View Full Version : Organizational Proposal submitted by JWDinKC
October 20th, 2010, 08:10 AM
I received these two emails via Launchpad as I would assume any of you reading this have as well. I've re-posted them here in order to respond to them in a way that everyone can partake of the discussion. I feel this communication channel is more effective within the group than a series of un-threaded or unrelated emails.
Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:20 PM from JWDinKC <>:
I propose the we identify one or a few points of focus. I've always
been a good salesman at heart. There's nothing more inspiring than a
product one can believe in. Ubuntu is that and more. If its not
against the GNU/GPL license I think we should aid each other in
proliferating Ubuntu. If we should do installs, set up, and maintenance
I do believe it's OK to charge for our time. We could support each
other in this endeavor for one. So, I guess that point of focus would
be proliferation. At least on an individual level. If the expertise of
the group requires industrial/commercial accounts - maybe us salesmen
could contribute to your cause,,,which may be on a whole other scale of
proliferation from what I'm talking about. Anyway, aside from
proliferation does anyone else have any focus points to consider? Once
we identify these maybe we can map out whether they interrelate and are
in the purview of Locoteams etc...
p.s. I'm in KCMO. How about you?
Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:12 PM from JWDinKC <>:
So far I've gotten a reply from six out of one hundred and six members.
I'm going to add each of you to my contact list in my e-mail client as
you reply. On Friday (10.22.10) I'll consider those in my list to be
willing and active participants for now. Once we get an active head
count we should be able to start rolling out ideas. Sound good? I
don't want to step on anyones toes here.
Believe it or not, I have one whole paragraph of a letter/forum post that I've been trying to formulate (as a Tomboy Note) that is in the same vein as what you're saying here. Really, I do. It's been there for over a month. I have thoughts on these matters, but have been struggling with how to say them in a constructive, cohesive way. I've also been a little apprehensive to "start something" because presently my young family and responsibilities have kept me from contributing in a way that I can participate to the extent that I would choose. So there it is, I want to run with the big dogs, but can't get off the porch, oh and I like to bark a lot.:lol: It sounds like you have the charisma and the drive to rally the group. I think this is excellent. Here's some of what I have to say. It may sound negative, but that is not my intention. Take my criticisms lightly, I'm not attacking anyone. You've encouraged me to blurt this out...
I agree completely with picking a target for our zeal. We all want to be involved in the Ubuntu movement at a local level. The LoCo needs a reason to exist more than "Hi. I like Ubuntu too". I feel this lack of a mission is part of the reason the group has remained stagnant. Of course everyone is busy with their jobs, school, family, this is a given. Another reason maybe be the wide distance over which we are spread. I don't completely agree with MLM68's subsequent email:
im glad to c some new blood in the group just due a shout to the mebers
list or u can email me directly and ill try to get back to u or someone
will its been kind of quiet but they due respond i found out just a
little slow but i know there busy in rl like we should be i want a BBQ
sometyime or a christmas party i think would be neat if we could work
something out i know most are in kc area
Is this true? Are MOST of the Ubuntu Missouri members in KC? I fail to prove him wrong, the map at has been taken down. I know there were covens :) in Springfield, Columbia, and St. Louis, not to mention the rest of us lonely souls spread throughout the "backwoods" portions of the state. I'm not saying that you should bring the meetings to me in Park Hills, but if you're going to hold flesh and blood meetings in KC all the time then call it what it is: The Kansas City Missouri Local Community Team. I'm OK with that, but I wouldn't have bothered to join the KC LoCo knowing that there is no way I was ever going to be a part of the group. Please do not alienate everyone else in the group based on their location. There can still be some kind of peripheral movement that will involve those not fortunate enough to live in close proximity to other Ubuntu zealots. Have the Christmas party, just please don't collapse all MOLoCo business down to one geographic region. It would prove self defeating.
The Open Source business models do allow for money to change hands for services and software covered by the GPL, in fact I believe that's the point of a business model. I have never seen anything to say that the LoCo cannot profit from such ventures. I would rely on our benevolent LoCo Administrators for clarification and guidance on this. Matthew, Joe, Kent, one or all have already researched what it takes to be a LoCo. As long as your goal is to raise funds for the purposes of forwarding the goals of the group (which is to raise funds for the purposes of forwarding the goals...:)) I think this is necessary. Either that, or one of us is going to have to marry into money. If you want to do this for personal profit then I think the LoCo will be a good place for you to network with business partners and clients as well as gain leads, but it is not the place to try to start a business.
