View Full Version : 1st Hong Kong Team Welcome Event

August 10th, 2010, 05:07 PM
Hey guys,

sorry for being hibernate for some times due to my busy work. and now i want to get some real stuff happen.

I would like to have a first face-to-face welcome event to happen on some Sunday in August 2010. the tentative agenda would be:

1. introduce yourself & make friends
2. share ubuntu experience
3. discuss about anything about Ubuntu Hong Kong LoCo Team

It's welcome all levels of user/technical geeks. Please let me know if anyone interest.

August 14th, 2010, 09:26 AM
呢度靜到無朋友,想搵個人都唔係咁易,不如去hkepc呼籲下,可能會仲多幾個人回應。查實可能在香港,無 幾多個人除公司內使用之外自己都用緊linux,分攤下去,用緊ubuntu的人都唔會有太多,即使有,都 可能係試用階段。