View Full Version : Running Ubuntu from flash drive

August 5th, 2010, 10:06 AM
So here's the situation. I have a company laptop running Windows XP. So occasionally I have to carry it around with me, and I don't want also to carry my personal laptop. Because it's enough for me that I have to use XP at work, usually, when I carry around my company laptop I connect to a VM server running Ubuntu and do everything from there. But this has some inconvenience, especially in the rear situations when I don't have internet connectivity, or it's pretty bad. So last week when I was teaching a networking course, I talked with one of the students and he told me about this neat idea of running Ubuntu from a Flash drive, which I knew about for years, but hadn't tried it. I was so eager to test it, so when I got back home I immediately downloaded the latest image of Ubuntu and used the embedded tool in Ubuntu 9.10 to create the bootable flash drive. And it works great completely out of the box. Only one thing bugs me. Because the embedded application for flash drive creation is creating a standard Ubuntu image, I always have to go through the question whether I would like to install Ubuntu. And that's my question: is there a Live only image of Ubuntu? So that it's only like a live CD, and it doesn't offer to install the operating system. I guess that than the image could a bit squeezed, so I should have more free space on the flash drive left.
I also checked the other neat application Unetbootin. For Ubuntu it has an option called "Daily Live". Has anyone tried it? Is it a Live CD only? I think I'll give it a try, but I'm so bloated with boolshit at the moment, so this is probably going to be by the end of the month.
