View Full Version : Bash scripting.. Disable KDE screensaver while flash is running, cleanup..

June 13th, 2010, 11:32 AM
Hi, I copied and modified a shell script from here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1090393) and here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7838821&postcount=21), and I just need to make sure it is functionally correct. It *appears* to work for me, however I'm NOT sure, especially since it's acting a little strange..

What it's supposed to do, is when flash player is running, it disables the KDE screensaver, blanking, and powersaving, then when flash player is no longer running, it re-enables it. And it also enables it at startup just to ensure it's fixed if the script was cut short or anything.

I actually know no shell scripting, so I was just going off of my best guess. Can anyone fix this..? It should be relatively easy for anyone who knows bash scripting..

(I also need the :TODO: to be done...)


# Cleanup any bad state we left behind if the user exited while flash was
# running
# Resume X blanking, Monitor blanking
xset s on; xset +dpms
# Resume screensaver
pkill suspend-dbus
echo " + Enabled screen blanking and powersaving, and screensaver"

# Create suspend screensaver program and give SUID and executable bit
echo '#!/bin/bash' > /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
echo 'while :' >> /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
echo 'do' >> /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
echo 'qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity' \
>> /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
echo 'sleep 119' >> /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
echo 'done' >> /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver
chmod u+x /tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver


while true; do
sleep 60

for pid in `pgrep firefox` ; do
if grep libflashplayer /proc/$pid/maps > /dev/null ; then

# Tests for X server blanking / Monitor blanking
# A.k.a. screensaver is enabled
xblanktest=$(xset -q | grep timeout | awk '{printf $2}')
dpmstest=$(xset -q | grep " DPMS is Enabled")

# if flash is on, and screensaver is on, disable screensaver
if [ "$flash_on" = "1" ] && [ "$xblanktest" -gt 0 ] || [ -n "$dpmstest" ]; then
# Turn off X blanking, Monitor blanking
xset s off; xset -dpms
# Supend screensaver
nohup "/tmp/suspend-dbus-screensaver" &> /dev/null &
echo " - Disabled screen blanking, powersaving, and screensaver";
# :TODO:
# check for negation of [[ "$xblanktest" -gt 0 ]] || [[ -n "$dpmstest" ]]...
elif [ "$flash_on" = "0" ] && [ "$we_turned_it_off" = "1" ]; then
# Resume X blanking, Monitor blanking
xset s on; xset +dpms
# Resume screensaver
pkill suspend-dbus
echo " + Enabled screen blanking and powersaving, and screensaver"


# Limitations:
# Unable to tell if screensaver is active
# qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver GetActive always returns
# false
# Enables both X server blanking and DPMS even if one is orginally turned off