View Full Version : C++ Operator Overloading Problems

June 4th, 2010, 09:16 PM
I am having an issue with operator overloading. I don't usually program in C++; so, I imagine that my issue is fairly simple. Here is what I have:

Row & Row::operator +(const Row& toAdd){
return add(toAdd);
Row & Row::add(const Row& toAdd){
double *out_elements = new double[length];
for(int x = 0; x < length; x++){
out_elements[x] = elements[x] + toAdd.elements[x];
Row temp(out_elements, length);
Row &out = temp;
return out;

And main:

cout << "Enter Row 1" << endl;
cin >> r1;
cout << "Enter Row 2" << endl;
cin >> r2;
cout << endl << "Now, we add: " << endl;
cout << r1 << endl << r2 << endl;
cout << r1 + r2 << endl;

I am thinking this could be an error with references. I generally code in Java; so, references are taken care of for me. The output I get is strange. I have tested out before returning it from add()and it prints correctly. However, when I attempt to print add(toAdd) in operator +() the values are no longer correct. Here is an example of output:

Now, we add:
2.0000 1.0000 4.0000
4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Any advise would be great.

Some Penguin
June 4th, 2010, 09:36 PM
References to objects allocated on the stack won't be very useful once you leave the scope where the referent is defined.

June 5th, 2010, 05:40 AM
Well, operator+ by convention should operate on the object it refers to, not just a temporary that it returns. It would seem that add() should work this way as well, since it returns a reference.

In your example you are making a new object and not changing the existing object at all.

If you wanted add to make a new object, say so: get rid of the reference return type and declare the whole method const to give the caller a hint that the object is not being modified, but a new one created. i.e. definition should be:

Row add(const Row & toAdd) const;

On the other hand, if you really wanted to modify the object itself, then just do so:

Row & Row::add(const Row& toAdd){
// not really needed, you can modify variable elements directly
double temp;

for (int x = 0; x < length; x++){
temp = elements[x] + toAdd.elements[x];

elements[x] = temp;

// I think this is correct, don't have a compiler
// you may need to cast this
return *this;

In your version, note that if Row's constructor does not take ownership of the pointer and delete it at some point, that out_elements is leaked. Not sure if you are doing that or not.

June 7th, 2010, 09:30 PM
Well, operator+ by convention should operate on the object it refers to, not just a temporary that it returns. It would seem that add() should work this way as well, since it returns a reference.

In your example you are making a new object and not changing the existing object at all.

If you wanted add to make a new object, say so: get rid of the reference return type and declare the whole method const to give the caller a hint that the object is not being modified, but a new one created. i.e. definition should be:

Row add(const Row & toAdd) const;

Thanks for the reply. I changed the add function and operator + to return the new row; removing the reference and calling the function const. I understand that this is against convention; however, I am attempting to write a row-reduction algorithm and fear I might not always want to change the row during the addition process.

These changes fix the run time errors I was having. But, I notice a strange compile error arise;

cout << r1 + r2 << endl;

This line will not compile; it is no big deal, as I can make a third row receive the output from r1 + r2 and it compiles and prints with no issue.

In your version, note that if Row's constructor does not take ownership of the pointer and delete it at some point, that out_elements is leaked. Not sure if you are doing that or not.

I think I have handled this problem:

Row::Row(double *elements, int length){
double *new_elements = new double[length];
this->length = length;
for(int x = 0; x < length; x++){ new_elements[x] = elements[x]; }
this->elements = new_elements;
delete[] elements;

Memory leaks are not something I am accustomed to. So I must ask, If I were to write something like:

bool output = (r3 + r2) == r1;

I am imagining that the object created by r3 + r2 is never deleted and thus causes a memory leak. Am I correct in this assumption?

June 7th, 2010, 10:58 PM
I am imagining that the object created by r3 + r2 is never deleted and thus causes a memory leak. Am I correct in this assumption?

Examine this version of the code; note that I avoid allocating frivolously my initial arrays of doubles in the main() function. If I had though, I would not have given ownership to the Row class; I would have deleted them myself after constructing the Row object.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

class Row
// constructor
Row(const double* elements, const size_t length);

// copy constructor
Row(const Row& other);

// destructor

// operator+
Row operator+(const Row& rhs_row) const;

// for outputing Row object to ostream
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Row& row);

double* myElements;
size_t myLength;

// constructor
Row::Row(const double* elements, const size_t length)
: myElements(new double[length]),
std::copy(elements, elements + myLength, myElements);

// copy constructor
Row::Row(const Row& other)
: myElements(new double[other.myLength]),
std::copy(other.myElements, other.myElements + myLength, myElements);

// destructor
delete [] myElements;
myLength = 0;

// operator+
Row Row::operator+(const Row& rhs_row) const
Row new_row(*this);

for (size_t i = 0; i < new_row.myLength; ++i)
new_row.myElements[i] += rhs_row.myElements[i];

return new_row;

// outputs a Row object to the given ostream
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Row& row)
for (size_t i = 0; i < row.myLength; ++i)
os << row.myElements[i] << " ";

return os;

// main
int main()
double values1[] = { 1.2, 2.4, 3.1 };
double values2[] = { 3.8, 2.6, 1.9 };

Row row1(values1, sizeof(values1)/sizeof(double));
Row row2(values2, sizeof(values2)/sizeof(double));

Row row3 = row1 + row2;

std::cout << row3 << std::endl;
std::cout << (row1 + row2) << std::endl;

return 0;

// here the Row destructor takes care of freeing allocated memory

June 7th, 2010, 11:10 PM
Saying that you now have an error in:

std::cout << r1 + r2 << std::endl;

Is hardly as helpful as writing the actual error that the compiler is giving. I can only assume that the signature of your overloaded ' operator<<' is something like:

std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, Row& );

and that the error is that you cannot bind a temporary to a non-const reference. If that is the case, then change the signature so that it takes the Row argument by const reference:

std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream&, Row const& );

The dump operator should not modify the object being dumped so it makes sense to pass a constant reference, and that at the same time will allow you to call that operator on temporaries.

June 8th, 2010, 08:36 AM
Just making the point, which is quite possibly irrelevant for your problem, that you shouldn't really be using that approach to overload the + operator (or any element by element operator) if you are using the code in any computationally demanding situations. You can avoid the construction of the temporary array using a template based approach (expression templates) yet still maintain the same level of abstraction. The only downside is a moderate increase in complexity in the array class.