View Full Version : [xubuntu] Annoying prelight anomaly in GTK theme

June 6th, 2010, 12:20 AM
I've got a theme I'm creating that's based on the US flag and is a port of a similar theme I found on E17-Stuff. It's almost done, but there's one slight problem: When I hover over a radio button or checkbox, I get white text on a #d5d5d5 background, which makes for very poor contrast indeed.

I tried grabbing a screenshot of this, opened it in the GIMP, and found that that color is #d5d5d5. Well, I did the "find" operation on the theme, and lo and behold, that color isn't there (scratches his head). What do I need to look for in the GTK theme that would fix this?

Thanx in advance,
Fred in St. Louis

June 6th, 2010, 03:23 AM
Never mind, I figured it out on my own. It turns out it wasn't something in the GTK file at all. Out of curiosity, I tried the "checkbox" folder, and found a file there that was a simple light gray square. I opened it in the GIMP, took the color picker to it...and sure enough, its color was #d5d5d5. So I changed it to something that contrasts much better. :-)