Several things seem promising as opportunities to raise capital and visibility for the group. Mythbuntu home media server/DVR construction and sales (or similar). Asterix based phone systems/voice response units, OpenBravo or LemonPOS Point of Sale "cash register" implementations (especially for small businesses). Education, seminars, such as how to use Open Office; Gimp image editor for photo manipulation, Pitivi for video editing, Audacity or Jokosher (someday) for podcasting or home recording, Scribus for desktop publishing. (I need not list anymore, you all know them by heart.) You don't have to hold a degree or a certificate, you just have to be adept and be able to explain it to other people. Many of these programs are available cross platform, which means that you can draw people in for a specific application to learn to do a specific task that they want to accomplish on their Windows PC. They'll pay you because it doesn't cost a lot for that, and the program is free. You might even sell them a DVD to take home for future reference. While you've got them there (and they start asking if you can help them get the Botnet on their laptop to stop stealing their bandwidth) you can show them other Open Source applications, maybe even Ubuntu or Linux Mint. The seminar concept is at least one that will require the minimum amount of collateral albeit requiring a fair amount of time. Time to script, plan, prepare, advertise, and speak at the engagement. This might provide money for the purchase of demo hardware or proof of concept setups. What about building professional grade head mouse/head tracking rigs for people with physical disabilities using Dasher, Ubuntu, and a commodity Wii controller? Others are working on this right now, and if we can build and sell a rig that will do the job of a $1000 commercial unit for less than that, you'd be providing a service and a product.
This is trickle up, not trickle down, propagation. Let these empowered people take their new found skills and programs and share them with their co-workers, friends, family, and church groups. Instead of evangelizing about how great Open Source is and getting blank stares and opposition, simply show them how to make "it" do what they want "it" to do, using Ubuntu and Open Source tools.
OK. So I rolled out a few ideas before roll was called. I might have gotten a little ahead of things there, but it felt good to post this and get it "out there". I can't wait to see what other opinions there are on these things. I posted this here in the hopes of it becoming a full fledged discussion. Don't forget to cross post links to the Facebook page!/group.php?gid=4101034122(Kent, you still haven't added the logo to the Facebook group‽ It's our colors Spr0k3t, we gotta fly the colors!) and I know you said you're a natural born salesman and creating artificial urgency through arbitrary deadlines might be second nature, but giving 100 people less than 18 hours in the middle of the night to respond to an email might be pushing a little hard. It's been pretty slow in here, it might take people a while to realize that there's movement in the club house. Hopefully the the 5 day deadline Friday will turn up a few more results.
October 20th, 2010, 09:39 AM
You know, I can tell that you feel really strong about this and I love it. You threw out a lot of great ideas, but where do we start, should we divide out into teams, that work on small projects, or should we all try to tackle one big project and report our progress in at points, either way, planning is required. AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WE HAD A FACEBOOK PAGE! AWESOME. :cool: As far as conferencing and getting together, one of my favorite cross platform apps is Skype, which allows for voice or video conferencing, with addons for showing presentations.
October 20th, 2010, 01:24 PM
I found some energy moving this LoCo ahead. That is great!! You want to organize and coordinate? who does that? I am disabled (sort of) and semi-retired with 12-18 hours per day in front of the computer and I have plenty of time. Where can I be of use? How can I contribute?
I started in the Navy in 197? before we had a personal computer in electronics and sonar on a missle submarine. I then went on to get my first A.S. degree in Electronics when transistors were a option we might need to fix portable Japanese radios. After a variety of jobs I then created a BBS system until the big push was on to get on the Internet. I am slowly (very slowly) starting to learn programming and finding as a lifetime learner that Ubuntu is a great fit with thousands of free open source programs to learn and explore.
I am here, usually logged in or at least checking email every day (I will now!) so write back and don't lose your great energy!
We have several different means of communication and several different forums of one type or another and I would like to see a continuation of this thread here since it is easier and more logical from several different perspectives.
Stay in touch and keep me informed as how I can contribute. Windwalker
October 20th, 2010, 02:04 PM
I agree completely with picking a target for our zeal. We all want to be involved in the Ubuntu movement at a local level. The LoCo needs a reason to exist more than "Hi. I like Ubuntu too". I feel this lack of a mission is part of the reason the group has remained stagnant. Of course everyone is busy with their jobs, school, family, this is a given. Another reason maybe be the wide distance over which we are spread. I don't completely agree with MLM68's subsequent email:
Is this true? Are MOST of the Ubuntu Missouri members in KC? I fail to prove him wrong, the map at has been taken down. I know there were covens :) in Springfield, Columbia, and St. Louis, not to mention the rest of us lonely souls spread throughout the "backwoods" portions of the state. I'm not saying that you should bring the meetings to me in Park Hills, but if you're going to hold flesh and blood meetings in KC all the time then call it what it is: The Kansas City Missouri Local Community Team. I'm OK with that, but I wouldn't have bothered to join the KC LoCo knowing that there is no way I was ever going to be a part of the group. Please do not alienate everyone else in the group based on their location. There can still be some kind of peripheral movement that will involve those not fortunate enough to live in close proximity to other Ubuntu zealots. Have the Christmas party, just please don't collapse all MOLoCo business down to one geographic region. It would prove self defeating.
The Open Source business models do allow for money to change hands for services and software covered by the GPL, in fact I believe that's the point of a business model. I have never seen anything to say that the LoCo cannot profit from such ventures. I would rely on our benevolent LoCo Administrators for clarification and guidance on this. Matthew, Joe, Kent, one or all have already researched what it takes to be a LoCo. As long as your goal is to raise funds for the purposes of forwarding the goals of the group (which is to raise funds for the purposes of forwarding the goals...:)) I think this is necessary. Either that, or one of us is going to have to marry into money. If you want to do this for personal profit then I think the LoCo will be a good place for you to network with business partners and clients as well as gain leads, but it is not the place to try to start a business.
