En
"39") echo -e "Starting BBC1 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/6/BBC1LQ
"40") echo -e "Starting BBC2 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/BBC2LQ
"41") echo -e "Starting BBC3 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/5/BBC3lq
"42") echo -e "Starting Channel Four (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/C4LQ
"43") echo -e "Starting E4 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/e4lQ
"44") echo -e "Starting Five (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/1/FivelQ
"45") echo -e "Starting ITV1 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/ITV1LQ
"46") echo -e "Starting ITV2 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/8/TV2lq/ITV2LQ
"47") echo -e "Starting ITV3 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/4/ITV3LQ
"48") echo -e "Starting CBS Reality (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/4/CBSRealityLQ
"49") echo -e "Starting BBC News24 (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/3/BBCnewsLQ
"50") echo -e "Starting Bloomberg (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/8/BloombergLQ
"51") echo -e "Die Deutsche Welle startet...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/0/DeutscheWelle
"52") echo -e "Starting CNN International...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/7/CNNint
"53") echo -e "Starting CNN International (LQ)...\n"
mplayer http://cctv.ws/5/xvtmX3/CNNlq
"exit") echo -e "Exiting ...\n"
*) echo -e "Wrong Input! Try again!\n"


Spice Weasel
January 2nd, 2011, 06:02 PM
Nope, the streams can't be found.

January 2nd, 2011, 07:43 PM
nothing, it tries to do something
are those IP numbers any good here in the US?

-e British TV for Linux! | Hawkeye34 - myp2pforum.eu | Version 1.53: 19 March 2010
-e 1. BBC1 23. History 45. ITV1 (LQ)
-e 2. BBC2 24. Discovery 46. ITV2 (LQ)
-e 3. ITV1 25. Movies 1 47. ITV3 (LQ)
-e 4. Channel 4 26. Movies 2 48. CBS Reality (LQ)
-e 5. Five 27. Movies 3 49. BBC News24 (LQ)
-e 6. BBC3 28. Movies 4 50. Bloomberg (LQ)
-e 7. BBC4 29. Eurosport 51. Deutsche Welle
-e 8. ITV2 30. BBC News24 52. CNN International
-e 9. ITV3 31. Sky News 53. CNN Int'l (LQ)
-e 10. ITV4 32. Sky News Headlines
-e 11. E4 33. BBC Parliament
-e 12. More4 34. Bloomberg TV
-e 13. CBS Reality 35. Russia Today
-e 14. 4Music 36. Scuzz
-e 15. Zone Horror 37. Flaunt
-e 16. Film4 38. France 24
-e 17. Classic Movies2 39. BBC1 (LQ)
-e 18. James Bond TV 40. BBC2 (LQ)
-e 19. QVC 41. BBC3 (LQ)
-e 20. S4C 42. C4 (LQ)
-e 21. Fashion TV 43. E4 (LQ)
-e 22. ClassicFM TV 44. Five (LQ)
-e Enter exit to quit to console!
Please enter a channel number: 23
-e Starting History...

MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.4.5 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing http://cctv.ws/9/1wbeA4/History.
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: cctv.ws
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET...
Connecting to server cctv.ws[]: 80...
Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Connecting to server[]: 8001...
connect error: Connection timed out
STREAM_ASF, URL: http://cctv.ws/9/1wbeA4/History
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: cctv.ws
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET...
Connecting to server cctv.ws[]: 80...
Server returned 302:Object moved
Failed to parse header.
Failed, exiting.
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: cctv.ws
Resolving cctv.ws for AF_INET...
Connecting to server cctv.ws[]: 80...
Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Connecting to server[]: 8001...

January 2nd, 2011, 08:23 PM
im thinking something like the cctv.ws links are redirects of some kind (im thinking like tinyurl) and the temp links have expired

albert s
January 2nd, 2011, 09:58 PM
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Connecting to server[]: 61002...
connect error: Connection timed out
No stream found to handle url http://cctv.ws/4/CBSRealityLQ

Exiting... (End of file)

nothing for me either.

January 2nd, 2011, 11:14 PM
Hi guys,

You can try my Online TV program... unpack the tar.gz into your user home folder, and run the fvwm themes. Then you click on the top bar on the blue mini icon for playing online ...

Enjoy my efforts in creating such applications for linux !

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+powerful+WM+for+humans%5BGold+v28.0%5D?conte nt=127893