View Full Version : arreter le bluetooth
June 3rd, 2010, 04:54 PM
avec Ubuntu 10.04 le bluetooth est activé à chaque démarrage. alors je suis obligé de l'eteindre manuellement, chose qui est tres genant.
Alors je veux savoir quel commande permet d'eteindre le bluetooth pour le lancer au démarrage? ou peut etre qu'il y a une autre methode plus simple??
merci d'avance
June 4th, 2010, 02:52 AM
hi there,
I believe you can do that using a simple GUI tool you can find at ("System > Administration > services" menu in older systems, but it has been moved in new Ubuntu systems to) "System > Administration > Start up applications" menu (Applications au demarrage). Then simply disable the Bluetooth service.
it is that simple ;)
June 5th, 2010, 03:58 PM
thanks for the reply. but this tip will stop the bluetooth-applet only.
the bluetooth(hardware) is always on !!!
any other tip ???
June 6th, 2010, 03:58 AM
please before going trough this try to verify if the bluetooth service is still running, you can use the command line :
service | grep tooth
if it is still running try to install a package called bum, you can try installing it using the Software manager (Logitech), synaptics or what ever or this command line : sudo apt-get install bum
then look for a graphical tool called Boot Up Manager in the menus or try typing it's name in terminal bum or something like that. disable bluetooth, reboot and verify again.
If this doesn't work, I belief you'll have to go to a lower level, command line. I used Fedora for a long time before Ubuntu where the command line to turn off services was : chkconfig bluetooth off
but this wont work for Ubuntu, I searched the Internet for the alternative command and it was (use this on your own risk, I didn't verify any of these commands) :
sudo update-rc.d bluetooth purge
or using sysv-rc-conf (sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf)
sudo sysv-rc-conf bluetooth off
or using sysvconfig (sudo apt-get install sysvconfig)
sudo sysvconfig bluetooth off
Please write feedback of the solution that worked for you :)
ps : I am sorry that I can't try and see which is the best and right tip of these since I installed a server I am working on these days in place of my ubuntu and I cannot restore it for now nor have time to try it anywhere else. Use the commands on your own risk, based on this document ( it says it's the alternative to the command I used on Fedora, if so that is supposed to work a 100%.
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