View Full Version : Gtk v. dynamic_cast

November 6th, 2010, 02:33 AM
// Gtk callback:
gboolean on_expose_event(
GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEventExpose *event,
gpointer data
) {
graphplacement *pRoot = dynamic_cast<graphplacement *> (data);
... etcetera

Not surprisingly guess what that enigmatic gpointer actually is...

thedata.cpp:141: error: cannot dynamic_cast ‘data’ (of type ‘void*’) to
type ‘struct graphplacement*’ (source is not a pointer to class)

So the choices I seem to have are:

To cast gpointer data unsafely into a graphplacement * and get segmentation fault if I got it wrong.
Have a global graphplacement * that I set before the call back happens.
Unsafely cast to some base class and then do a dynamic_cast to check it's correct
Any other suggestions?

November 6th, 2010, 03:33 AM
5. Use GTKMM (http://www.gtkmm.org/en/) when interfacing between GTK and C++.

November 6th, 2010, 04:22 AM
5. Use GTKMM (http://www.gtkmm.org/en/) when interfacing between GTK and C++.

I'm more interested in knowing how to do it than having some tool that does it.

p.s. also as I'm trying to explore concepts like automatic double buffering in GTK+ (http://people.gnome.org/~federico/misc/gtk-drawing-model/index.html#double-buffering) and how to do threaded animation (http://cairographics.org/threaded_animation_with_cairo/) I just feel that the Gtkmm wrapper is obfuscating the very mechanisms I'm trying to study.

November 6th, 2010, 02:01 PM
Try using static_cast or reinterpret_cast, the latter being closely related to a C-style cast operator.

Read more here: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/

November 6th, 2010, 04:05 PM
Try using static_cast or reinterpret_cast, the latter being closely related to a C-style cast operator.

Read more here: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/typecasting/

Thanks, that is a very useful article and I shall definitely be making good use of it :)

In particular the const_cast will help when interfacing older libraries in which const'ity was not declared.

reinterpret_cast definitely makes much clearer what one is doing or actually isn't doing in that case: I think I will benefit from only using the original style of type casting where a constructor for the new type is actually being applied.

I expect static cast will help especially where there is multiple inheritance.

Meanwhile of course I realized I don't even have to cast, because the call back functions have to be declared as "C" so that the glade call back module can find them. Thus in the following code I simply tell the compiler that "user_data" is a "graphplacement *" and not a "gpointer" although it's equally unsafe. You can also see I experimented witha global pointer there. That way is completely type safe even if some frown on global data ;)

// GUI call back functions: must suppress C++ name mangling
// so builder module can find and connect them:
extern "C" {
GtkWidget *pDrawingArea1; // type checked by compiler

gboolean on_click(
GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEventButton *event,
graphplacement *user_data // unsafe
) {
... etc.

November 6th, 2010, 04:43 PM
Meanwhile I'm still struggling with accessing an object as one of it's own base classes which I thought was supposed to be automatic.
e.g. I have a class for placing nodes in a graph. It's a derivative of the base class for edges, but incorporating an affine transform as attribute of said edge:

struct graphplacement: cs_edge, affine {
graphplacement(cs_node &rN, const affine & rPos): cs_edge(rN), affine(rPos) {}

... but when I come to use it as an instance of it's base class "affine", I seemed to need to tell the compiler with a cast :confused: I suspect static_cast would be more appropriate but I don't see why I need to cast at all because it's supposed to already be an instance of affine class isn't it?

graphplacement *pPlace = ... // some iterator expression of cs_edges

* (affine *) pPlace = affine::rotate(angle_to_rotate_by)) * affine(*pPlace); // transform a rotation

November 6th, 2010, 04:56 PM
It seems to me that you are neglecting to develop small, standalone, test applications where you can test your theories:

#include <iostream>

class A
void doSomethingA() { std::cout << "doSomethingA() called." << std::endl; }

class B
void doSomethingB() { std::cout << "doSomethingB() called." << std::endl; }

class Foo : public A, public B
void doSomethingFoo() { std::cout << "doSomethingFoo() called." << std::endl; }

void function(void* something)
Foo* foo = reinterpret_cast<Foo*>(something);

int main()
Foo foo;

November 6th, 2010, 05:19 PM

void function(void* something)
A* a = reinterpret_cast<A*>(something);

B* b = reinterpret_cast<B*>(something);

Foo* foo = reinterpret_cast<Foo*>(something);

OK yeah since I read that article you referenced I got the casting of void *'s sorted... although evidently it wasn't even necessary because gmodule prohibits use of "name mangling" on call back functions. But moving on the static cast in the example above..

static_cast<affine> (*pPlace) = affine::rotate(deg2bfPi(1)) * *pPlace;

The compiler already knows that *pPlace derives from class affine, so why does it complain when I take the static_cast out:

thedata.cpp:103: error: no match for ‘operator=’ in ‘* pPlace =
affine::rotate(((unsigned int)deg2bfPi(1.0e+0))).affine::operator*(((const affine&)((const affine*)(& pPlace->graphplacement::<anonymous>))))’

Shouldn't it be able to use the default copy assignment of it's base class affine& affine:: operator=(const affine&) since the equation evaluates to one of those using the defined affine affine:: operator* (affine &) ? :confused:

November 6th, 2010, 05:23 PM
I've never seen a static_cast (or any type of cast) used in the left-hand-side of an assignment operator.

What is it that you are attempting to do? For this statement:

static_cast<affine> (*pPlace) = affine::rotate(deg2bfPi(1)) * *pPlace;

I would need to know what value type is returned by rotate(), and whether or not you have overloaded the operator*() method is it is a complex object (ie something other an int, float, double, etc).

November 6th, 2010, 05:27 PM
I've never seen a static_cast (or any type of cast) used in the left-hand-side of an assignment operator.

What is it that you are attempting to do? For this statement:

static_cast<affine> (*pPlace) = affine::rotate(deg2bfPi(1)) * *pPlace;

I would need to know what value type is returned by rotate(), and whether or not you have overloaded the operator*() method is it is a complex object (ie something other an int, float, double, etc).

struct affine: coord {
m2x2 sMatrix;
// construct matrix for basic transformations
static affine rotate(unsigned iAngle);
affine operator * (const affine &rIn); // it should be using this one

It compiles and runs with the static_cast, but not without it. IDK if it makes a difference, but there are no virtual functions in affine or it's base class and the derived graphplacent does not overload operator * either, it's full definition was given earlier... just a constructor and two base classes.

edit... oops no to run correctly it actually needs:

* static_cast<affine *> (pRoot) = affine::rotate(deg2bfPi(-1)) * *pRoot;

I suspect static_cast creating a copy when it's not applied to a pointer.