View Full Version : [SOLVED] Parsing a file using python

September 29th, 2010, 05:52 PM

I want to parse a file of the following form:


foo **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 **comment

bar **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 value5 **comment

bar **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 **comment


What's the best way to do this?

The values can be strings or numbers, but once I have them as strings, converting them shouldn't be a problem.
Objects are of the form "type { values }" and values are separated by newline characters or spaces.
Comments begin with "**" and end with a newline character.

The idea is to create a structure storing the information as a list of objects (list of "foo" objects, list of "bar" objects) with each object containing a list of values.

Here's my current parsing function:

def read_input_file(filename):
print 'Processing ', filename;

# open file
input = open(filename);
# read the whole file as one string
fulltext = input.read();

print fulltext;

# remove comments
pattern_stripcomments = re.compile("\*\*.*\n")
cleantext = pattern_stripcomments.sub("\n", fulltext);

print cleantext;

# extract blocks
pattern_blocks = re.compile("^(?<type>\w+).*?\{(?<data>[^\{\}]*?)\}");
# from MATLAB, need python equivalent
# [tokens_blocks match_blocks names_blocks] = regexp(cleantext, pattern_blocks, 'tokens', 'match', 'names', 'lineanchors', 'warnings');

# close file

October 21st, 2010, 03:15 PM
Just to add the final solution solution to my problem here:


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math
import os
import sys
import re

# class to store objects
class Entry:
def __init__(self):
self.type = ''
self.data = []
def __str__(self):
ret = 'type = ' + self.type + '\n' +\
'data = ' + str(self.data)
return ret

# parsing function
def read_input_file(filename):

print 'Processing ', filename

# open file
input = open(filename)
# read the whole file as one string
fulltext = input.read()
# close file

# remove comments
pattern_stripcomments = re.compile("\*\*.*\n")
cleantext = pattern_stripcomments.sub("\n", fulltext)

# Regular expression for matching the blocks:
# (?P<type>\w+) -> match any word and store it in a group called "type"
# \s* -> any number of "whitespace characters" (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc)
# { -> opening bracket
# (?P<data>[^{}]*) -> match anything except "{" or "}" store it in a group called "data"
# } -> closing bracket
# re.DOTALL -> consider everything as "any character", including newline characters
pattern_objects = re.compile("(?P<type>\w+)\s*{(?P<data>[^{}]*)}",re.DOTALL)

# get list of objects using pattern
objects = [m.groupdict() for m in pattern_objects.finditer(cleantext)]

entries = []
# process objects
for i in range(len(objects)):
type = objects[i]['type']
data = objects[i]['data']

# convert type to upper case and strip it
type = type.upper().strip()
# split data by spaces and new lines
data = re.split('\s+',data)
# remove empty lines from data
data = filter(None, data)

entry = Entry()
entry.type = type
entry.data = data

return entries

# code to test parser
entries = read_input_file('input.txt')
for e in entries:
print e

# Some simple functions which some might find interesting. Not necessary for parser.
# convert string array to float array
def float_array(A):
for i in range(len(A)):

# convert string array to int array
def int_array(A):
for i in range(len(A)):

# returns true if s can be converted to a float, otherwise false
def is_number(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False

# returns extension of filename
def getExtension(filename):
return filename.split(".")[-1]



foo **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 **comment

bar **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 value5 **comment

bar **comment
value1 **comment
value2 **comment
value3 value4 **comment

ubu **comment
0 **comment
6 **comment
12 18 **comment


Resulting output:

Processing input.txt
type = FOO
data = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4']
type = BAR
data = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5', 'value6']
type = BAR
data = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5']
type = UBU
data = ['0', '6', '12', '18', "'_great_'"]

I left in a few more simple functions I created in case someone finds it useful. :)
My full code also includes additional postprocessing on the entries depending on their type, but that's not really a big problem.

I found the awesome groupdict/finditer trick in it here:

October 21st, 2010, 04:09 PM
Just to add the final solution solution to my problem here:

Lol, semi-colons in Python!

#!/usr/bin/env python

def read_input_file(filename):

print 'Processing ', filename;

# open file
input = open(filename);
# read the whole file as one string
fulltext = input.read();
# close file


entries = [];
# process objects
for i in range(len(objects)):
type = objects[i]['type'];
data = objects[i]['data'];

# convert type to upper case and strip it
type = type.upper().strip();
# split data by spaces and new lines
data = re.split('\s+',data);
# remove empty lines from data
data = filter(None, data);

Avoid commenting each line. Better to comment blocks of code:

def read_input_file(filename):
''' Read the whole file '''
print 'Processing ', filename

input = open(filename)
fulltext = input.read()

# Process objects
# convert type to upper case and strip whitespace
# split data by spaces and new lines
# remove empty lines
entries = [];

for i in range(len(objects)):
type = objects[i]['type'];
data = objects[i]['data'];

type = type.upper().strip();
data = re.split('\s+',data);
data = filter(None, data);

October 21st, 2010, 10:03 PM
Yes, I know... Bad C,C++ habits. ^^

Commenting each line (well some of them) for a piece of reference code is not necessarily a bad idea in my opinion. Makes it easier for someone unfamiliar with python. Depends of the cases of course. I don't think it makes a big difference here. It's not like I commented every single line.

I didn't even comment the regular expression, which is probably the most cryptic part. So:

(?P<type>\w+) -> match any word and store it in a group called "type"
\s* -> any number of "whitespace characters" (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc)
{ -> opening bracket
(?P<data>[^{}]*) -> match anything except "{" or "}" store it in a group called "data"
} -> closing bracket
re.DOTALL -> consider everything as "any character", including newline characters

edit: semicolons removed :P