View Full Version : Welcome to Trinidad & Tobago Loco Forums

December 28th, 2010, 01:09 AM
Welcome to the forums for the Trinidad and Tobago LoCo Team (http://ubuntu-tt.org).
If you are a resident of these islands please consider joining our cause. I am aware that there is local user groups (ttlug and ttcs) and this in no way is meant to take away from that. I am hoping it will be beneficial to everyone. I would like to work in conjunction with the exsisting groups.
The goal of the group is to provide support for local users and advocate Ubuntu and Linux whenever possible by means of Install fests, meeting, and organized programs.
Please feel free to join us.

March 7th, 2011, 09:21 AM
Joining the Team

So you are interested in contributing to the development of ubuntu in trinidad and tobago, great

1.) Read this wikipage : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu

2.) Join the mailing list : https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-tt

Wiki page: here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrinidadandTobagoTeam/)
IRC Channel: here (http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-tt)