View Full Version : Android & Eclipse - my app in simulator looks VERY diff to Eclipse - why?

October 20th, 2010, 02:42 AM
Hi there. So I laid out my UI in Eclipse, and edited all the XML... but in the Emulator it looks NOTHING LIKE in Eclipse! why?


October 20th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Hi there. So I laid out my UI in Eclipse, and edited all the XML... but in the Emulator it looks NOTHING LIKE in Eclipse! why?


Try DroidDraw (http://www.droiddraw.org/).

The Eclipse gui builder isn't very good in my opinion. Nor is DroidDraw to be perfectly honest, but it seems the best out there just now.

There's another Android Gui Designer for Eclipse, but I've not spent much time on debugging it - it fails to work with the little instructions given on the website.


You'd be best hand-coding the XML until Google's official builder is launched to the public.

Once you get to know the main elements, you'll start building interfaces pretty quickly. Eclipse has intellisense for it, too.

October 20th, 2010, 02:57 AM
Try DroidDraw (http://www.droiddraw.org/).

The Eclipse gui builder isn't very good in my opinion. Nor is DroidDraw to be perfectly honest, but it seems the best out there just now.

There's another Android Gui Designer for Eclipse, but I've not spent much time on debugging it - it fails to work with the little instructions given on the website.


You'd be best hand-coding the XML until Google's official builder is launched to the public.

Once you get to know the main elements, you'll start building interfaces pretty quickly. Eclipse has intellisense for it, too.

Way to go, Google! Create a mobile platform & SDK, but DON'T make a UI layout tool... for YEARS? WTF?


Thanks btw

October 20th, 2010, 05:10 AM
Although Eclipse is a great open-source IDE they don't always have the best plugins.

Check the android dev guide out.

By any chance did you get that problem fixed with the classes and importing?