View Full Version : [ubuntu] Unity Menu bar

Richard Carlson
November 1st, 2010, 12:31 AM
Realizing this is all new unexplored territory is there any way to place programs onto the program bar? I know you can remove them. I would like to prioritize the menu bar by apps and place 'my favorites' onto the bar. (i.e. I removed Firefox and want to place Google Chrome on the bar instead.)

I can really see many area's where 'Unity' could really take off in many ways conceptually. I like what I see.

Where can one be in touch with the developers to submit idea's?

Richard :)

November 1st, 2010, 12:35 AM
The only way I know of is to launch the program, the right click, and it says: "Keep in panel" There's probably another way though.