Several things seem promising as opportunities to raise capital and visibility for the group. Mythbuntu home media server/DVR construction and sales (or similar). Asterix based phone systems/voice response units, OpenBravo or LemonPOS Point of Sale "cash register" implementations (especially for small businesses). Education, seminars, such as how to use Open Office; Gimp image editor for photo manipulation, Pitivi for video editing, Audacity or Jokosher (someday) for podcasting or home recording, Scribus for desktop publishing. (I need not list anymore, you all know them by heart.) You don't have to hold a degree or a certificate, you just have to be adept and be able to explain it to other people. Many of these programs are available cross platform, which means that you can draw people in for a specific application to learn to do a specific task that they want to accomplish on their Windows PC. They'll pay you because it doesn't cost a lot for that, and the program is free. You might even sell them a DVD to take home for future reference. While you've got them there (and they start asking if you can help them get the Botnet on their laptop to stop stealing their bandwidth) you can show them other Open Source applications, maybe even Ubuntu or Linux Mint. The seminar concept is at least one that will require the minimum amount of collateral albeit requiring a fair amount of time. Time to script, plan, prepare, advertise, and speak at the engagement. This might provide money for the purchase of demo hardware or proof of concept setups. What about building professional grade head mouse/head tracking rigs for people with physical disabilities using Dasher, Ubuntu, and a commodity Wii controller? Others are working on this right now, and if we can build and sell a rig that will do the job of a $1000 commercial unit for less than that, you'd be providing a service and a product.
This is trickle up, not trickle down, propagation. Let these empowered people take their new found skills and programs and share them with their co-workers, friends, family, and church groups. Instead of evangelizing about how great Open Source is and getting blank stares and opposition, simply show them how to make "it" do what they want "it" to do, using Ubuntu and Open Source tools.
OK. So I rolled out a few ideas before roll was called. I might have gotten a little ahead of things there, but it felt good to post this and get it "out there". I can't wait to see what other opinions there are on these things. I posted this here in the hopes of it becoming a full fledged discussion. Don't forget to cross post links to the Facebook page (Kent, you still haven't added the logo to the Facebook group‽ It's our colors Spr0k3t, we gotta fly the colors!) and I know you said you're a natural born salesman and creating artificial urgency through arbitrary deadlines might be second nature, but giving 100 people less than 18 hours in the middle of the night to respond to an email might be pushing a little hard. It's been pretty slow in here, it might take people a while to realize that there's movement in the club house. Hopefully the the 5 day deadline Friday will turn up a few more results.
when i wrote the email i didnt mean to upset everyone i know plp are busy and i didnt think it would be taken so badlly so far the most plp i did talk to when i posted a hi to the group were from the kc area i know there all over the state just the most active plp i saw were in the kc area i might not know alot about the workings of linux in general but i really due think its a better alt than most software i cant program or stuff like that but i sure due try to run it its nice to c more plp going active on the email list i know knowone has anything to prove or i hope they reallize they dont because i dont and i didnt even know about the facebook page please post the info so i can link to it myself if u want im sorry this might be typed with spelling mistakes or to many im abrevartions
if anyone wants to talk to me privately heres my addy and if you all feel like i dont fit here let me know
October 20th, 2010, 02:13 PM
Mike, I'm not upset. You may be right, there may be more in KC. I did say I didn't agree, but I can't dispute it. This was about getting people to speak up and agree or disagree.:)
October 20th, 2010, 02:35 PM
Mike, I'm not upset. You may be right, there may be more in KC. I did say I didn't agree, but I can't dispute it. This was about getting people to speak up and agree or disagree.:)
I'm much closer to Saint Louis then I am to Kansas City, and it's still a 1.5 hour drive. With the size of Missouri I could see groups in Kansas City, Saint Louis, Columbia and Springfield all sub-loco groups with annual or bi-annual meetups for everyone who can attend...but that's just my thoughts.
Our office has a conference room that can hold 15 people and there is a projector...but Fulton is about 2 hours from Kansas City.
October 20th, 2010, 02:36 PM
See here we all were, like a sleeper cell, waiting to be activated.
Please don't misunderstand, I'm not taking center stage here. This latest burst of energy was instigated by JWDinKC, I just posted his efforts here. I think the discussion is easier to follow this way. This might actually be a conversation, in and of itself; Do we have officers in the group? Joe Brouhard, Matthew Copple, and Spr0k3t a.k.a.- Kent Seaton are Admins. therefore I see them as de facto leaders of the group. That typically also means that they are already investing time and energy, and everyone will tend to dump the decisions and problems back on them. I am hoping to see their comments here.
It might be a good thing for the regions to try to meet separately. I guess it feels like if KC is meeting and I'm not there that I'm not being included, but I know individually that I wouldn't be able to make some of the meetings anyway; At least the active members would be acting, and there will be a group for me to participate with when I have the opportunity. If this happens, I'd like to see each splinter cell post their activities though, making the MOLoCo and associated forums and pages more like a Council than the group itself, e.g. MOLoCo - Springfield, MOLoCo - KC, MOLoCo - Columbia, C.S.I. - Las Vegas, C.S.I. - Miami.
