View Full Version : [PHP] Turning this html back to bbcode

August 22nd, 2010, 02:59 PM
Hi all, apologies to start with i'm crap at explaining.

Basically i have an item bbcode which replaces a number with a thumbnail and info on that item:

function parse_items($text)
global $db;

$pattern = '#\([0-9]+)\[/item\]#mi';

preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $matches);

foreach ($matches[1] as $match)
$sql_item_match = "SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = {$match}";

$query_item_match = $db->query($sql_item_match);

$item_match = $db->fetch_assoc($query_item_match);

// lets see if we have a screenshot so we can use it's thumbnail shall we?
$sql_shot = "SELECT `image_filename` FROM `item_screenshots` WHERE `accepted` = 1 AND `item_id` = {$item_match['id']} LIMIT 1";
$query_shot = $db->query($sql_shot);

if ($db->num_rows($query_shot) == 1)
$shot = $db->fetch_assoc($query_shot);

$thumbnail = "<a href=\"uploads/images/{$shot['image_filename']}\" rel=\"lytebox\"><img src=\"uploads/images/thumbnails/{$shot['image_filename']}\" alt=\"\" /></a>";

$thumbnail = "<img src=\"images/noshot.jpg\" alt=\"\" />";

$replace = "<div class=\"item1\">
<a href=\"item.php?iid={$item_match['id']}\">{$item_match['name']}</a><br />
<span style=\"float: left; padding-right: 6px;\">{$thumbnail}</span>{$item_match['short_description']}<br />
Version: {$item_match['version']}
<br style=\"clear: both;\" />

$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);

return $text;

I am trying to now make an un-parser to turn the html that "12" makes back into that bbcode, but i can't seem to get it to work:

function undo_items($text)
// change quote html back to bbcode
$pattern = "#<div class=\"item1\">
<a href=\"item.php?iid=([0-9]+)\">(.*?)</a><br />
<span style=\"float: left; padding-right: 6px;\">(.*?)</span>(.*?)<br />
Version: (.*?)
<br style=\"clear: both;\" />

$replace = '[item]$1';

while(preg_match($pattern, $text))
$text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);

return $text;

I know theres probably something i'm overlooking as usual.

August 22nd, 2010, 06:27 PM

Well, beside the fact that the HTML code looks far too complex for what I think it does; That you should have put all of the CSS inside the CSS file, and just used classes instead; The problem is that you haven't escaped some of the literals in the string.
More specifically the question mark in the URL gets interpreted as a control character, making the "p" before it optional.

You could also replace the "[0-9]" with a simple "\d", and the ".*?" should be replaced with "[^<]+". Latter should be a bit faster.

Happy codin'!

August 23rd, 2010, 11:09 AM
What other characters do i need to escape?

Apart from one bit of css it's as compact as it can be.