View Full Version : [all variants] New FVWM Mac OS X windows manager: give a try !

August 27th, 2010, 10:39 AM
Hello Guys,

I would like to thank you all that contributed to help in making this Windows manager, enhanced from traditional Mac OS X produced by Apple.

Please find the link to download it, here:
http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM%5BGold+v20.0%5D%2B50+Powertools%21?c ontent=127893

and to install it:

tar xvpfz mac-osx.tar.gz # the tar.gz that you download
cd ; sudo sh .fvwm/install.sh

Downloading LINK : http://www.divshare.com/download/13252939-ef2

Nothing to configure during hours, just unpack and install with install.sh as indicated above. Works for all and from bulk.

Please check the content before. No warranties.

[B]Enjoy the MAGIC !

features in 15.2 version:
fluxbox like, and much faster
power hacking tools
power tools
super extra wget intelligent !!
contact and vocal email feature !!
scanning , automatic
stop watch
emails embedded with the OS
sync to pendrive ...
control of of the OS from lirc remote control
swtich apps with the remote only (lazy hack :) )
and many more thing

September 16th, 2010, 09:02 PM
Here the version is at its version 9.31 (http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM+%5BStable+v4.8%5D+Gold+Edition?conte nt=127893)! Many thanks to the all coders and contributors !

The present version is smoother as fluxbox and openbox :)

Enjoy !!

I post a screenshot of few features.

September 16th, 2010, 10:25 PM
what is that in the bottom left corner?
what pager/workspace switcher are you using?

see pic

September 17th, 2010, 09:54 AM
The FVWM has a pager http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/manpages/stable/FvwmPager.php
it is embedded in itself

Please find presentation by http://xwinman.org/fvwm.php

September 17th, 2010, 02:01 PM
Hello Guys!!

Please find the version 10 with window theme selector.

It is easy you can change your themes with making your own window theme (tar.gz file)

Example of themes are located here: http://ironphoenix.org/tril/fvwm/configs/fvwm-theme/

Enjoy !!

I post you a screenshot with the fvwm theme selector.

Downloading LINK to 10.3 version:

October 5th, 2010, 04:46 PM
Hi Guys !!

We have been heavily working on the versino 15.x.

Please find the version 15.2 of the OS / windows manager:

website: http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM+%5BStable+v4.8%5D+Gold+Edition?conte nt=127893

Simply check it, untar and enjoy the magic !!

features in 15.2 version:
fluxbox like, and much faster
power hacking tools
power tools
super extra wget intelligent !!
contact and vocal email feature !!
scanning , automatic
stop watch
emails embedded with the OS
sync to pendrive ...
control of of the OS from lirc remote control
swtich apps with the remote only (lazy hack :) )
and many more thing

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE THEMES YOU SENT ME !! I hope that they are all in the window theme, showed by the featuring 15.2, and that I forgot no one of you.

October 8th, 2010, 06:30 AM
I tried your script -


echo " *********************************************"
echo "Installer FVWM MAC OS X"
echo " Welcome to Debian / Ubuntu ! "
echo " *********************************************"

echo "Installation started of fvwm macosx $(date)" >> /root/fvwmmacosx_installation.log

if [ "$1" = "-fstab" ] || [ "$1" = "-install" ] || [ "$1" = "--install" ]* || [ "$1" = "--fstab" ] ; then
echo "*************"

echo " I will configure /etc/fstab first."
MOUNTED=`mount | grep "on /home"`
cp /etc/fstab /root/fstab-backup

echo " " >> /etc/fstab

if [ "$MOUNTED" = "" ] ; then
echo "*************"

echo "Plug a pendrive, wait display change, then press <ENTER>" ; read kldsjfdsflkj
echo "*************"

printf "Enter the pendrive /dev/SDX number; example: /dev/sda1 ; default is /dev/sdc1 :> " ; read SD
[ "$SD" = "" ] && SD="sdc1"
echo "${SD} /media/pendrive auto user,rw,auto,umask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 has been added" >> /etc/fstab
echo "${SD} /media/pendrive auto user,rw,auto,umask=0000,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0"

