View Full Version : [SOLVED] How to select item programmatically in GtkComboBox (Python)?

August 7th, 2010, 07:44 PM

I'm working on a program using Quickly, Python & Glade.

I made a Master/Detail window:
The master part is a TreeView with a list of persons (ID, firstname, name).
The detail part a frame with several widgets (mostly entry, combobox).

When the user selects a person in the master list, I display the persons details in the details frame to view and/or edit.

In the details frame I have a combo box with zip codes.
I need to set the zip code of the selected person programmatically, but couldn't find a function in gtk.ComboBox or gtk.TreeModel that lets me do this easily.

My solution is to keep a separate list of zip codes through which I loop to find the index of the zip code I need and then use the combobox's set_active(index) function.

This is the treeview event handler when the user selects another person:

def on_treeview1_cursor_changed(self, widget):
model, it, = widget.get_selection().get_selected()
val = model.get_value(it, 0)
The function that fills the detail frame with the selected person's details:

def show_member_detail(self, member_nr):
mbr = get_store().find(Member, Member.member_nr == member_nr).one()
self.builder.get_object('entry_firstname').set_tex t(mbr.firstname)
self.builder.get_object('entry_name').set_text(mbr .name)
combo_pc = self.builder.get_object('combobox_zipcode')
combo_pc.set_active(get_zipcode_index(mbr.place.zi pcode))
self.builder.get_object('entry_address').set_text( mbr.address)
self.builder.get_object('entry_email').set_text(li d.email)
self.builder.get_object('entry_tel1').set_text(lid .tel1)
self.builder.get_object('entry_tel2').set_text(lid .tel2)
This is the function that tries to find the index of the zip code

def get_zipcode_index(zipcode):
places = get_store().find(Places)
for zc in places:
idx = idx + 1
if zc.zipcode == zipcode
return idx
Is there any better way to do this? I could not find any hint on Google about this, so maybe I heading in the complete wrong direction.


August 7th, 2010, 07:59 PM
To implement the interface you describe I would create a gtk.TreeRowReference for each zip code in the ComboBox. These references will go as the values of a dictionary so that a simple dictionary lookup of the currently set zip code can be used to obtain the TreeRowReference that tracks the ComboBox zip code.

Then the code would look something like


August 8th, 2010, 04:29 AM
def get_zipcode_index(zipcode):
places = get_store().find(Places)
for zc in places:
idx = idx + 1
if zc.zipcode == zipcode
return idx
Is there any better way to do this? I could not find any hint on Google about this, so maybe I heading in the complete wrong direction.


I recently had to do some searching over a GtkListStore and the approach is similar to yours. I have also done a lot of research on Google, but, just like you, I haven't found a lot of useful sites on the topic.

Personally, I think you're code is "a good way to do this".

Though, there's one blog talking about Quickly projects (http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/) and I found a code snippet which you might consider useful:

def __new_filter_row(self, widget, data=None):
new_filter row - hack to allow naming of columns
in a grid filter.

This code works around:


row = self.filt.rows[len(self.filt.rows)-1]
model = row.column_combo.get_model()

for i, k in enumerate(model):
itr = model.get_iter(i)
title = model.get_value(itr,0)
if title == "name":
elif title == "priority":
elif title == "due":
elif title == "project":
if title == "complete?":

P.S.: The blog I've linked to earlier is a really useful resource in my humble opinion.

August 8th, 2010, 06:58 PM
Thanks a lot, StephenF and km0r3.

I somehow missed the TreeRowReference class and the blog really looks great. I'm going to dig those deeper.

I want to avoid looping through all the zip codes. As you can imagine there are many zip codes and the user might switch between persons a lot, so this could be a potential performance bummer. :???:
Even thinking whether a combobox is a good idea for zip codes after all.

Many thanks for helping me finding the way.
