View Full Version : [all variants] 386 versus Generic kernel

June 6th, 2010, 01:03 PM
I have ubuntu installed on a 600 MHz AMD Athlon (32-bit) CPU dating back to 1999, upon installation of the XFCE desktop, it changed the branding to xubuntu and it's now using the XFCE desktop.

I do not know what is special about this particular Athlon CPU, but I am wondering if one kernel (in this case 386 versus generic) is better over another, whether or not the generic kernel offers something that the Athlon CPU requires and is there any actual benefit to using the generic kernel as opposed to the 386. The uname -a command identifies the CPU architecture as i686.

The system will run using either kernel, but I have found that it will run just a little faster when using the 386 kernel instead.

Thank you in advance, for any thoughts and/or advice.