I realize that I haven't joined the IRC chat lately either. I made two attempts previously and they were both silent. I've used other recent chat platforms, but it wasn't until I started in Ubuntu a few years ago that I was introduced to IRC, even though it's been around since...1988. (Thanks Wikipedia)
October 20th, 2010, 02:37 PM
MO is pretty big place, I don't see a problem with subgroups and multiple events at multiple places, some synchronized events would be cool too.
For the St Louis area, as a member of ArchReactor I could reserve the space for an event, free wifi and comfortable seating for about 20 people, many more with folding chairs. Also have a 96" project screen if someone wants to do some presentation, and many work tables for setting up PC's.
Many A.R. members are also avid Ubuntu users and promoters, everyone is welcome to attend anything on their calendar. Stop by anytime to meet some other users. This coming Tuesday is our Halloween potluck too, everyone is invited!
If there's interest in an ubuntu-centric event, I just need a week or so notice to reserve the space.
I think the goal of a LoCo should be more social and community oriented, promoting Ubutnu. If some sales do happen as a direct result of the groups work, I'd like to see those funds go to building basic computers for people that can't afford one, and buying pressed CD's to hand out. However, if some members do want to go off on the side and make a for-profit business, i don't have a problem with that. Just don't use the groups resources any more than you'd use OSS resources in general.
October 20th, 2010, 04:23 PM
I nominate you JWDinKC as president for the New Kansas City Loco. You can obviously wake up the people here who want to help but have no one to lead them. I'm just a pawn but would love to be more involved as would most of the others. I live in Lenexa KS, so I would join your Kansas City Loco if you started one. The Ubuntu forums for Missouri and Kansas could be a good place to start it up and locate members who live in the area.
October 20th, 2010, 04:41 PM
Wow Curtis, You're Bluecherry‽ Man, I've been a fan for a while now. I almost mentioned you in my list of potential projects here, but declined only because I didn't know what kind of legal atmosphere we would be in if we were involved in surveillance equipment. It's one thing if you are installing them as a vendor, or I as a home or business owner, it's different if the non-profit group is responsible. I figured it was something that could be brought up later as the group matures. So, you're bringing hardware and software expertise in from a completely different angle, business experience, as well as a feel for local needs and market. I really need to re read the old posts and the Launchpad bio's.
October 20th, 2010, 05:22 PM
I'm in agreement with Chris'(Chrwei) commitment to the community (not in the Jono Bacon sense of community, the less fortunate) and those whose lives would actually benefit from our help. That's Ubuntu from it's conception.
Stray Wolf
October 20th, 2010, 05:33 PM
WOW! Thank you everyone for responding, and having enough tender left to be sparked! Upon joining the LocoMO I sent out an introductory email as a courtesy to all the members. The response I got back was mostly "I thought the group was comatose but you may be the one to wake it up!". I only got one response so far that conveyed no hope. It looks to me like we have exuberance and expertise. We need structure. I may have gotten a little ahead of myself in proposing proliferation before organization. Wyrless2002 obviously has some institutional awareness and has been kind enough to contribute that to us. Thanks to you I'm know a member on facebook even though I kind of hate it... I love having this thread though! You're bringing the A-game! Anyway, the team has 106 members but we really don't know who is active. Should we care? The group dynamic needs to be fluid. So, we need fluidity but structure. How do we acquire such a thing? I was just trying to gather the people who want to actively participate first. I'm happy to say the slow trickle of responses has now become a deluge! Most committees result in sub-committees and liaisons. I propose we start a LocoMO committee first. The committee can work together and with members to decide a charter. The charter will hopefully be a reflection of our purpose. After we realize a unified purpose it will be easier to assign sub-committees by region and or expertise to carry out that purpose. Does that sound like a good place to start?
Also - if you want to be on a vCard with all other active members send me an email and I'll add you. I'm going to send those out on Monday. Unless, someone here with more knowledge has a better way...
One more thing...I'm totally pulling this out of my *** and am at your mercy.
Stray Wolf
October 20th, 2010, 05:37 PM
I nominate you JWDinKC as president for the New Kansas City Loco. You can obviously wake up the people here who want to help but have no one to lead them. I'm just a pawn but would love to be more involved as would most of the others. I live in Lenexa KS, so I would join your Kansas City Loco if you started one. The Ubuntu forums for Missouri and Kansas could be a good place to start it up and locate members who live in the area.
I'm flattered. I'm prolly no more of an advanced user than you. I'm just going to do what I can and look forward to others doing the same.
Stray Wolf
October 20th, 2010, 05:41 PM
I'm in agreement with Chris'(Chrwei) commitment to the community (not in the Jono Bacon sense of community, the less fortunate) and those whose lives would actually benefit from our help. That's Ubuntu from it's conception.
I second! I was noticing the software center already has an app that helps the web cam work as a mouse by reading head gestures. We could make peoples lives better who may not have had access due to cost restraints and physical disabilities. I hope once we organized this can be included in out charter if it is decided to create one.
October 20th, 2010, 06:51 PM
Hi all, i'd like to let the group know i'm on board with getting this group going in some way. may i suggest that we host a chat or group skype conference this weekend. myself, i am no salesman but i can take the ideas we come up with and put them to code. i've been using ubuntu to 4+ years now and it is probably about time i give something back to the open source community.
