View Full Version : 8086 (Assembly) double lookup table question.

September 5th, 2010, 11:22 PM
OK, what I want to do may not be possible but I think it is.

I want to create a lookup table with the memory addresses of other lookup tables as the values in the table

Here is what the first lookup table looks like:

currenttable dw 73 dup ('*')
dw itable, '**', ltable
dw 12 dup('*')
dw vtable, '*', xtable
dw 167 dup ('*')
Then the lookup tables I want:

itable db 256 dup(1)
vtable db 73 dup(5)
db 4
db 182 dup(5)
xtable db 73 dup(10)
db 9
db 182 dup(10)
ltable db 88 dup(50)
db 40
db 167 dup(50)

and finally the code I wrote to translate from one table to another (which is probably hideously wrong):

mov current, al
mov bl, al
mov bh, 0
mov bx, [currenttable + bx]
add bx, word ptr previous
mov ax, bx
add cl, al
mov al, current
mov previous, al

This is 8086 code being compiled by MASM in a DOSbox environment.

Any suggestion would be helpful.