View Full Version : Canonical HQ under siege from angry mob because of Unity switch.

November 10th, 2010, 03:22 PM
Breaking news: angry mob lays siege to Millbank Tower (http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=millbank+tower&hl=en&safe=vss&sa=G&prmd=ivum&tbs=mbl:1&tbo=u&ei=b6raTNiWD5GKhQfM8Zj_Dw&oi=realtime_result_group_more_results_link&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ5QUwAA) in London.

Some people in the mob seem to be shouting something about tuition fees, but I reckon it's mostly about Unity, judging from a similar unruly mob on these forums.

November 10th, 2010, 03:28 PM
LOL wonderful :)

November 10th, 2010, 03:29 PM
Welcome to humanity.

November 10th, 2010, 04:03 PM

I wonder how this will turn out for the Canonical guys? :)

November 10th, 2010, 05:20 PM
Breaking news: angry mob lays siege to Millbank Tower (http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=millbank+tower&hl=en&safe=vss&sa=G&prmd=ivum&tbs=mbl:1&tbo=u&ei=b6raTNiWD5GKhQfM8Zj_Dw&oi=realtime_result_group_more_results_link&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ5QUwAA) in London.

Some people in the mob seem to be shouting something about tuition fees, but I reckon it's mostly about Unity, judging from a similar unruly mob on these forums.

No, it due to Wayland:).

November 10th, 2010, 05:22 PM
No, it due to Wayland:).

Not to mention the folks still quietly fuming about Buttongate.

November 10th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Not to mention the folks still quietly fuming about Buttongate.

And about the whole notification controversy.

November 10th, 2010, 05:33 PM
And about the whole notification controversy.

Must have missed that one, what was it all about? Surely nobody had a problem with notify-osd? It's lovely.

November 10th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Who else is in the building? I suspect they are the target while Canonical is just an innocent "bystander" who should be locking their doors or getting out.

Maybe they have a secret escape route? That would be sweet!

November 10th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Purple and orange have been scientifically proven to cause extreme rage in young adults.

November 10th, 2010, 05:40 PM
Must have missed that one, what was it all about? Surely nobody had a problem with notify-osd? It's lovely.

They did when it was first released.

November 10th, 2010, 05:44 PM
They did when it was first released.

I remember people being annoyed you couldn't click on it. The central design principle of notify-osd was that it didn't require you to interact with it, so I always thought they were missing the point somewhat.

Just goes to show, the knee-jerk reaction is almost always wrong.

November 10th, 2010, 07:22 PM
Poor students. If i was a student now i probably might be in that crowd.
However, I like unity!!:)

November 10th, 2010, 08:38 PM
Either that or its the old KDE vs Gnome arguement thats got out of hand again LOL

PS: I hate unity personally, but others are free to make there own mind up, do Linux your way thats how it was intended to be used. :-)

November 11th, 2010, 02:54 AM
So much 'talk' against Unity but it is probably just the noisy minority...I like it and use it as my daily drive....What's not to like...looking forward to seeing how it progresses in the future.

November 11th, 2010, 06:41 AM
Purple and orange have been scientifically proven to cause extreme rage in young adults.

Orange maybe but not purple especially Deep Purple.

November 11th, 2010, 09:11 AM
I've had issues with the last few major point release bullet items of Ubuntu, but in all of them, it was still all to easy to circumvent. Now, you want to unplumb X with Wayland?! wow..

If it's far enough along into the tech-media sites to be widely written about, I've learned that it's probably going to happen. Link (http://blogs.computerworld.com/17303/ubuntu_abandons_x_server_for_wayland?page=3)

At the risk of sounding like one of those zealot distro flounders, this might be the version I have to finally do put the rubber on the road when it comes to the OS I run personally. I was OK with Unity on X by default, I can change my DE, but gutting X and outwardly saying wayland has anything more beneficial than X's network transparency is highly delusional in my opinion. I ... wait lets not make this about me... MILLIONS of developers and users alike rely on the X-protocol far too heavily and quite frankly, so do canonicals paying enterprise customers. Mistake? yeah, I think it's a big one. I wish the project the best of luck with this venture, but I'm staying ashore here. I definitely plan to stay active in this community, it's a great community, I just really, truly, believe that this move is going to greatly hinder my ability to work in multi-distro UNIX and Linux environments and that ubuntu's new graphics server will now put them in a category that does not play well with *nix applications and heterogeneous *nix platforms. I'm also not under any dellusions Canonical really cares about this. They care about my grandma being able to use Linux, and I think that's wonderful, but they apparently they no longer feel they can do it through the standard technology paths that make up a linux operating system. Thats where my view, from an enterprise point of view as well as an individual user, is a very concerned one if I have to look at putting my linux desktop business reliability on ubuntu from 11.04 on out. When I see RHEL, SUSE, Solaris/Oracle Linux, BSD, HP/UX and AIX development respond reciprocally to this drastic of a movement to push X server out of the window, I will happily have chips with my crow.