## echo "/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "*************"
printf "Enter the IP of the /home NFS server (you are the client to NFS server) X:> " ; read XP

if [ "$XP" != "" ] ; then
echo "${XP}:/home /home nfs defaults 0 0 has been added to fstab" >> /etc/fstab
echo "${XP}:/home /home nfs defaults 0 0"

echo "*************"
printf "Enter the folder of /movies or other: (shared folder on the NFS server, you are the client) it will be into / (default: movies) :> " ; read movies
if [ "$movies" != "" ] ; then
echo "192.168.1.${XP}:/${movies} /${movies} nfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "192.168.1.${XP}:/${movies} /${movies} nfs defaults 0 0"
mount ${movies}
echo "*************"

printf "Enter username to get audio/video permissions :> " ; read MYUSER

mkdir /media/pendrive -p
mkdir /${movies}
mkdir /home/shared

mount /home
mount ${movies}
if [ "$MYUSER" != "" ] ; then
adduser $MYUSER audio
adduser $MYUSER video
adduser $MYUSER cdrom
adduser $MYUSER plugdev

echo "*************"

printf "Configuration of the /etc/fstab and first user performed. Please check the fstab."
cat /etc/fstab

echo "*************"
printf "Type of install: type <ENTER> to normal or type <mini> for a minimum installation for fvwm mac os x with few extras :> " ; read INST
printf "Press enter to install with apt-get all the packages <ENTER> " ; read dklsfjfdsljk
echo "Sure that the PC works flawless without bugs"
apt-get install -f gpm xserver-xorg xinit xterm fvwm aumix alsa imagemagick trayer leafpad audacious2 rox-filer grun abiword x11-apps xserver-xorg screen feh vim libnotify-bin zenity rxvt mkisofs cdrecord nfs-common portmap vim alsa mencoder mplayer xterm file-roller leafpad less alsa system-config-printer unzip mc leafpad less alsa linuxlogo fswebcam rsync zenity dialog eog ssh gftp aumix evince abook eog mplayer mutt galeon mc wput zenity elinks jfsutils iceweasel aumix elinks rtorrent reportbug abiword htop portmap nfs-common ntp

apt-get install -f -y gpm xserver-xorg xinit xterm fvwm aumix alsa imagemagick
# need some emailing stuffs
apt-get install -f -y sendmail-bin msmtp mutt fetchmail reportbug sux xscreensaver
apt-get install -f -y conky

echo "Now installing for a more testing debian install, more risks"
if [ "minimum" != "$INST" ]*; then
apt-get install galeon gpart gparted nmap hatari kadu gimp audacious2 amule -f -y
apt-get -f -y install xcompmgr
apt-get -f -y install transset-df
##apt-get install -f -y kspread


apt-get install -f -y lame
apt-get install -f -y libmp3lame0 ffmpeg

echo " ***** INSTALLATION FINISHED ***** $(date)"

echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2
echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2

echo "$(date) INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty1 ; echo "$(date) INSTALLATION FINISHED !!!! " > /dev/tty2

echo "Installation finished fvwm macosx $(date)" >> /root/fvwmmacosx_installation.log


echo " "
mkdir /media/pendrive
echo "Install the minimum required packages"
apt-get install fvwm aumix alsa imagemagick trayer leafpad audacious2 rox-filer grun abiword x11-apps
apt-get install habak # has been removed from testing
apt-get install feh conky vim libnotify-bin zenity rxvt
apt-get install xserver-xorg screen
apt-get install eog mplayer mirage gimp kadu rsync alsa
apt-get install xinit imagemagick fvwm rox-filer numlockx
apt-get install xinit xserver-xorg
apt-get install x11-apps
apt-get install mkisofs cdrecord nfs-common portmap vim alsa
apt-get install mencoder mplayer
apt-get install xterm file-roller
apt-get install lame leafpad less alsa
apt-get install fetchmail sendmail-bin mutt msmtp abook
apt-get install system-config-printer unzip
apt-get install fswebcam rsync
apt-get install linuxlogo

