View Full Version : Geeknic planning

August 3rd, 2010, 03:42 PM
HEY Texans,
So if you have been following the mailing list, than you are tracking that we are planning a geeknic (a gathering of people to eat,meet/greet and make plans for texas loco future). We are currently in the phase of choosing a city to host in. The options have come down to killeen, austin or dallas. Understand that if you opt for a city than be flexible in driving within 20-45 mins of that city. For instance if you choose killeen, than be willing to drive about 45 mins out to Temple if temple is choosen. Since our great state is so large it is impractical to give options for every city within texas so we choose the three most common ones from active members in the mailing list and irc channel.
Please post a reply stating which city would be best for you.
NOTE: If you do not plan on attending the gathering than do not vote!;)

August 4th, 2010, 02:49 PM

I think that this should try to include
as many participants as possible.

We as a Local Community Team should reach
out to our friends and colleagues to enhance
our team across this Great state.

While there are many linux users who may get
involved that opportunity to meet may be missed
if they do not hear or see anything from us.

I think one of our first tasks is to set a date.
Some people like plenty of advance notice.

Maybe there should be a sprint scheduled via launchpad.
This allows for more communication.

Contact LUGS in your area to ask if they might have
members interested. Maybe they can point you to a
resource previously unknown where you can post
GEEKNIC IN TEXAS links and discussions.

Just a thought ...

Texas Team Geeknic
discussions are still happening

August 5th, 2010, 03:49 AM
I vote Austin!

Killeen would be second choice!

August 5th, 2010, 03:26 PM

August 6th, 2010, 06:28 AM
planning for Arlington is underway

I feel that one city could not represent this great state
I feel that many would attend if a function was somewhat local
i.e. Local Community

No one should be expected to drive four hour to have a picnic

Drive Times

Austin to Dallas - 3+ hours

Dallas to Houston - 3.8 hours

Amarillo to Austin - 6+ hours

Would it be impossible to host this at several hub locales
Just all fo the same cause and all on the same day

August 6th, 2010, 09:23 PM
planning for Arlington is underway

I feel that one city could not represent this great state
I feel that many would attend if a function was somewhat local
i.e. Local Community

No one should be expected to drive four hour to have a picnic

Drive Times

Austin to Dallas - 3+ hours

Dallas to Houston - 3.8 hours

Amarillo to Austin - 6+ hours

Would it be impossible to host this at several hub locales
Just all fo the same cause and all on the same day

Hrm, you kindly forgot to put the travel times for arlington.
Killeen to Arlington - 2+ hours

Austin to Arlington - 3+ hours

Dallas to Arlington is the shortest distance of all the city driving distance so what makes Arlington the best for the team. I have already sent out a email on the mailing list stated that we are planning for Austin. Again i state if there are any folks in austin or nearby who would like to volunteer to offer a location for the geeknic please feel free to post.

August 6th, 2010, 11:02 PM
You are correct that I did not list times from all points in Texas.
I was merely trying to explain the simple distance issue.

This is in no way trying to undermine any individuals effort.

Just trying to express that Texas is an extremely large territory.

By having an event in one locale it discourages many to attend
because of this simple distance issue.

Texas Team - consists of several area teams.

If we have an event that reaches out to have all
the Team at or near the same time maybe we could
get greater recognition by showing that we work
together for a greater goal.

In Texas we have to cover an area that is unmatched
in the US it may help if that hurdle was helped by
any and all methods we can find.

My Opinion

please subscribe to the mailing list

August 10th, 2010, 12:44 AM
for the 'not Arlington Geeknic', I am moving more forward on the mailing list, you guys subscribed on there?

September 3rd, 2010, 02:54 PM
There is still planning needing to be done on the austin geeknic. Any thoughts on locations are welcome!):P

September 4th, 2010, 02:37 AM
okay stlsaint make up your mind you posted earlier to texas mailing list
"Since there has not been any more action on the mailing list i can only assume that there is no interest in this geeknic? "
That is what I read from just today
please don't send mixed signals if you
are going to have it then hooray but please make up your mind

September 5th, 2010, 02:50 PM
okay stlsaint make up your mind you posted earlier to texas mailing list
"Since there has not been any more action on the mailing list i can only assume that there is no interest in this geeknic? "
That is what I read from just today
please don't send mixed signals if you
are going to have it then hooray but please make up your mind

That message to the mailing list was not to say that there was NOT going to be anymore planning. I was simply trying to see if a people were still interested in the event. Please show me where i said that everything was cancelled??