View Full Version : Locale help

December 13th, 2010, 08:08 AM
can anyone please tell me how to know the languages supported by CURRENT LOCALE.

I m trying to convert some application in HINDI

December 13th, 2010, 08:49 AM
There is an environment variable named "LANG" that the system uses.
e.g. on my computer at the command prompt:

$> echo $LANG

so I'm apparently using New Zealand English with utf-8 character encoding.

if I run my "hello world" application I get:

$> ./hello
Hello, world!
How are you?

I can change my language from the command line... e.g.:

$> export LANG=fr_CA.utf-8
$> ./hello
Salût le Québec!
Ça va, les gars?

but I only get translated text for the applications that I installed French translations for. Otherwise it still comes out in English... or whatever was built into the application.

You can download "internationalization.html" from http://code.google.com/p/speaknumber/downloads/list for some more explanations.