November 1st, 2010, 11:21 PM
this is my first thread so bear with me. I have an Apple ibook 3G with a 500mhz ppc processor and 384MB of Ram that used to run OSX 2.8 but I am trying to install linux on it. I want to install Ubuntu or Xubuntu on it because I have been a Ubuntu user for a couple of years and I love it. But when I tried to install them my screen does funky things. The screen only fills up part of the screen and then there is like a partial mirror image of the screen on bottom of that screen and i think its something to do with the graphics config because I installed Yellow Dog Linux on it and it worked for a while and then does the same thing so I know its not the screen its self. I hope to get a few pics of it soon. But I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or knew how to fix it.:confused:
this is my first thread so bear with me. I have an Apple ibook 3G with a 500mhz ppc processor and 384MB of Ram that used to run OSX 2.8 but I am trying to install linux on it. I want to install Ubuntu or Xubuntu on it because I have been a Ubuntu user for a couple of years and I love it. But when I tried to install them my screen does funky things. The screen only fills up part of the screen and then there is like a partial mirror image of the screen on bottom of that screen and i think its something to do with the graphics config because I installed Yellow Dog Linux on it and it worked for a while and then does the same thing so I know its not the screen its self. I hope to get a few pics of it soon. But I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or knew how to fix it.:confused: