View Full Version : New Ubuntu-Maine-iacs site will soon be a go!

August 21st, 2010, 09:01 PM
Nearly there! I hope to be able to go "live" this next Saturday, August 28.

I have set up a drupal site at http://ubuntumaine.org, using some things from the Ubuntu Drupal team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal#Theme / Modules). matt74 created the logo for the banner, and I used Ubuntu's new font for it's text.

So far it is pretty bare content-wise, but I want to change that with help from fellow Mainers.

First of all I want to get folks using the ubuntu-maine mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-me) more, as discussions on the website and future activities and direction would be better archived and web-searchable in that sort of venue, at least until we get more members and momentum. I still have not received a reply from the Ubuntu mailing list folks on regaining admin access to it, but the list itself seems to work fine (as in I get the email I send to it in my mailbox :) )

The website at least for now should just be a front-page telling everyone about us, and once we see how many people we have, we can add more functionality like blogs/blog feeds, image galleries, and the like. I am sending an email with more details to all those registered on the launchpad page, and to the list

August 31st, 2010, 04:48 AM
Woot! Thanks for the invite, so excited to be a part of this finally!:D

Jeff Anthony
November 6th, 2010, 12:55 AM
The site looks great! I'm trying to commit myself to learn more Python/Django and possibly Plesk. As far as I can tell, Linux is here to stay and Android is a killer platform.