EDIT: btw i'm in springfield
October 20th, 2010, 08:58 PM
For months I have monitored this thread and wondered why it was not active. It is good to see activity after such a long silence.
I am getting emails from this thread and the Launchpad thread which makes me wonder if everyone is seeing all the activity. I would encourage everyone that is active to use one or the other to communicate.
I live about as far away from KC as you can in this state, and to get to St Louis is a 3 hour drive. I want to be involved as much as anyone and I would recommend as central location as possible to meet, at least initially.
I agree also that thee needs to be a group communication event and a weekend Skype conference is a good idea.
October 20th, 2010, 09:07 PM
im glad to c its finally coming together about some sort of internet chat i know i couldnt get to alot of the meetings myself but im willing to try and hlp myself due what i can let me know if i can hlp out or whatnot im not more than a desktop user myself
Stray Wolf
October 20th, 2010, 09:08 PM
BTW...I'm JWDinKC. I just haven't figure out how to change my forum name on here. But I'm the same guy from launchpad. So far I have 17 contacts on the vCard if that's going to work for everyone. Anyone who hasn't emailed me to be on the vCard but wants on it, do so soon please. Once I have the vCard I'm either going to email it out to everyone, or post it somewhere to be downloaded. I'm on skype and aim as jwdinkc. J.d. Wayne is my facebook name. On IRC I'm Stray_Wolf.
October 20th, 2010, 11:00 PM
October 20th, 2010, 11:23 PM
This is why I think we should reconsider having meetings in Kansas City.
Escaped chimp attacks Kansas City police car!
Stray Wolf
October 21st, 2010, 12:04 AM
This is why I think we should reconsider having meetings in Kansas City.
Escaped chimp attacks Kansas City police car!
Sorry...I get moody without my dinner.
October 21st, 2010, 02:13 AM
ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. I have 2 softwares, Skype, and Vyew, which are both great conferencing apps. I propose all that responded, should get together, I just need to know who, and set a date. It would be great if I could get the vcard that you have developing JWDink, so I'm leaving the choice of software to the entire group, and the time.
But as far as dates, could we do tommorrow?
Check out the link to vote, after 5 tommorrow, I'll collect the results.
October 21st, 2010, 05:12 AM
BTW...I'm JWDinKC. I just haven't figure out how to change my forum name on here. But I'm the same guy from launchpad. So far I have 17 contacts on the vCard if that's going to work for everyone. Anyone who hasn't emailed me to be on the vCard but wants on it, do so soon please. Once I have the vCard I'm either going to email it out to everyone, or post it somewhere to be downloaded. My skype name is also jwdinkc, and so is my facebook name, and aim. On IRC I'm Stray_Wolf.
i got a few places on the web if plp would like to know also facebook /myspace just use mikebugman1968@gmail to find me if u want and id like more info on the vcard also plz
Stray Wolf
October 21st, 2010, 04:19 PM
I corrected the original post with my contacts on it. At the time I wrote that I thought I could change my sn for facebook but I was wrong.
So long as everyone who wants to be on the vCard e-mails me you'll be on it. It may be easier to mass mail it out to everyone in the short term. But so it can be easily updated and shared I was wondering were I could upload the file so that everyone could have access to it and anyone could maintain it in case they want to take their name off or add it. I could upload it to Ubuntu one...
As for the meeting I voted for skype. Reason being, it's more widely used and we should have a good understanding of how to troubleshoot the software if need be. I can log on at five and see who all is there...I use a wifi phone as my home phone through skype as well so it may always show me as on.
If we decide to make a charter I propose the first Article I and it's sections be devoted to structuring the group (outlining the committee officers, how they are appointed and what their responsibilities are). Then, Article II and it's sections may want to outline the purpose the group is structured for. That is if my proposal to institute a charter is accepted in the first place.
October 21st, 2010, 06:36 PM
Just signed up and logged into Facebook and now for Skype? see ya in a bit.
October 21st, 2010, 07:28 PM
Skype is working after installing PulseAudio Give me a call or arrange a time I heard somewhere in here 5pm on Friday which is tomorrow for a teleconference. Is that chat or voice? I can do either one now and I assume that is Missouri time? stay in touch
We need to incorporate the charter for Ubuntu and the volunteer worker charter in some fashion into the charter. Does anyone have a link to either one of those? I would delay building a organizational structure until the basic concepts were defined. We also need rules (unfortunately) or at least some way to resolve disputes and people problems. I would suggest we do the basic tenants of the charter in such a manner as to make them more palatable to the group who will eventually accept our membership. Such as approval into the worldwide LoCo community by the committee and can we see what works for them and beg borrow or steal some ideas from other charters? any links would be helpful? Are we in contact with the overall organizational committee? (I know one exists somewhere) I have some college English (yes I passed believe it or not) so as long as we have some type of skeletal structure agreed upon then several drafts would go through approval phases by committee eventually to go to vote before the whole group? What committee?
I need feedback but one other idea to push forward a little is keep the discussions in front of the committee that will approve our membership as the Missouri LoCo team into the Ubuntu group of teams. we are officially called a team which is a place to start I will log on at 5 as well tonight and see who shows up but I think we should refer at least to the discussions on this forum and bring it back here after the conference with transparency as a committee within the team being the motivation as well as that overall approval which is still pending? What is our status as the Missouri Ubuntu LoCo Team with Ubuntu?