## not good :
##apt-get install dict-de-en dict

printf "\033[32m%10s\n\033[0m" "The date is now: $(date)"
echo "Installing gimp leafpad abiword hatari yes/no:"
read rep
if [ "$rep" = "yes" ] ; then
apt-get install gimp leafpad abiword hatari mirage homebank
apt-get install kspread
apt-get install iceweasel
apt-get install mplayer xinit

##/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

on Lubuntu and when I log out and try FVWM it does not look anything like yours, just ordinary FVWM.

How do I get it to look right ?


October 10th, 2010, 06:56 AM
.fvwm folder is not well set visibly

October 10th, 2010, 07:01 AM
I tried your script -

on Lubuntu and when I log out and try FVWM it does not look anything like yours, just ordinary FVWM.

How do I get it to look right ?


then there is a problem.

try only

apt-get install fvwm xserver-xorg x11-apps imagemagick

cd ; rm -rf .fvwm
tar xvpfz fmvwmmacosx.tar.gz # the versio nyou got

try my last version !!
here (http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM%5BGold+v15.7%5D%2B50+Powertools!?con tent=127893&PHPSESSID=13092a6de6a023db0a645a6f92d9e0fd)

You like ?

October 23rd, 2010, 06:30 AM
The version 16.2 has been released !!

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM%5BGold+v16.2%5D%2B50+Powertools!?con tent=127893

have you managed to make it work? @@Rodney9

October 30th, 2010, 10:48 AM
New released Version 17 is now available with those powertools!

- scanning to PDF
- reportbug/wishlist
- tiny changes in the menu
-better mplayer video fvwm support
-support for IRDA sending files (usb dongle irda, extra to the irda remote, using irda0)
- Now a better support of the keyboard (taking account of hostname)
Firefox internet bookmark context menu (dvdmenu key) has been added
Improved weather, nokia padding, remote keys
very powerful mplayer player (folder to playlist, with memory/ and lirc videos replay)
nokia script for typing chars/text and firefox surfing from distance with remote controller (great code) !!
powerful control of the pc using remote controller
reverse SSH
- Better weather icons with day/night, better .lircrc, some extra sounds for media center
Fvwm media center added pressing HOME key of remote control
- saytime / bigben.sh
- netstat / dmesg / camera-video making video
- Better audacious control

features in 15.2 version:
fluxbox like, and much faster
power hacking tools
power tools
super extra wget intelligent !!
contact and vocal email feature !!
scanning , automatic
stop watch
emails embedded with the OS
burning embedded with the OS
fvwm clonecd script embedded with the OS
sync to pendrive ...
control of of the OS from lirc remote control
swtich apps with the remote only (lazy hack )
and many more thing

Download link:

November 9th, 2010, 11:31 PM
Please find the version 18.2, very close to mac

Use gtk-chtheme into the main menu (left click on root or right flag on the keyboard)

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM%5BGold+v18.2%5D%2B50+Powertools%21?c ontent=127893

Fvwm is really nice environment !

November 20th, 2010, 09:49 AM
Almost version 20.
Now the top bar is very much nicer

You can also use a mac keyboard with it:

rm -rf $HOME/.fvwm

get the tar.gz
You simply then unpack, and run fvwm from your gdm or change .xinitrc then type startx

cd ; tar xvpfz locationofthetargz.tar.gz

and that's it you have a mac

I attach you the compatible keyboard !
Nothing to configure !! This app does all, or asks you about what you wanna set.

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OS+X+FVWM%5BGold+v19.8%5D%2B50+Powertools%21?c ontent=127893

December 6th, 2010, 11:26 PM
The version 22.7 has been released. Give a try.

