View Full Version : [all variants] Test for BT pairing in bash

December 18th, 2010, 07:28 PM
This is probably something stupid, but...

I want to test whether or not my phone is connected from bash. I'm finding lots of information about /dev/rfcomm0, but that's not on my system (Ubuntu 10.04). The device pairs just fine, and I can connect with gammu just fine, and I have the device address ("00:1F:5D:37:17:FB").

I just need something I can put in a bash script to say "Is this connected or not" akin to testing for a file's existence:

if [ -f /home/steven/arbitrary filename ]
notify-send --icon=blueman "We're connected"

Is there something simple like that?

(Note: My phone's old enough that gammu's daemon doesn't work properly with it, which is why I'm hacking it this way.)

December 23rd, 2010, 09:24 PM
-f tests for a regular file (neither a device or a directory). Try -e to check if something's just there.

I hope it helps

December 24th, 2010, 12:34 AM
The best thing I've found so far is to use hcitool - but I'm having a bit of a problem in my bash script:

isconnected=`hcitool inq ##:##:##:##:##:## | grep ##:##:##:##:##:##`
echo $isconnected
is_digit=`test "$isconnected" > "00"`
if [ $is_digit -ne 1 ];

Obviously, that's the BT address of my phone. It correctly assigns $isconnected, but I can't get it to enter the loop properly. ::sigh::