Stray Wolf
October 21st, 2010, 09:06 PM
Skype is working after installing PulseAudio Give me a call or arrange a time I heard somewhere in here 5pm on Friday which is tomorrow for a teleconference. Is that chat or voice? I can do either one now and I assume that is Missouri time? stay in touch
We need to incorporate the charter for Ubuntu and the volunteer worker charter in some fashion into the charter. Does anyone have a link to either one of those? I would delay building a organizational structure until the basic concepts were defined. We also need rules (unfortunately) or at least some way to resolve disputes and people problems. I would suggest we do the basic tenants of the charter in such a manner as to make them more palatable to the group who will eventually accept our membership. Such as approval into the worldwide LoCo community by the committee and can we see what works for them and beg borrow or steal some ideas from other charters? any links would be helpful? Are we in contact with the overall organizational committee? (I know one exists somewhere) I have some college English (yes I passed believe it or not) so as long as we have some type of skeletal structure agreed upon then several drafts would go through approval phases by committee eventually to go to vote before the whole group? What committee?
I need feedback but one other idea to push forward a little is keep the discussions in front of the committee that will approve our membership as the Missouri LoCo team into the Ubuntu group of teams. we are officially called a team which is a place to start I will log on at 5 as well tonight and see who shows up but I think we should refer at least to the discussions on this forum and bring it back here after the conference with transparency as a committee within the team being the motivation as well as that overall approval which is still pending? What is our status as the Missouri Ubuntu LoCo Team with Ubuntu?
Hopefully everyone here got my skype invite. If not look me up as jwdinkc@skype.
I've been reading They touch on conflict resolution and a technical review board to review technical disputes.
October 22nd, 2010, 01:27 AM
So, Friday at 5 on skype, I'll be there.
October 22nd, 2010, 03:06 AM
i got a skype accnt but i dont think ill make it tomorow at 5 ill be working then heres my skype name mikebugman1968
October 22nd, 2010, 05:58 PM
I may be there at 5 this evening, if not skype address is jcwmoore
Stray Wolf
October 22nd, 2010, 08:03 PM
I exported our contact list as a vCard in evolution, uploaded it to Ubuntu One and published it here: (
I set it to be shared with everyone on the contact list and you all should be able to modify the file too if need be. First time sharing a file over Ubuntu One so I hope I did it right.
October 22nd, 2010, 09:21 PM
So, I guess I missed the conference...And I'm the guy who came up with the software'm sorry. Could you fill me in JWDinKC?
October 22nd, 2010, 11:29 PM
As for the meeting I voted for skype. Reason being, it's more widely used and we should have a good understanding of how to troubleshoot the software if need be. I can log on at five and see who all is there...I use a wifi phone as my home phone through skype as well so it may always show me as on..
I'm only three days late, but IRC works best for me. Here is a link to #ubuntu-missouri with the qWebIRC (web) client:
October 22nd, 2010, 11:31 PM
Wow Curtis, You're Bluecherry‽ Man, I've been a fan for a while now. I almost mentioned you in my list of potential projects here, but declined only because I didn't know what kind of legal atmosphere we would be in if we were involved in surveillance equipment. It's one thing if you are installing them as a vendor, or I as a home or business owner, it's different if the non-profit group is responsible. I figured it was something that could be brought up later as the group matures. So, you're bringing hardware and software expertise in from a completely different angle, business experience, as well as a feel for local needs and market. I really need to re read the old posts and the Launchpad bio's.
Well, I started Bluecherry but it's alot more then just me now. Thanks for being a fan!
I'll be around on here occasionally, or on freenode. My IRC nick is azop if you have questions or need something.
October 22nd, 2010, 11:38 PM
I'm late got hung up mapping the Humboldt system on Freelancer Discovery 4.85 v.3
It is 5:34pm I just got a virtual business card and I still need to set up Evolution in 10.10 which I upgraded to this morning at some ungodly hour. I don't know how to IRC and I couldn't find JWDinKC but I am now Windwalker522 on Skype. We are getting there be patient and persistent and have a lot of tolerance and faith. I guess I missed the conference as well. Write I will be setting up Evolution with Yahoo and a POP server which could take a while.
I will be around, Windwalker
btw I am now Ubuntu user #32568 and Linux user#525850
holler If you need the link for Linux and Ubuntu registration
Stray Wolf
October 23rd, 2010, 03:42 PM
I'm late got hung up mapping the Humboldt system on Freelancer Discovery 4.85 v.3
It is 5:34pm I just got a virtual business card and I still need to set up Evolution in 10.10 which I upgraded to this morning at some ungodly hour. I don't know how to IRC and I couldn't find JWDinKC but I am now Windwalker522 on Skype. We are getting there be patient and persistent and have a lot of tolerance and faith. I guess I missed the conference as well. Write I will be setting up Evolution with Yahoo and a POP server which could take a while.