- Now there is also the *ONLINE TV Channels !!*

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+powerful+WM+for+humans%5BGold+v22.7%5D?conte nt=127893

Enjoy Linux Power !

December 21st, 2010, 07:21 PM
I've obviously missed the point of this, but what is this thing supposed to do?

-- Thomas Adam

January 30th, 2011, 04:53 AM
I've obviously missed the point of this, but what is this thing supposed to do?

-- Thomas Adam

The title is maybe a bit wrong, since it is a themes. Ok, the features, it does a lot of things which is embedded themes. Otherwise the purpose of the configuration are destined to be close or superior to windows 2000 and mac os x at the same time. It has numerous improvements since it has the FVWM "core" which leaves much more functionality as the two later.

It is destined for both purposes:
- work (shared library, Desktop, and lot of bindings to work faster..)
- home, leisure, pictures, videos...

I just made a screenshot.
The config. holds now the version 36.0
LINK TO THE WM-TH (http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+powerful+WM+for+humans%5BGold+v36.1%5D?conte nt=127893)

I wish you a pleasant weekend, thomas.

Skara Brae
February 1st, 2011, 12:43 PM
Is that for PPC's or "Intel Macs"?

I have a "1st Generation" iMac G5 (anno 2004), running "Tiger". So, a PPC.

March 25th, 2011, 08:37 PM
Is that for PPC's or "Intel Macs"?

I have a "1st Generation" iMac G5 (anno 2004), running "Tiger". So, a PPC.


Well you can run it if you can install FVWM.

http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+powerful+WM+for+humans%5BGold+v43.9%5D?conte nt=127893&PHPSESSID=5ea2eb390f1f454adbf94ddfe048e512

Best regards

April 3rd, 2011, 09:10 PM
http://box-look.org/content/show.php/Ultra+powerful+WM+for+humans%5BGold+v50.1%5D?conte nt=127893

you have now the Online TV too. Very useful as well.

September 15th, 2011, 04:58 AM
Theme - Multimedia Mega Powertools Pack


Lot of improvements

Extremely fast and powerful OS/WM environment for beginners and advanced users.

- Lot of function in this Configuration of WM:
* Various windows decorations (wd) available
(cf. http://ironphoenix.org/tril/fvwm/configs/fvwm-theme/ )
Choose or edit the wd file easily
* Allow exchange with users of window decoration themes
* Webcam/Web design support
* Automatic Email sending for large files
* Quick internet/screenshot/clipboard functions (shortcuts/keys)
* Online TV (TV streams of the world)
* Fvwm Power Translator (any languages) rapid from cursor and with popup/prompt
* Remote irda home center (A basic Mythtv / Freevo like program)
* Screenshots management
* Sound management
* Fvwm Jotter
* Camera management by fvwm
* Fvwm CDROM/DVD, Cloning
* Quick Windows Key shortcuts
* Shared document / Scanning
* Remote Irda Multimedia Center
* Home made Freevo/Mythtv based on zenity ;)
* EMu
* Cloning
* SSH Port forward for Camel admin
* Encrypting files
* IP geography/location tracker
* Blog maker (Jpg,...)
* PDFtk toolbit fvwm frontend (merging, cropping,...)
* Cut MP3, and convert them
* Convert AVI to other formats
* Record Webcam, or mics, send vocal emails
* Online Radio
* CD-roms and DVD burning and management (Wodim)
* Media pendrive management
* Delayed Outbox and multi-user email sending
* Settings for Mutt
* Learning Alphabet for you
* Easy installer of the packages for this configuration
* Powerful screenshot to shared folder or folder Theming, to never loose data and order when pressing WIN+Printscreen
* Fvwm extra clipboard with storing/pasting templates, date, ...
* lot of functions for Newbies (pdf, converters, website help programs, ...)
* You will discover an advanced way of using the bottom taskbar, for sound management, audacious music management,...)
* IP finder, netstat...
* And many many more functions!!

Enjoy LINUX and Share your Code/Developments !!