View Full Version : Meeting times
November 16th, 2010, 07:47 AM
I need a decision by committee to determine when we are going to meet this week.
There is a email address which is available for that purpose being sent out to all members of the Missouri LoCo Team along with a request to communicate on the meeting times. It can be used for a variety of other purposes related to MoLoCo as well.
note the new forum thread for this committee decision.
Xchat picks up flawlessly this IRC channel which is
November 16th, 2010, 02:25 PM
Fridays work best for me. I have class on Mon-Thur evenings. Other than that Im good anytime.
November 16th, 2010, 03:18 PM
I may have missed something. What's the meeting about?
November 16th, 2010, 04:08 PM
meeting times any time outside of 3pm to 730ish im not avaliable most nights because of work might be changing after the first to later on my schedule not sure yet untill first of the year but outside of that im up for trying almost any other time or mabye have two diffrent times for people to attend to either one a main and then like a catch up meeting then let each meeting have some type of commettie to keep in since or someone who could go to both be great to let everyone keep up
i dont know just a thought
November 16th, 2010, 04:49 PM
Unfortunately we are never going to be able to get everyone together for a weekly or even a monthly meeting no matter what time we do it. I think picking a time in the evening during the week will work best for the majority. I'm not trying to count anyone out, so for those who can't make it lets make sure we post our meeting notes or summary some where easily available to them. We should also have a way for those people to voice there opinion into the next meetings.
November 16th, 2010, 05:07 PM
I'm in the metro east-where are the meetings?
Stray Wolf
November 16th, 2010, 05:28 PM
Right now the LocoMO Team is meeting on IRC @ #ubuntu-missouri. We can have actual physical meetings. I haven't got in on any of that so far. I don't even know if the Loco Team has ever met physically. I still think we should have every other meeting at a different time to try to get more of a variety of participants. But I'll be there tomorrow at 7:30pm. Windwalker - did you want to announce it through launchpad? I got your last e-mail from there.
November 16th, 2010, 05:46 PM
I noticed you're in KC.
I'm in metro STL.
November 16th, 2010, 06:10 PM
Launchpad is easy for me to announce the meeting. If you want a second time period then how about Friday at 7 like someone suggested? Is the IRC channel link I posted the one I use to reach the meeting?
The official policy of Ubuntu and Canonical is to have the team meetings on their IRC links which also provides support and instructions. If for no other reason than the ease of use could we please use the IRC channel provided?
November 18th, 2010, 01:36 AM
In case you get the same error message I did about no server available to handle the request then use this link and find the Missouri team.
November 23rd, 2010, 06:51 PM
I need a concensus on when this upcoming weekend we should meet. Wednesday is the night before Thanksgiving so I don't realistically expect people to show up during the holidays. I will tune in on occasion to see if anyone is around.
One of the items discussed during the last meeting was a Ozarks LUG.
Bring ideas and suggestions.
Local rollouts for 11.04 was discussed as well as repairing older machines and donating them. Any progress on those fronts would be great such as calling local recycling centers.
I would suggest every 2 weeks starting this weekend or next?
I need input and feedback. My email address will be listed with the email you receive. If you have not already then register for the Launchpad Missouri Ubuntu team and sign up for the mailing list.
Write back soon, Windwalker
November 23rd, 2010, 09:20 PM
not sure if holiday weekends in general would be a good time to try and have a major meeting i know for me its kind of busy on that area mainly be better for an informal one and just to get together if i could myself and wish everyone happy holidays
November 23rd, 2010, 10:03 PM
Personally, I agree with Mike. I would love to have a meeting, but I don't expect many people to be there as there may be people travelling. Probably best to just have an informal meeting and make the log available here in the forums.
November 24th, 2010, 05:42 PM
Windwalker52, I've been reading all of the incoming e-mails and forum posts but haven't responded recently. I'm flexible when it comes to scheduled On Line meetings, I'll either be available or I won't, there is no better or worse time currently. I'm still in agreement with imahussey, er, Nick, about keeping good "minutes" so if you miss out you're not completely lost at the next meeting.
Did you say that you found a working Charter in one of the other LUG's (or was it on LaunchPad?) that we could use as a template? How do you want to approach documents and things like this? Could we post it on Google Docs as a shared work, or is there a better way?
I don't want to take away from the real importance of this thread; I think this is something that we can begin a new thread for and could be looking at individually leading up to our next meeting.
Stray Wolf
November 25th, 2010, 02:28 AM
I'm so glad that people are obviously making an effort to participate. I'm with Windwalker as far as being pretty flexible to the meeting times. I was just hoping we could stagger or rotate meeting times to try to get different people of different schedules involved. I doubt many people are up to a whole lot on Sunday afternoons. Wednesday works for me okay for me except every other month I have another meeting.