I will be around, Windwalker
btw I am now Ubuntu user #32568 and Linux user#525850
holler If you need the link for Linux and Ubuntu registration
Once you get Evolution set up you can back it up to Ubuntu One like I did at first. But then, I found Clonezilla. If you use Clonezilla just make sure you back up all your music and pictures separately (if you have 70+Gigs of it like me). But once you set everything up and do a clone, you'll never have to worry about reconfiguring anything.
As far as the Net Conference, it ended up on IRC. One of our members was having Skype problems on windows. The three of us that where on Skype spent more time tinkering with Skype than actually conferencing anyway. We just chatted in the conference. Getting to know each other a little before we get down to brass tax - which I can see taking a few weeks to get to know each other and consider where to start and what to do. We're all over the place so to keep tabs on everyone I recommend using chat and mail clients of your choice.
Stray Wolf
October 25th, 2010, 07:43 PM
Hey, would conforming to the times set here: (
I just saw that schedule. If it works to get us the most available members together at one time I'm for trying it. We need to figure out when the most members are available.
October 26th, 2010, 01:11 AM
Midweek is good for most people since weekends are usually more fun. I suggest that we have some type of organizational subgroup meeting perhaps twice as often say once a week. I don't know what steps to take from here to keep things rolling. I hope to research the charter but starting with a blank sheet of electronic paper is perhaps best and at the same time the hardest. Any ideas?
Stray Wolf
October 26th, 2010, 03:58 PM
Midweek is good for most people since weekends are usually more fun. I suggest that we have some type of organizational subgroup meeting perhaps twice as often say once a week. I don't know what steps to take from here to keep things rolling. I hope to research the charter but starting with a blank sheet of electronic paper is perhaps best and at the same time the hardest. Any ideas?
I'm on board with your meeting proposal. I'm assuming the subgroup would be working on the charter? I've been in committees with cities governments before where the charter has taken a year or two to create. They met once a month. Your idea would definitely get things rolling. I can be in the subgroup if thats okay. We could prolly get it done in a month at that rate.
October 27th, 2010, 03:04 PM
Midweek is good for most people since weekends are usually more fun. I suggest that we have some type of organizational subgroup meeting perhaps twice as often say once a week. I don't know what steps to take from here to keep things rolling. I hope to research the charter but starting with a blank sheet of electronic paper is perhaps best and at the same time the hardest. Any ideas?
How about we meet once a week at 7:30pm on Wednesdays, for those who want to be more active, and for those less active every first and third Wednesday every month at 8:30PM.
Seems like will be our best bet getting everyone together.
I would think most of you have found this already
I'll be on later if anyone wants to chat.
Stray Wolf
October 27th, 2010, 05:23 PM
How about we meet once a week at 7:30pm on Wednesdays, for those who want to be more active, and for those less active every first and third Wednesday every month at 8:30PM.
Seems like will be our best bet getting everyone together.
I would think most of you have found this already
I'll be on later if anyone wants to chat.
I'm adding it to my calendar. See you tonight!
October 27th, 2010, 08:38 PM
sounds good for most but how about those who work the evning like i due sometimes im at work kind of late and wont be out untill after the meeting id like to be m,ore active in this area but work does come first
October 27th, 2010, 09:08 PM
might have made this msg missunder stood i know alot of plp wont ber on until evning and i dont get around agin untill kind of late and would like to bveable to commint on the ideas if at all possible
Stray Wolf
October 27th, 2010, 11:25 PM
I have to go shopping for halloween costumes with my wife tonight so...I'm going to try to get home in time to see who's on IRC.
October 28th, 2010, 01:49 AM
Well that was a bust, ok anyone else have a time to meet. I'll just say the evenings after 7 are good for me. It would be nice if we were really going to do something to be able to meet though at least once every week or two.
October 28th, 2010, 03:11 AM
tried to catch it tonight myself sounds like it didnt happen mabye more lead time for plp
Stray Wolf
October 28th, 2010, 05:32 PM
I popped in - then watched Ugly Americans while watching for people to log on. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day. How's next week looking for everyone?
October 30th, 2010, 01:59 AM
I propose once a week on Wednesday around 7pm. Any comments, objections, anything!
btw. I am keeping the IRC channel open for Missouri Ubuntu in a separate tab so holler or pop in anytime.
Stray Wolf
November 1st, 2010, 05:51 PM
I'll be there, but maybe we should consider staggering meeting times to allow for more people to work meetings in around our schedules.
November 2nd, 2010, 03:12 AM
sounds good I just rebuilt my machine with 10.04LTS after some problems but I am back now.:popcorn:
November 2nd, 2010, 03:53 AM
gratz on you coming back glad to c u agin
November 2nd, 2010, 02:52 PM
We could always take notes, and post any topics we discussed. That way if you can't make the meeting you can still be involved through these forums.
Stray Wolf
November 2nd, 2010, 04:31 PM
We could always take notes, and post any topics we discussed. That way if you can't make the meeting you can still be involved through these forums.
The conversation can be logged... though the log may need to be edited for size and relevance. I think most IM clients can do that.
November 2nd, 2010, 06:51 PM
sounds like it might be coming together then i hope
Stray Wolf
November 3rd, 2010, 07:23 PM
So we don't get repeat messages, shouldn't someone be in charge of reminding everyone the night before or day of the meeting through launchpad? We plan on meeting tonight?
