View Full Version : pyGTK, Python gobject.timeout_add() problem

August 8th, 2010, 03:31 PM
Hi everyone,
I am making a little application that reads serial data and then draws on a gtk.DrawingArea. I get the out put from an accelerometer. Anyways, I want to make this application refresh automatically, so it will be like a small animation. I searched around the web and found:

gobject.timeout_add(ms, fn)

and I have seen some examples, but when i run my code I get this error:

self.timer = gobject.timeout_add(10, draw_vector())
NameError: global name 'gobject' is not defined

I have tried using:

window.timeout_add(10, draw_vector())

but it doesn't work either

I have attached my python script and the line in question is 108.

thanks for any help.

August 8th, 2010, 04:05 PM
import gobject

August 8th, 2010, 05:40 PM
omg, thank you.

August 8th, 2010, 05:55 PM
OK, well I got rid of that problem, and I am not getting any errors, I set up the timer at the end of the main loop, but my function is not being called by the timer. Does anyone have any ideas?

I attached the code again.

August 8th, 2010, 07:01 PM

gobject.timeout_add(10, draw_vector(drawing_area))


gobject.timeout_add(10, draw_vector, drawing_area)

What your code currently does is call draw_vector once and then passes the returned object to timeout_add. In this case, None. Also your callback needs to return True if you want it to be repeatedly called.

One other minor change is that the real home of timeout_add appears to be the glib module. Expect access of timeout_add via the gobject module to disappear at some point in the future. Import glib instead.

August 8th, 2010, 09:15 PM
Thanks a lot for the help. I see what you are saying. I haven't had a chance to test it out yet, but I'll post the results when I do.