View Full Version : Is FF add-on Gspace a viable online backup thang?

November 3rd, 2010, 03:53 PM
The "cloud" is a big buzz-word; and although I'm leery about entrusting my data to someone else's servers, I can certainly see that an online backup system is a good idea.

I've got Dropbox; but I'm a miserly sort who doesn't want to pay for more storage space. So what I'm currently dabbling in is the Firefox add-on Gspace. I've opened a Gmail account especially for it, so I can use the free 7GB storage for off-site back-up. It seems like a nice service; lots of free storage, off-site back-up, and a nice web browser interface to it. But I'm also concerned about security. Gmail looks at our emails so they can target their advertisement more effectively. This means Gmail looks at the inbox of the account one uses for Gspace. Is it fair to look on that as a potential security problem?

I'd love to hear some opinions on Gspace, and also on other free "cloud" back-up services that might be lurking around out there. So, what do y'all say?

November 3rd, 2010, 04:14 PM
I have been using Gspace for some years and it is robust.

ADrive (http://www.adrive.com/) gives you 50Gb free but as with any on-line provider, if you can encrypt/decrypt then with suffient reason to do it so can they.

Keep personal information offline locally (remember config files etc.).