November 11th, 2010, 09:37 AM
Who else is in the building? I suspect they are the target while Canonical is just an innocent "bystander" who should be locking their doors or getting out.

Maybe they have a secret escape route? That would be sweet!

Did anyone else get the mental image of Mark calling in a helicopter to land on the roof?

November 11th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Unity? I agree with toupeiro, wayland is a much bigger issue than the defualt DE.

Who else is in the building? I suspect they are the target while Canonical is just an innocent "bystander" who should be locking their doors or getting out.

Maybe they have a secret escape route? That would be sweet!

UK conservative party headquarters. That is who.

Of course the tories have an excape route, but if you want to use it you'll need good 'breeding' (read 'comes from the same limited gene pool as we do'), a history of public schooling (thats private school for the rest of the world) and a large donation.

November 11th, 2010, 09:46 AM
I ... wait lets not make this about me... MILLIONS of developers and users alike rely on the X-protocol far too heavily and quite frankly, so do canonicals paying enterprise customers. Mistake? yeah, I think it's a big one.

Which is why X will continue to be available to any apps that need it during the introduction of Wayland. My understanding is that you can run X from within Wayland. It's not an either/or decision. The aim is for it to be a totally seamless transition from the user's perspective.

Like any part of the system, we were going to have to drop X at some point. Why not now?

November 11th, 2010, 09:54 AM
Which is why X will continue to be available to any apps that need it during the introduction of Wayland. My understanding is that you can run X from within Wayland. It's not an either/or decision. The aim is for it to be a totally seamless transition from the user's perspective.

Like any part of the system, we were going to have to drop X at some point. Why not now?

Yes, because running X as a layer on wayland to get compatibility for the millions of apps out there written for it is more efficient than using X natively. /sarcasm.

It's ironic in some ways when you think about this. You have an open community that really is comprised of software developers for all flavors of UNIX and Linux. Where is this momentum in any other globally mainstream project out there to literally phase out a production API that is on the roadmap of every other linux and unix distribution in the market?

I hate to say this (believe me I do), but Bill Gates was right. As long as linux is a hobbiest operating system, there is little chance of global mainstream adoption. gutting X right now is a hobbiest move on something that is supposed to be world class. The answer to your question is, you move when its time to move. Ubuntu being the only distro moving, is NOT the time to move. There was an interview with Mark Shuttleworth not so long ago with an open call to the community to develop lifecycle development standards ad practices. Here's a newsflash, you are not going to persuade the global UNIX and Linux userbase and developerbase that you want standards and practices around software lifecycle development by siloed radical change that isn't even close to linear with the bigger, enterprise, distributions roadmap. Granted I'm just one person on this forum with only my opinion to talk about, but that opinion is set with a good amount of years of professional experience under my wing supporting linux professionally, particurly, very demanding 3d modeling, and I have seen various technology roadmaps revolving around linux graphics technologies.. It doesn't mean I know everything, or even a lot, but I do consider myself fairly up to date and in the know, in the enterprise scope at least, high end graphics specifically on linux, and X is not going away in anything that I have seen in the near, or not so near, or even distant future... Take that however you will. What it means to me is when that compatibility layer is gone, so is the effectiveness of an ubuntu linux desktop in the enterprise and many markets where linux desktops have been used for many years.

If the others don't follow suit, then calling ubuntu linux in the post-compatibility world of wayland will mean about as much as calling OSX Unix.. It won't be a lie, but it won't feel like the truth. Then again, I am not saying being a working linux professional who working in the space of 3d graphics means anything

November 11th, 2010, 10:16 AM
Yes, because running X as a layer on wayland to get compatibility for the millions of apps out there written for it is more efficient than using X natively. /sarcasm.

Nobody's suggesting it's more efficient. It's a temporary way to handle the transition without breaking anything. Most people don't care what is running under the hood as long as stuff works. I think that's a perfectly sensible opinion.

gutting X right now is a hobbiest move

Who's talking about gutting it? What they're outlining is a conservative, gradual, managed transition. Personally I think they seem to have done a pretty good job of managing technical changes in some of the underlying architecture like init. I don't see why the transition to Wayland should be different.

November 11th, 2010, 10:22 AM
Nobody's suggesting it's more efficient. It's a temporary way to handle the transition without breaking anything. Most people don't care what is running under the hood as long as stuff works. I think that's a perfectly sensible opinion.

Who's talking about gutting it? What they're outlining is a conservative, gradual, managed transition. Personally I think they seem to have done a pretty good job of managing technical changes in some of the underlying architecture like init. I don't see why the transition to Wayland should be different.

You seem to be missing the point, completely. I don't care how they transition it if they are the only ones doing it.

November 11th, 2010, 10:22 AM
You know, I hate to do this but I need to close this thread. Apparently some people failed to follow the humor. This is not the thread for you to vent your frustrations and/or feelings about unity.

Thank you.