View Full Version : IE activating ActiveX threw js

March 30th, 2006, 05:13 PM
This is currently an optional patch, but around june it will be made into a security patch.
You'll find it in Slashdot and this is the MSDN article (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/overview/activating_activex.asp?frame=true&hidetoc=true) that helps Devs fix the "problem".

This is afecting IE while using Javascript, Flash and Quictime.

On my site I use flash, and I have the patch installed.
It shows a grey border around the flash content and requires an extra click to activate the content in order for it to be used. Does not require the yellow warning bar that shows up on top.
After the click it works as normal.
This has to be done per page load, so it's a little annoying.

Just thought some devs might want to know, and others a laugh.

March 30th, 2006, 07:19 PM
Microsofts attempts at making windows and its components more secure, just makes the computer more annoying to use, this follows their way of dealing with it exactly. Did you know that whenever you want to run a program in Vista, you have to click "OK" in a window that pops up telling the user what program they want to run... The window doesn't even provide good enough information for the user to know what the program is...