View Full Version : [SOLVED] Int from string from redirected input C++

October 16th, 2010, 02:54 AM

I am working on some code which is eventually supposed to simulate (very primitively) packed fragmentation and reassembly in a transparent network. Unfortunately, I can't seem to read in the input correctly.

The puzzling thing to me is that I have some code where I seem to be able to read in the first integer on the first line correctly (num_hops) but I can't read in subsequent integers with essentially the same code!!

Any help, suggestions, tips, pointers or hints would be greatly appreciated.

An example of the input is as follows:

2 #number of hops
35 # maximum payload size for hop 1
20 # maximum payload size for hop 2
27 0 0 "This is the payload, whi"
27 24 0 "ch may span multiple lin"
27 48 1 "es until end of input."

As you can see, the pound signs are convenient delimiters. I am trying to use getline to grab each line of input (all of which is redirected from a file as standard input) and then I am trying to use getline again with a delimiter to chop the line up. Finally, I am trying to use streams to get the first part of the string (which should just be an int) into a variable of type int.

Why does this work the first time and not subsequently?

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;

int main () {

int num_hops; /* number of hops within hypothetical network */
string first_input_line;
string* max_payload_lines; /* placeholder for array of strings, containing input lines with maximum payload values. The count of these lines should be = to the number of hops */
int* max_payloads; /* placeholder for array of integers, containing the maximum payload values themselves. The count of these values should be = to the number of hops */
string* restof_input_lines; /* string array for the remaining lines of input (i.e. packet/payload lines) */
string before_token; /* buffer for string before delimiting token */
string after_token; /* buffer for string after delimiting token */
stringstream input_buffer; /* stringstream for reading input from stdin */
stringstream conversion_buffer; /* stringstream for variable assignment */
size_t found; /* flag for checking references to appropriate fields when input lines are scanned for expected descriptors in their comments */

/* Usage */
string usage = "Usage:\np2 < testfile\n\nWhere testfile is the name of a field containing input data in the following format\n2 #number of hops\n35 # maximum payload size for hop 1\n20 # maximum payload size for hop 2\n27 0 0 \"This is the payload, whi\"\n27 24 0 \"ch may span multiple lin\"\n27 48 1 \"es until end of input.\"";

/* interpret initial input */

/* get first line */
if(!getline(cin, first_input_line)){
cerr << "Getline failure. Are you sure you redirected input?!" << endl;
cerr << usage << endl;

input_buffer << first_input_line;

found=first_input_line.find("number of hops"); /* check first line for reference to the number of hops. */
if (found==string::npos){
cerr << "No explicit reference to \"number of hops\" found in the comment for first input line." << endl;
cerr << usage << endl;

getline(input_buffer, before_token, '#'); /* get first input line up to token "#", set value for num_hops */
cout << before_token << endl;
conversion_buffer << before_token;
conversion_buffer >> num_hops;

/* clear values of buffers, string placeholders and flags for future reuse */
found = 0;
before_token = "";
after_token = "";
/* now we know the number of hops and therefore the number of maximum payload lines to expect */

/* get lines containing maximum payloads for each hop */
max_payloads = new int[num_hops]; /* initialize and zero array of ints for stroing maximum payload values to the size of the number of hops */
for (int i = 0 ; i < num_hops ; i ++){
max_payloads[i] = 0;

max_payload_lines = new string[num_hops]; /* initialize array of strings for stroing maximum payload line comments to the size of the number of hops */

for(int j = 0 ; j < num_hops ; j++){
if(!getline(cin, max_payload_lines[j])){
cerr << "Getline failure. Are you sure you redirected input correctly?!" << endl;
cerr << usage << endl;

input_buffer << max_payload_lines[j];

found=max_payload_lines[j].find("maximum payload size"); /* search line for comment pertaining to maximum payload size */
if (found==string::npos){
cerr << "No explicit reference to \"maximum payload size\" found in the comment for input line #" << j << "\nAre you sure that you entered input correctly?" << endl;
cerr << usage << endl;

getline(input_buffer, before_token, '#'); /* get next input line pertaining to maximum payload size up to token "#", set value for num_hops */
cout << before_token << endl;
conversion_buffer << before_token;
conversion_buffer >> max_payloads[j]; /* set maxmimum payload for this hop */

/* clear values of buffers, string placeholders and flags for future reuse */
found = 0;
before_token = "";
after_token = "";

cout << num_hops << endl;
for (int k = 0 ; k < num_hops ; k++)
cout << max_payloads[k] << endl;
cout << max_payload_lines[k] << endl;

/* now we have the number of hops and the maximum payload for each hop. it's time to read in the input packets! */

Thank you for your time and for your help!

October 16th, 2010, 03:04 AM
I've been looking for hours and I think I've identified the problem as having to do with the state of the stringstream (which would explain the working once and then breaking problem). I am using .clear after each use of the stringstreams, however; shouldn't this reset their state?

October 16th, 2010, 03:10 AM
Current output is:
number of hops35
maximum payload size for hop 120
35 # maximum payload size for hop 1
20 # maximum payload size for hop 2

the first 2 is the "before_token" string after the streams are used successfully the first time
and the second and third lines are the "before_token" string printed just after the second attempt at a similar process.

October 16th, 2010, 03:21 AM
The only answers I've been able to find for problems similar to my own is to clear the state of the streams with .clear, but I am doing this already...

see: http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t283927-istringstream-str-only-works-once.html

October 16th, 2010, 03:33 AM


I was reseting the state of the stream but not the values in the stream itself!

was not enough.

was needed.

another lesson learned (beyond this technical one about streams) is to be very liberal with the print statements when debugging. If I remember that, maybe I'll save myself some time next time!

hope this helps someone else out in the future.