View Full Version : can't tell if upgrade is working

February 19th, 2005, 09:14 PM
I typed in: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, and I got the following feedback:

Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Packages
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Release
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Packages
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Release
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Sources
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Release
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Sources
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Release
Reading Package Lists... Done
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded

Does that last line meen it didn't upgrade anything? It's my first time running it, so I know there should be updates. Thanks

February 21st, 2005, 03:21 AM
You'd only get upgrades if you used security updates, too:

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted universe
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted universe

in your apt/sources.list file.

Also, you should probably use aptitude instead of apt-get. Similar command line interface, much better behavior (automatic dependency tracking among others). Aptitude also has a curses gui if you need it.

February 21st, 2005, 03:24 AM
You could also try Synaptic, which is installed into ubuntu by default:
Computer->System Configuration->Synaptic Package Manager

It might be easier to actually see what's going on with your packages. :)