View Full Version : 在 Maverick 英文介面中輸入中文字
isaac chau
October 14th, 2010, 03:33 PM
我一向喜歡用英文介面, o岩o岩重灌了Maverick .
但我發覺 Default setting 的英文介面 有很多的中文字是不能打入的.
於是自己試下hack, 并 在 /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d 中建立 en_HK/en_TW 的 soft link.
情況似乎好了一些, 但仍然有一些字不能打入, 例如: 聰,開
唔知有冇人有同樣的問題, or 有冇人有解決的辦法呢 ?
October 16th, 2010, 05:23 PM
我都係用英文介面,但係冇黎個問題,亦冇改過D咩。你之前係唔係用 Lucid?個時有冇問題?
同埋你有冇係 Language Support 入面的 Install Language 裡面係 Chinese (traditional) 到將 Extra fonts 打勾?
October 18th, 2010, 09:41 PM
我也有相同的問題,昨天剛裝了 Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop,設好 ibus 的倉頡三代和五代,但很多字都打不到。
October 19th, 2010, 05:06 PM
有沒有安裝 Extra Fonts?
奇怪我用倉頡3 跟倉頡5 都可以打到「陳」(nldw)、「們」(oan)。不過我的倉頡是非常的有限公司,所以平常我都不是用倉頡 的,其他字我就不太會打了。
在 Language Support 裡的 Install/Remove Language 裡面,確認一下有冇安裝 Extra Fonts?
October 19th, 2010, 07:29 PM
我仔細地搜尋過,這個問題只會在使用英文介面時出現,因為 ibus 如果 detect 到介面並非中文,便會 default 為簡體中文,所以凡有簡體字的中文字便打不出來。
你可以更改 /usr/share/ibus-table/engine/ (建議先作備份) line 126 把 0 (簡體中文) 改為 1 (繁體中文),然後重新啟動 ibus 便會一切如常。
October 20th, 2010, 07:38 AM
yeah. it works! thx!
isaac chau
October 20th, 2010, 03:32 PM
Thanks anson5 ( , actually I found 2 more solutions for this problem too :
1. Install package "ibus-m17n", and you will got two more input methods
"Chinese - cangjie (m17n)" and "Chinese - quick (m17n)"
these two input method will not affected by the "default to simplify chinese"
that mentioned by anson5 (
2. Edit file "$HOME/.profile", and add the following line at the end :
export LC_CTYPE="zh_HK.utf8"
In the engine "", it will use $LC_CTYPE instead of $LANG if it defeined.
Therefore, we can use $LC_CTYPE to "fool" the engine to use traditional chinese
Hope the solution helps :)
I am now using the solution 2 above, as the m17n input engine does not provide
suggestions when you type.
October 21st, 2010, 03:02 AM
Thanks 2. Edit file "$HOME/.profile", and add the following line at the end :
export LC_CTYPE="zh_HK.utf8"
In the engine "", it will use $LC_CTYPE instead of $LANG if it defeined.
Therefore, we can use $LC_CTYPE to "fool" the engine to use traditional chinese
I prefer this method too. it's about config and not hack!
October 21st, 2010, 09:17 PM
大概你們都沒有選「Show language panel when active」,10.10 default 變成是「Embedded in menu」。
如果「Show language panel」set to "when active" 的話就會看到 panel,那裡有繁/簡的選擇。
抱歉,因為習慣了看到 panel,所以一安裝好就改了,一時給忘了。
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