View Full Version : This may be a project to take on.
Stray Wolf
December 22nd, 2010, 06:29 PM
I don't know if it would be practical, useful, awesome or just stupid but here's my idea:
Wouldn't it be cool to set up the multiple desktops on Ubuntu to be different virtual machines? I use the desktop cube from Compiz and I thought it would be cool if I could just rotate the cube from Windows to Ubuntu to rebooting! Is that possible? More importantly useful?
December 22nd, 2010, 07:09 PM
I think this is a brilliant idea! Lately it seems a lot of people have been talking about Ubuntu needing something to set it apart from other OS's. Something with a WOW factor. IMO this could be just the thing! I have no idea what it would take to implement such a thing, but I would love to see it!
Stray Wolf
December 22nd, 2010, 08:02 PM
I think this is a brilliant idea! Lately it seems a lot of people have been talking about Ubuntu needing something to set it apart from other OS's. Something with a WOW factor. IMO this could be just the thing! I have no idea what it would take to implement such a thing, but I would love to see it!
I'm glad someone read my post, even more glad they like the idea. Thanks. I figured an interesting set up would be:
Desktop 1 - Current Ubuntu LTS
Desktop 2 - Current Windows
Desktop 3 - Current Mac
Desktop 4 - Current Ubuntu (short-term version like Maverick)
Thing is I don't know much about computers so I don't know if the difficulty in implementation would be worth the rewards. I just think it would be cool and I've never seen anyone else propose such a thing.
December 23rd, 2010, 06:10 AM
ive heard of it before but when i did there was still trouble with the virtulizing part might beable to now with newer drivers and such but as far as begin practille its more of eye candy i think i dont see the real neeed of it unless u are working with alot of diffrent comps at the same time but thats just my opion
December 23rd, 2010, 07:28 AM
I think you can achieve this with the Help of Virtual Box.
If you are thinking about boot from your Hard Disk, your laptop must have very very good configuration, We already seen laptops are heating up lot with one OS, now Imagine, if 4 Os are running, that might kill your laptop.
With Virtual Box you can still get all the other OS and move it different Workspace as your wish :-)
January 2nd, 2011, 02:01 PM
The concept sounds cool, but I don't think it's pratical per se.
VirtualBox as it stands is simply paravirtualization and requires that you have a V-T enabled processor to be able to run proper WIndows on a Linux host.
Even then, the Compiz desktop eats up enough resources that will make this extremely difficult. You'd need something with a CRAPTON of RAM (Say.. 8GB just for 2-3 different desktops) and a V-T Enabled processor at least 2Ghz or better.
Nevermind video.
January 5th, 2011, 04:26 PM
I thought I would inject some thoughts and some news here. There is a ad campaign (actually about 10 seconds fairly mainstream) for Ubuntu timed with the release of Natty Narwhal in April and there are openings for a variety of different positions. I copied as much and as many links as were relevant and working from the email. Those are as follows. Check it out and let me know what you think. This is their wiki page This their homepage (let me know if it does not work)
Next Meeting: [Saturday], [January] [15], [2011] at [21:00] [UTC] in #ubuntu-adverts on Ubuntu
I believe this has been changed to 15:00 UTC and we are a -6 UTC time zone
Please provide feedback and jump in anywhere.
Next meeting is second Wednesday of January with further open discussion on the following Friday as planned before.
Thanks, Windwalker
btw. mikebugman was looking for skills building courses in Linux and so was I and I ofund a training academy in Europe sponsored by the Free Software Foundation and three European universities that is free of charge and can be converted at cost into a Master's program at the universities. Check it out if you like.
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { } This is a open university in Great Britain that teaches a variety of courses for free as well.
January 6th, 2011, 02:12 AM
kool thnks for the info im supprised u found something i havnt had alot of luck myself with it just the pay to learn stuff mainly
January 6th, 2011, 03:30 PM
I am still doing research on Linux training so stay tuned. If anyone has any links this would be a good place to post them or go to another thread. I have a continuing document which is a work in progress that needs input so again if you find links then add them.
Thanks, Windwalker
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