View Full Version : Python reading

April 13th, 2006, 11:37 AM
Hi, I am making a program with python to help me learn my words for my languages. I have already written it, but I would like to store the questions and answers in an other file.

This (an example):

questions = ['apple', 'cow', 'cows', 'pigs']
answers = ['appel', 'koe', 'koeien', 'varkens']

is in the second file should be readable in the first file.
I think I need to do something with pickle but I don't seem to figure it out...

If you would like to see the rest of the code, just ask. I thought it might just anoy you.
Thanks in advance!

April 13th, 2006, 01:37 PM
if you just want it to be quick and simple, you might as well just store the questios and answers in that format, in a second file called QA.py, then simply import it at the start of your code, just make sure its on your import path (put it in the same directory as the rest of the code, or one of the places in sys.path)

import QA
then you can access the data by prefixing it with "QA."


you could go through the hastle of pickling the data but it doesn't seem nessasesy for a small home project :)

April 13th, 2006, 01:47 PM
I'd suggest using a dictionary though. You might find that lining up the questions and answers gets a bit tough once there are more than just a few.

words = { 'apple':'appel', 'cow':'koe', 'cows':'koeien', 'pigs':'varkens' }

Imported the same way as above.

April 13th, 2006, 02:30 PM
I did that as well, but it is harder to random that. Or do you know a way to shuffle it? Thanks!

April 13th, 2006, 04:00 PM
Use the same randomisation technique on the keys to the dictionary.

>>> words = { 'apple':'appel', 'cow':'koe', 'cows':'koeien', 'pigs':'varkens' }
>>> words.keys()
['cows', 'pigs', 'apple', 'cow']

April 13th, 2006, 04:12 PM
OK. Thanks! I'll go and try that out now.

April 13th, 2006, 04:20 PM
Uhm... I'm having a little problem with random.shuffle([x, y, z])


print random.shuffle(QA2.words.keys())

outputs "None"

What should I do?

For your information:
QA2 is the file I stored:

words = {'apple': 'appel',...,'pigs': 'varkens'}

April 13th, 2006, 09:32 PM
random.shuffle sorts the keys directly, so try this:

import random
#here, get from file instead
words = {'apple': 'appel','pigs': 'varkens'}
keys = words.keys()
print keys
print keys

April 14th, 2006, 09:07 AM
OK. Thanks, I'll do so.

April 14th, 2006, 09:15 AM
Erhm... when I do that I loose all conection with the iteritems and dictionary. So when I do:

for q, a in words.iteritems:
They are still in the same sequence.
But maybe it works if I make an always the same seed and shuffle both, keys and iteritems.

April 14th, 2006, 01:56 PM
Uhh, I have a little update. The dictionary seems to shuffle itself. This:

words = {'le gardien': 'de oppasser', 'la naissance': 'de geboorte', 'durer': 'duren', 'le vol': 'de diefstal', 'alerter': 'waarschuwen', 'le bruit': 'het geluid'}
comes in the following sequence: 5 1 2 6 4 3.
It isn't alfabetical: al - le - la - le - le - la - du
nor the sequence I made. Is there a explanation and maybe a way to make it really random, because it gives the same sequence all the time.

April 14th, 2006, 06:03 PM
i use this for a random shuffle :

import random

def __init__(self):
'''Initializes a new deck of cards.'''

self.cards = []

def countCards(self):
'''Counts the amount of cards in the deck.'''

return len(self.cards)

def shuffle(self):
'''This shuffles the cards in the deck in random order.'''

nCards = self.countCards()

for i in range(nCards):
j = random.randrange(nCards)

self.cards[i], self.cards[j] = self.cards[j], self.cards[i]

note the above is a copy/paste from a couple of functions from an actual source. It won't work out of the box like this. You'll have to rewrite some parts :) But you'll get the idea.

April 14th, 2006, 08:40 PM
OK. I'll try that, thanks! But does this work for a dictionary? (I haven't tried it yet)

April 14th, 2006, 10:05 PM
import random
#here, get from file instead
dictionary = {'apple': 'appel','pigs': 'varkens'}
keys = dictionary.keys()
for word in keys:
print ("How do you say "+word+" in Dutch?")
raw_input("Press any key to see the answer...")
print "The answer is "+dictionary[word]

A dictionary can't be ordered because they have no order. To access the entries randomly you have to get the "keys" (a list, that can be ordered) and then shuffle them. Then, with the for loop you can get the pairs question-answer using word-dictionary[word].

April 15th, 2006, 08:59 AM
OK. Thanks, that shouldn't be to hard to implent. Thanks for all the trouble!

April 15th, 2006, 02:15 PM
I have another question, is there a way to write dictionaries to another file, or the file itself. So that when I enter something with this code:

def enter(words):
g = 'hello' # Doesn't matter what this is
while g != 'quit':
q = (raw_input('What word would you like to add? '))
a = (raw_input('What does that mean? '))
words[q] = a

that that will be saved when I exit. Since it isn't a string, I don't think it'll be easy, or can this be done in a similar way as the random?

April 15th, 2006, 07:58 PM
If you do "repr(words)" you'll get a string with the contents of the dictionary. You could then save that string to a file.

April 16th, 2006, 08:50 AM
Thanks, you make me feel stupid...