November 5th, 2010, 03:16 AM
test i lost this forum and im trying to c if i got t he link working agin
November 5th, 2010, 07:10 AM
A simple screen capture program would document the chat or i would think so. I need a email or something the day before. I'm sorry about missing the meeting on Wednesday at 7pm. I don't really have even a good excuse. Once we get a habit established in the minds of people then we should be alright. Does anyone have a link to the wiki for MoLoCo? I know one used to exist but it may be inactive. I'm up all night so write back but for now I am going to google for the wiki.
Stray Wolf
November 8th, 2010, 06:13 PM
Most IM clients I prolly have a chat logger. I'm sure one of us could just save that history and share it if need be. I'm still thinking we should stagger or alternate times. Maybe 8pm alternating every other Wednesday to 10pm?
November 8th, 2010, 07:33 PM
IRC chatbots are installed by request that archive the entire conversation. I found it once on Ubuntu and actually read some archives of meetings by committees which go on file and in archives. I will try to find it again and write back, Windwalker
Stray Wolf
November 9th, 2010, 12:19 AM
IRC chatbots are installed by request that archive the entire conversation. I found it once on Ubuntu and actually read some archives of meetings by committees which go on file and in archives. I will try to find it again and write back, Windwalker
I use Pidgin - it logs chats. I'm sure the others use IM clients that do the same.
November 9th, 2010, 01:30 AM
A simple screen capture program would document the chat or i would think so. I need a email or something the day before. I'm sorry about missing the meeting on Wednesday at 7pm. I don't really have even a good excuse. Once we get a habit established in the minds of people then we should be alright. Does anyone have a link to the wiki for MoLoCo? I know one used to exist but it may be inactive. I'm up all night so write back but for now I am going to google for the wiki.
I moved a bot that we use into #ubuntu-missouri for the time being. It logs the channel and I can make it publicly accessible, or copy it over to a wiki.
If we want to have advanced meeting (with topics and votes) we can either look at MootBot, or there's a module for rbot (which runs RoboBot) that duplicates the featureset of MootBot.
It also supports RSS (I added a RSS log for this thread), so it will show any updates on the channel.
18:31 < azop> !help
18:31 < RoboBot> azop: help topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 85 plugins: alias,
autoop, autorejoin, azgame, bans, bash, botsnack, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, dictclient, digg,
dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, geoip, googlefight, greet, grouphug, hangman, hl2, host, imdb, insult,
iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind, remotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, spotify, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, tumblr, twitter, uno, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube (help <topic> for more info)
November 9th, 2010, 01:43 AM
The IRC log is here:
Stray Wolf
November 9th, 2010, 05:35 PM
I moved a bot that we use into #ubuntu-missouri for the time being. It logs the channel and I can make it publicly accessible, or copy it over to a wiki.
If we want to have advanced meeting (with topics and votes) we can either look at MootBot, or there's a module for rbot (which runs RoboBot) that duplicates the featureset of MootBot.
It also supports RSS (I added a RSS log for this thread), so it will show any updates on the channel.
18:31 < azop> !help
18:31 < RoboBot> azop: help topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 85 plugins: alias,
autoop, autorejoin, azgame, bans, bash, botsnack, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, dictclient, digg,
dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, geoip, googlefight, greet, grouphug, hangman, hl2, host, imdb, insult,
iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind, remotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, spotify, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, tumblr, twitter, uno, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube (help <topic> for more info)
Holy crap you're a productive person! A million thanks!
November 12th, 2010, 03:34 AM
Thanks a million I was worried about the installation process. It seems a bit over my head.
Thanks, Windwalker
I've just read the log of the meeting. It went well and as advertised in the first statement of purpose. I need a IRC channel link. After rebuilding my computer all passwords and bookmarks have been deleted. I want to build a list or directory of websites like the IRC channel for the weekly meetings and and Sourceforge and so forth. Any Ideas or suggestions and if nothing else I will keep a shared copy of the file on Ubuntu One once I get logged on again! Plan on sharing files through the cloud account and I will act as a official member of MoLoCo and see if we can get our own dedicated cloud account. Write back soon with anything Sorry I missed the meeting It stayed on topic and was interesting to read. See you next week, i hope!
Stray Wolf
November 15th, 2010, 06:26 PM
Okay - meeting this week. What is the best time and who will announce it over launchpad?
November 16th, 2010, 12:43 AM
Wednesday? at 7? for the purpose of continuity and I don't know how.
November 16th, 2010, 06:31 AM
dont know how to what??? all you got t odue is ask some one here is sure to help
November 16th, 2010, 07:42 AM
ok so how do you send out 150 simultaneous emails and invite them to a Launchpad meeting?
106 actually and fairly easily done or at least I hope so through Launchpad.
Stray Wolf
November 17th, 2010, 06:53 PM
ok so how do you send out 150 simultaneous emails and invite them to a Launchpad meeting?
106 actually and fairly easily done or at least I hope so through Launchpad.
Yeah, that's how I first contacted the team. That launchpad LocoMO Team page does just fine. I won't make it tonight. I have a Civic Club meeting. Planning for a Christmas event. Anyway, I'll get on around 8-8:30 to see if anyone is still chatting.
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