November 30th, 2010, 03:36 AM
It's great to see some excitement. Those of us who founded the group years ago had a great deal of trouble getting anyone else to get involved.
We had several meetings in the Kansas City area when we formed. However, other than occasional pings on e-mail, I have had no interest over the past couple of years when asking to get folks together.
As far as documents, etc., Missouri Team has a wiki page, It has been set up specifically for document sharing and collaboration. Missouri Team also has access to PPAs for version control through its launchpad page.
I will support you in any and every way possible.
December 1st, 2010, 02:46 AM
Windwalker52, I've been reading all of the incoming e-mails and forum posts but haven't responded recently. I'm flexible when it comes to scheduled On Line meetings, I'll either be available or I won't, there is no better or worse time currently. I'm still in agreement with imahussey, er, Nick, about keeping good "minutes" so if you miss out you're not completely lost at the next meeting.
Did you say that you found a working Charter in one of the other LUG's (or was it on LaunchPad?) that we could use as a template? How do you want to approach documents and things like this? Could we post it on Google Docs as a shared work, or is there a better way?
I don't want to take away from the real importance of this thread; I think this is something that we can begin a new thread for and could be looking at individually leading up to our next meeting.
I still have not done my homework (research) on this but it is on the agenda for tonight when things quiet down for awhile in the household. It sounds like you have some good ideas and I am going to wait until I research the group wiki to see if one exists and what stage it is in. I'll check back later after around 11pm. Any ideas would be good and provide a starting point.
btw what is the official opinion on meeting times. I was going to assume Wednesday at 7pm every other week or every week depending upon need and then a more formal meeting 8:30pm every other week again on Wednesday. We have a ad hoc meeting arrangement on Friday at 7pm which has a focus of the Ozarks LUG but anyone is welcome. We sort of got into the trap of trying to please everyone because every member is a precious commodity not to be wasted but i think it can be done at least for the most part using the current schedule and arrangements.
ubuntu-missouri on Freenode is I also assume the proper channel to use for meetings.
Let me hear form you if we need to make adjustments or I am mistaken about something.
December 1st, 2010, 03:09 AM
i like the momentum i c going on in this area now just give me a note thru email or on the im and ill try to help out were i can
December 1st, 2010, 04:20 AM
I will probably not be available at 7 pm this Wednesday, as my son has a book fair at his school. However, I will hop onto #ubuntu-missouri as soon as I get home. Otherwise, Wednesday nights are good. Please do check out the Missouri Team wiki. There is already quite a bit of work done on it, courtesy of Kent Seaton.
Stray Wolf
December 2nd, 2010, 11:12 PM
The official IRC channel for us to use is #us-missouri-ubuntu. I believe I saw this on a post somewhere from Matthew Copple. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll have no problem making it to most meetings. It's just that this time of year I've had a lot of volunteer work to do. I still think we should try and stagger the meeting times but I can understand why thats kind of a hassle too. Maybe sub-committees can form of people who can't make it to the main meetings and the sub-committees could appoint a liaison who can represent them in the main meetings when they can't be present.
Speaking to Windwalker52's point about a finding and/or creating a charter - I've only been able to find the Code of Conduct here:
Then a link to Ubuntu's "Governance" is found here:
Seems like together they form a charter...?
December 5th, 2010, 12:47 AM
The official IRC channel for us to use is #us-missouri-ubuntu. I believe I saw this on a post somewhere from Matthew Copple. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I did indeed say something like that, and I was wrong. Since I created the channel, you'd think I'd know what it was called, huh?
It is #ubuntu-missouri. I will happily submit myself for wet-noodling in penance. :D
December 5th, 2010, 02:43 AM
its kind of confussing since theres 2 diffrent rooms listed under ubuntu for missouri
i think theres a few people like me who just open both up to try and catch people in them for making meetings
Stray Wolf
December 8th, 2010, 09:02 PM
YAY!!! It's been a couple weeks since I've been able to be in a meeting. I'll be there tonight though. 7pm!
December 8th, 2010, 09:29 PM
gratz glad to c u coming :)!!!! hot chocalet all around !!!!
December 8th, 2010, 11:51 PM
I hate to confuse things further but it is missouri-ubuntu on Freenode instead of the other way around.
my bad it is ubuntu-missouri which shows up on Freenode and you will see the banner page. We are supposed to use this channel for meetings. Expect them to be recorded and don't get too far out there. See You at 7!
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