View Full Version : PHP: Sock it's!

August 29th, 2010, 08:26 PM
Ahoy Sailors!

It's been noted this isn't the best language to use, But for reasons I can't explain, I want to use PHP. I found a script on the net that allows connections of multiple scripts (via sockets) to be handled, Which is perfect for what I need, However when I adapt it to sending data between ALL the connected scripts, it becomes picky & doesn't send to everyone(Which is the problem).

I emailed the author & he said
""The active sockets are probably located in an array, sending a message to every client would be a matter of iterating over each client and sending the data.""

However I'm unable to script the cure(never did anything above echoing & editing HTML in PHP) I'm sure the smart people here at ubuntu forums.org will know what to do.

Here's the master.php


Simple "echo back" TCP server.



function newdata($socket_id, $channel_id, $buffer, &$obj)
echo "What do you want to send?\n";
$buffer = fread(STDIN, 80);
$obj->write($socket_id, $channel_id, $buffer);

$socket = new SuperSocket(array("*:404")); // will listen on ALL IPs over port 10000
$socket->assign_callback("DATA_SOCKET_CHANNEL", "newdata");
?>And here's the SUPER SOCKET class!

Class SuperSocket
var $listen = array();
var $status_listening = FALSE;
var $sockets = array();
var $event_callbacks = array();
var $recvq = 2;
var $parent;

function SuperSocket($listen = array(''))
$listen = array_unique($listen);
foreach ($listen as $address)
list($address, $port) = explode(":", $address, 2);
$this->listen[] = array("ADDR" => trim($address), "PORT" => trim($port));

function start()
if ($this->status_listening)
return FALSE;
$this->sockets = array();
$cursocket = 0;
foreach ($this->listen as $listen)
if ($listen['ADDR'] == "*")
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] = socket_create_listen($listen['PORT']);
$listen['ADDR'] = FALSE;
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] < 0)
return FALSE;
if (@socket_bind($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'], $listen['ADDR'], $listen['PORT']) < 0)
return FALSE;
if (socket_listen($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket']) < 0)
return FALSE;
if (!socket_set_option($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1))
return FALSE;
if (!socket_set_nonblock($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket']))
return FALSE;
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['info'] = array("ADDR" => $listen['ADDR'], "PORT" => $listen['PORT']);
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['channels'] = array();
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['id'] = $cursocket;
$this->status_listening = TRUE;

function new_socket_loop(&$socket)
$socket =& $this->sockets[$socket['id']];
if ($newchannel = @socket_accept($socket['socket']))
$socket['channels'][]['socket'] = $newchannel;
$channel = array_pop(array_keys($socket['channels']));
$this->remote_address($newchannel, $remote_addr, $remote_port);
$socket['channels'][$channel]['info'] = array('ADDR' => $remote_addr, 'PORT' => $remote_port);
$event = $this->event("NEW_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket['id'], $channel, $this);

function recv_socket_loop(&$socket)
$socket =& $this->sockets[$socket['id']];
foreach ($socket['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
$status = @socket_recv($channel['socket'], $buffer, $this->recvq, 0);
if ($status === 0 && $buffer === NULL)
$this->close($socket['id'], $channel_id);
elseif (!($status === FALSE && $buffer === NULL))
$event = $this->event("DATA_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket['id'], $channel_id, $buffer, $this);

function stop()
$this->status_listening = FALSE;
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket_id => $socket)
$event = $this->event("SERVER_STOP");
if ($event)

function closeall($socket_id = NULL)
if ($socket_id === NULL)
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket_id => $socket)
foreach ($socket['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
$this->close($socket_id, $channel_id);
foreach ($this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
$this->close($socket_id, $channel_id);

function close($socket_id, $channel_id)
$arrOpt = array('l_onoff' => 1, 'l_linger' => 1);
$event = $this->event("LOST_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket_id, $channel_id, $this);

function loop()
while ($this->status_listening)
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket)
$event = $this->event("END_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)

function write($socket_id, $channel_id, $buffer)
@socket_write($this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['socket'], $buffer);

function get_channel_info($socket_id, $channel_id)
return $this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['info'];

function get_socket_info($socket_id)
$socket_info = $this->sockets[$socket_id]['info'];
if (empty($socket_info['ADDR']))
$socket_info['ADDR'] = "*";
return $socket_info;

function get_raw_channel_socket($socket_id, $channel_id)
return $this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['socket'];

function remote_address($channel_socket, &$ipaddress, &$port)
socket_getpeername($channel_socket, $ipaddress, $port);

function event($name)
if (isset($this->event_callbacks[$name]))
return $this->event_callbacks[$name];

function assign_callback($name, $function_name)
$this->event_callbacks[$name] = $function_name;

?>Anyone able to fix this?

Thanks Bye!