View Full Version : output to a fileout (home directory)

November 19th, 2010, 12:08 PM
'du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\' | >> /tmp/file_useage

I need this to output to a file, as i want all home directory listed in size but it a text file

I know this work if I alias it (which is the way i have been working out previously for admin work but i need to extract it for a manager and it need to be a text file

alias duf='du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\'

November 19th, 2010, 01:47 PM
the pipe at the end is wrong when you want to output into a file:

...4}'\' | >> /tmp/file_useage
remove ^ this

November 19th, 2010, 02:55 PM
tried that get this instead
-bash: du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}': No such file or directory
Any more ideas?

November 19th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Fixed it.... a cup of tea and clear head!!

alias duf='du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\' | duf >> /tmp/file_useage
just pipe alias duf out to a file :-)

November 19th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Fixed it.... a cup of tea and clear head!!

alias duf='du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\' | duf >> /tmp/file_useagejust pipe alias duf out to a file :-)

this makes no sense to me.

(a) you define your alias to generate results to std out, and then when wishing to save the results you execute the alias with a redirection, e.g:

$ alias duf='du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\'
$ duf > /path/to/some/file

(b) Or, you define your alias with redirection to a file builtin, so that you just execute the alias.

$ alias duf='du -sk /home/* | sort -n | perl -ne '\''($s,$f)=split(m{\t});for (qw(K M G)) {if($s<1024) {printf("%.1f",$s);print "$_\t$f"; last};$s=$s/1024}'\'' > /path/to/some/file'
$ duf

you probably want > redirection rather than >> since with >> you will append results to the file each time rather than replacing what was previously there.