View Full Version : [SOLVED] How to get rid of the Compose key mapping on my keyboard?

September 20th, 2010, 03:19 PM
Hello everybody,

I would like to get off the [Compose] key of my keyboard, and get back my [Control_L] key.

I want to use my keyboard as I used to. But now, I have a [Compose] key in place of my [Control] left key.

Firstly, my system is "Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04.1 LTS".
And here is what I tried:


$ xev
→ result: the key is working

using the Gnome GUI to set up the [Compose] mapping → result: I got a new one, but nothing changed with the 1st


$ xmodmap -e 'keycode 37 = Control_L'
→ result: here, "xev" shows that the mapping is now well set up; but for me, nothing changed

created "~/.Xmodmap" with one line:

"keycode 37 = Control_L"
→ result: the file is loaded when I log in, but nothing changes at my fingers

again with the Gnome GUI, I tried to change with other mappings (spanish, italian, etc.)
→ but still no change in the way I wanted; the [Compose] mapping gets sticked to my keyboard

logged out/in; rebooted
→ result: guess what... :-(

So, I'm asking for help:
· If you know this situation, how did you get rid of that problem?
· If you didn't face it up until now, what would you do in order to resolve this?

Thank you for any idea!

[added the 24th]
So, here is my solution : 1. launch gconf-editor 2. select /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/options, and disable the key.
